Fairly certain that for a relationship to work at all, BOTH parties have to win the other's heart......No relationship=no romance.
The way it should be? Yes. But due to the other things mentioned, it seems the mainstream mentality in society is that women are often treated like a sex-prize in return for meeting her expectations.
Way too much of relationships revolve around sex, and that's why people put so much emphasis on looks(ie: "love at first sight" cuz ya obviously know their entire personality from their looks..).
Then people wonder why the majority of relationships don't work out..
Even long term relationships like my grandparents. They barely talk to one another, and when they do, it's just dry banter about current news..
Real romance between a couple should be full of mutually beneficial intellectual simulation. As well as a bit if goofy mischief to spice things up.
Though keeping in mind, this conversation is more about the act of romancing, rather than the state of 'romance' itself.
Side note: I'm honestly sick to death of the push from society, towards looks, sex, drugs(in a more low-key sense due to the illegality of illicit substances), and alcohol consumption..
Again, please this is coming from me and I am no expert but romancing to me has nothing to do with dollars and cents or what you look like. It comes from your heart. A smile from the woman that you are interested in when you walk in a room is something you cannot put a price on. That's a form of romancing. It's a way of showing your interest in the other person.
I get a smile from a girl every time I buy something at the store.. pretty sure they ain't interested in me though, since that's their job..
Side note: I wish there was a way to tell in those cases.. cuz I have gotten a hint of a feeling that there may have been more, from a person or two in CSR jobs over the years, but it's too awkward since they coulda just been especially good at their jobs..
Seriously though, I think that's a terrible way to perceive that. And (come to think of it), that's probably why women have been getting stupid about guys asking them to smile..
Just cuz a woman smiles, doesn't mean she's into you. It could be that she's just being nice (as opposed to giving you the classic 'resting bitch face').
And obviously romance doesn't require money, but it's still more than a bit one sided when you've got to do so much to make her happy, but all she has to do is smile..
And another thing I've been noticing as a general trend in the stuff that I've been watching on tv and movies, but also in my own life, and what I've seen from others..
Women are far more picky and seem worse with commitment. 500 days of summer, being a primary, glarring example for any who have seen that.
Also guys are typically the ones expected to propose marriage.