What made you smile today?

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Aisha said:
TheWalkingDead said:
:D I have crawled on my hands and knees before now to make myself appear less scary to it, and push its food closer with my nose so I am perceived as a cat or at least cat-like.
It's a race against time for Tiddles the cat, as when I put the food down the snails move in very quickly (for snails!) - I was amazed to discover that snails eat cat food! I've even found slugs stealing the bait from my mousetraps! :club:

You actually do that? And you've named him? Much daww. :) I haven't done that, but I have done some silly things to try and make friends with stray animals occasionally. I love reading about this sort of thing. I hope you manage to make friends with him eventually, you're being incredibly patient.
Those are some very smart slugs O.O Perhaps if you elevate the food it might become less snail food, and more cat food? I'm not sure how to deal with aggressive snails.. I don't suppose they'd respond to shoo-ing? :p

Ha, yes, I do these things for my unexpected pet! The little beast can be nowhere and if I shout the new name out comes this flash of black from somewhere and the green eyes fix on me, waiting for goodies! Usually the cat beats the slugs, unless it rains, and then Tiddles withdraws to the shelter of the garden shed and the gastropod molluscs move in! So I don't feed if it's very rainy, or put the dish under a chair so the cat has some shelter to eat lol!
TheWalkingDead said:
Ha, yes, I do these things for my unexpected pet! The little beast can be nowhere and if I shout the new name out comes this flash of black from somewhere and the green eyes fix on me, waiting for goodies! Usually the cat beats the slugs, unless it rains, and then Tiddles withdraws to the shelter of the garden shed and the gastropod molluscs move in! So I don't feed if it's very rainy, or put the dish under a chair so the cat has some shelter to eat lol!

He recognizes his name! You're definitely making head way. :) I'm glad there is at least one happy stray in the world, even if Tiddles does have to put up with the occasional snail invasion on his food.

My little lovebird rushing to eat from his people-sized plate on the table with the rest of the family.
Just now he started coming forward when I went out, then realised he is supposed to be scared of people and shied back again, so I nudged his dish out - he checks out if I'm watching him through the window once I go inside lol.

I think I need to make the cat a special thread so I can post pics too lol!
TheWalkingDead said:
I think I need to make the cat a special thread so I can post pics too lol!

Please do! We need more adorableness around here to cheer everyone up.
Aisha said:
TheWalkingDead said:
I think I need to make the cat a special thread so I can post pics too lol!

Please do! We need more adorableness around here to cheer everyone up.

You ought to, TWD... or else
I got my first custom rejection from a team of editors--with praise. Still a rejection, but feels nice.
Tealeaf said:
I got my first custom rejection from a team of editors--with praise. Still a rejection, but feels nice.

Sounds great :)

A caravan of clouds that looked like a trail of trucks crossing the sky, so close I could touch it
A rare smile from me, today: my noon meal is usually half a Dagwood sandwich and a large can of Monster, just because **** it :) . My landlord's cat, Annie, joined me at the table and mrowred for some of the sandwich meat, and instead of telling her to piss off like the depressive misanthropic curmudgeon I usually am, I just shrugged and shared the meat evenly with her. She looked wide-eyed at the feast in front of her, and then dug in like a deprived meth addict. Once we were done...she didn't just wander away as if I was her butler and her order was filled. She purred, rubbed up against me, and generally tried to be as nice and loving as she could be. Most of the time, the cats in this place are annoying, insistent upon attention, and dumb as a bag of hammers...but this afternoon, one of them was nice to me. Made me smile. That's rare.
I got a PM on the New Vegas Nexus modding page from a guy who wanted advice based on the only mod I created three years ago...most of the time I don't even remember I ever uploaded something there. I tried to answer his question, but I have no freaking idea what I fixed back in the days to come up with a solution for a simple problem others couldn't solve before me. Ah well, it's nice to see people still enjoy what I created long ago.
Went to the farmer's market and picked up a ton of delicious food, including flavored honey sticks. When I dug them out at home I noticed the guy put a honey cough drop (I think?) in there, too. Guess I look as tired as I feel.
I got my final grade for the summer trig class I was taking and it sort of made me smile. 89.3%! I was so close. I guess I'm proud of myself because math is not my strongest subject and I worked my ass off this summer. This also gaurantees me a spot in this professor next class for pre-calc. He is my favorite math professor. So, yay! :D
Niave said:
I got my final grade for the summer trig class I was taking and it sort of made me smile. 89.3%! I was so close. I guess I'm proud of myself because math is not my strongest subject and I worked my ass off this summer. This also gaurantees me a spot in this professor next class for pre-calc. He is my favorite math professor. So, yay! :D

Hey, that's awesome. Congrats, Niave!

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