This is how I feel about it in mid-life, but its far from the fairytale book scenario
If someone is out of order, there is no point retaliating in angry revenge, because no one sees the cause - just your anger - then nothing is learned and you just create a chain reaction of bitterness - which creates more unhappiness.
'peace is not to be without conflict, but the ability to deal with it'
If you allow others poisonous words or actions to destroy you - they have won
People who will pull down your good intentions - just have no concept of them, so don't condemn the innocent.
Forget the actions of your enemies, because your grief will never change them or what has happened.
Love, respect and care for yourself in as much abundance you give to others.
Fairness, respect and kindness make this world a better place, without it we are just still cavemen.
Stress is just a problem 'without a solution' - there are always solutions
We all want to be loved and accepted, the very bad people have received far less of this than we have.
Logic is a far better friend than emotion
Every single person on this planet is equal - if it wasn't meant to be so, they wouldn't be here.
Acceptance is better than unhappiness
Never reach too high or you will fall off the top of the ladder
Beauty is the eye of the beholder, the rest is just vanity and we are our own worst critics.
Fear is a 'warning' device - it doesn't mean there is actually a fire - so never give up hope or faith for the things you wish for or deserve. Just accept the odds and never put them a zero - zero only exists if you say it does.
We are all on a roller coaster, we have to accept the scary bits as well as the thrills or we become disillusioned.
Being here gives us opportunity to full fill our wishes. We were given 'life' the rest is up to us to find, nothing came with a guarantee. So go hunting for what you want out of it.
Life is what you make it, that is the only thing that is certain.
Do the opposite of all above and you run the risk of being unhappy of yourself and others.
At the end of it all - The only thing you leave with is what you created. The ferrari stays on the drive.