reading the posts from gabriel20... it made my day to finally see, that chivalry isn't completely dead! I am one of those people who would prefer 4 a guy 2 show more interest in their conversations they in her looks and body shape... I like the idea of being "courted" (god im such a nerd, using something from the 15-18 century... hell it probably was even further back) and 4 a guy to "woo" me and show me how much I matter to him... I want a guy to give me his whole heart and soul, instead of trying to win me over w/ his body... I want him to say words that not only will me make my heart beat rapidly but make my mind replay it over and over again... I want a guy who can show me, in littlest of gestures (like pulling a chair out for me, getting my coat or giving me his, lighting the candles to make the mood more beautiful and romantic and soothing, getting the door both in and out of a building and when he's driving, writes me long love letters(rare to find that!) and sprinkles rose petals on the floor/bed/or entrance of my home to start off my relaxing time from work. I want a guy to want to do the dishes and cook, whether it be breakfast or dinner/dessert. I would love it to if he gave me a single red rose when he asks me out 4 the first time... and may I add carriage rides and walks in the park in the starlit sky is another way to get my attention. I want that love that lasts a life time and will continue forevermore... the love that poets write about, that angel in heaven weep about and that sings to the world... I want that soulmate/meant to be... I've always been a helpless romantic, now hopefully u can see y...