What is your weather like right now?

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Here in southeastern Arizona, even the 90s feel alright as long as it's still dry, and I remember walking across the WallyWorld parking lot when it was 107 (but still dry), and it didn't feel that bad. Now we're in monsoon season, so there's a touch of humidity, but nowhere NEAR what Finished is dealing with in Phoenix. Hey, RandomFella, we recently scored some heavy rain, and I'm hoping to see more this afternoon or evening! When ya live in the high desert & mountains of Arizona, rain is ALWAYS a good thing! Except for those ********* who get caught in flash floods and ****... but that's due to sheer ignorance. I've been in the field all my life, so I don't camp in flood zones... same way I wouldn't throw down a fartsack on the streets of Manhattan, lol.   :club:
Sunny this morning, but also soggy & muddy... there's a huge fog bank over the San Pedro Valley, I reckon that soggy ground is steaming away under the sun. Cripes, this crop of weeds sprang up overnight, gonna have to weed whack as soon as the yard dries out enough... I don't like to leave too much concealment for Tiger, he kills enough birds as it is. Hey, Finished, are ya treading water down there in Phoenix? I heard Maricopa County had some flooding...   :(
Storage / tool room briefly had 4 inches of water in it, which has never happened before. It was stacked full of boxes that were lifted off the ground 1.5 inches so they wouldn't get wet. Oops! Lots of damage, mold, and stink now. Several power tools are damaged / destroyed. I do not want to completely remove everything and unpack the boxes. Maybe I'll just dump gas in the storage room and light it on fire.
Haha, insure the place first, as well as the contents... toss in some valuable 'artwork' which subsequently gets "destroyed in the fire." Hey, FRAUD was endorsed by the gubmint last year, should still be fashionable, lol. The cats & I are lucky to be high on a hill, so no worries about flooding...   :cool:

Gotta weed-whack this morning, I'm just waiting for the grass & weeds to fully dry... but I gotta do it, because that varmint Tiger is using the concealment to ambush birds. Blasted varmint is a stone cold killer, so I gotta give the wild birds every break, even if it means weed-whacking, which I loathe with a ******* passion.   :(

To me, Hell is not the Fiery Pit... it's where Satan sadistically grins, hands you a weed-whacker & tells ya to go whack tall weeds for the duration of your stay. In shorts & flip-flops, of course, and the ground has to have a shitload of small pebbles and larger rocks to pepper your shins as you whack the ****** weeds. Shrapnel & boulders the size of Rhode Island bouncing off yer eye protection... and yer face. Ah, how I LOVE weed-whacking!!!   :club:

Edit: Oh, yeah, the weed-whacking line has to be the kind that ties itself into a Gordian Knot at the least provocation... and ya gotta swap out spools of line at least once. If ya don't hafta stop and **** with the line spool on the weed-whacker at LEAST fifty times, you're not doing it right, lol. Yesiree, I sure LOVE weed-whacking!!! It should be a criminal punishment... in fact, it already IS with the inmate crews in Arizona, lol.   ;)
^ Ha! ha! I always weed wack in shorts. I have several grass islands amongst gravel. So I'm constantly launching gravel at my legs. I'm used to it now. Sometimes the gravel cuts my leg and my legs bleed. Whatever. I just ignore it. The pain and discomfort from weed whacking fails in comparison to my other aches and pains.

Yeah, I don't mess with insurance. It's a real racket. Even though there is so much fraud going on all over the place I don't want to be part of any of it. I like to stay as drama free as possible.

The sun is drying out the yard. I'm sure glad of that.
Just my warped sense of humor... and I get ya about the drama, I've been streamlining my life and eliminating or avoiding drama for years, life is easier that way.  :rolleyes:

Boy, it's warm out there now, I sure miss that little reprieve we had here in Cochise County, when 70-degree temps gave county residents a big-time summer break.  :cool:
Whooooowheeeeee!!! Thunder & lightning, plus a drought-bustin' monsoonal downpour... folks down in the San Pedro Valley are gonna wish they had Noah's Ark. I already have a lake in my yard, and a river running down the street out front... good thing I'm on a terrace on a hill. Finished, you catchin' any of this latest round o' rain? Boy, it's really comin' down, lol... meh, let it rain, my roof doesn't leak. The farmers & ranchers are gonna love this, as long as they don't get swept away in a flash flood, lol. Cheers!!!   :rolleyes:

Edit: Rain is tapering off now, but that was one helluva downpour, lol... already, the atmosphere is much cooler, and the low is supposed to be around 66 tonight, good sleeping weather with the windows open. All the windows have screens except one in my room, I use that one to let the cats access the aerial walkways and ledges which lead from my room to the roof. Kittehs can exit my window, cruise along the ledges and walkways, and access the roof without ever touching the ground, lol. Oh, man, that cool breeze following the storm is like a tall drink o' cold water... aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! The air is so fresh & clean too... damn, I love Arizona!!!   :)
^ Yeah, it rained here too. There's great drainage so usually about an hour after a storm the yard and all the roads are water free. There's only a problem when lots of rain comes down all at once.

I love the smell of the desert after a nice rain. I've taken many short trips just to go hang out in nice patches of desert when I know it's going to rain for several days. The inner city doesn't get the nice scent. But at least a lot of the crap is washed away.
Whoooooowheeeeee!!! Hot out there... well, only around 100, but the humidity is making it feel worse, lol. Got tall clouds all around on the horizon, and one can feel that goldurned humidity... I feel sorry for anyone working outdoors today in this area. I still remember when it was 110 and dry, didn't feel anywhere NEAR as bad as this humid slop... damn, I dunno how folks back east and down south put up with that humid crap, it's bad enough for a month or two out of the year. Oh, well, it'll pass... eventually, and then we'll have primo fall weather, lol.   :rolleyes:
Hail in August here in Cochise County, lol... damn, just one more reason why I love living in the high desert & mountains of Arizona!  :rolleyes: 

Within minutes, we went from hot & humid (roughly 100 degrees) to cold, wet & windy, with powerful gusts driving rain & hail everywhere!   :) 

Crazy monsoonal weather! I tried to take a picture of the pea-to-marble-sized hail, but the storm was raging and I never even got the camera lens uncovered... got soaked for my trouble too, but that actually felt pretty good, lol. Cheers!!!  :D

I DID take a few shots prior to the storm, less than an hour before it hit... caught these huge clouds rolling over the Dragoons. Hey, Finished, check out that first shot with the big ol' arrow in the sky pointing south: 'MEXICO THATAWAY!'  ;) 


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AMEN, BROTHER!!!  :cool:


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Looks like a vagina to me. But, so does everything else. Ha! Ha!

No rain here just hot and humid at night and even hotter during the day. But, there's no smoke from all the fires in California. So, that's a good things.
Yeah, I'll be glad when fall rolls around... haven't had ANY smoke here since the AZ wildfires got knocked down. Looks like I gotta weed-whack AGAIN this morning, as soon as the ground dries out a bit... that damned Tiger cat is using the concealment of the weeds to ambush birds, he just narrowly missed killing a dove after catching it, the bird ultimately got away but left feathers everywhere, which I had to clean up (cursing the cat the whole time, lol). So, looks like I get to break out the weed-whacker once more and cut the weed jungle down to size. My FAVORITE ****** outdoor task, weed-whacking... all these weeds are juicy from the rain, so they'll probably make a friggin' mess, better wear the Vibram-soled rubber boots and some old socks, at least I can rinse the boots with the hose after I'm done.   :(
Too damn sunny. Tomorrow begins the heat indexes of over 100 and humid as **** conditions. Not looking forward to it. Is it time for snow yet?
Whew, it was hot & humid out there, but I got the ugly weed-whacking chore done... that should give the wild birds a better survival rate with Tiger lurking in the yard. He's a stone cold killer, that damned Tiger... a real hunter, but I'm not gonna keep him cooped up indoors, to hell with that, my cats gotta run free and take their chances in the big wide world, same way I do.   ;)

I dunno what it is about weed-whacking, but I hate that task with a passion. I'd sooner tackle some nasty plumbing problem and wallow in the ****, lol... well, maybe not THAT drastic, but close. I dunno HOW some folks weed-whack for a living, it's a job ya couldn't pay me enough to do... but of course I gotta whack my own weeds, no way I pay some chump to do it. Doesn't mean I gotta like it, though...   :p 

This morning, I had high humidity combined with juicy rain-swollen weeds up to 2' high, made for a nice friggin' mess... I was drenched with sweat, pestered by ****** bugs (this IS bug season in Arizona), peppered by shrapnel (shins, face, etc.), just having a wonderful time!!! But with my usual Infantry tenacity, I powered through the miserable task and got 'er done. Nasty-ass weed-whacking, boy, I hate that ****!   :( 

I may have ruined a good surf shop T-shirt too, I should've removed it first... thing had juicy green grass & weed stains on it before I wised up and peeled it off. Maybe that Oxi-Clean crap will get rid of the stains, I'm running a load of laundry right now so maybe I'll luck out. If not, I can just wear it around the house, or use it as a work shirt in the yard. **** it, it'll be my weed-whacking shirt, lol... surf in the high desert!   :D 

Going back to weed-whacking as a profession, I gotta say, those hands who do that **** for a living are better men than I am. In a perfect world, I'd use ******* NAPALM to control my weeds, or at least a badass flame-thrower, lol. 'Puff The Magic Dragon' lights up my yard!!! Yeah, that would make the news, IF we actually had a news station here, lol... and thank goodness we don't, AYE? Friggin' propaganda stations...   :(  

As for weed-whacking, it's not the ONLY job I couldn't do for a living... you couldn't pay me enough to be a dentist, having to smell clients' funky-ass breath all day. **** that ****. I'll pass. I'd sooner make less and not have to deal with it... just an observation from Sidewinder this morning. Well, back to my laundry and this chilled vino, got some kickass chicken burrito mix with Hatch Chiles for lunch, WOOHOO!!!   :cool:

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