What Would You Do If?

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What would you do if your electricity was out for two weeks?
We have a power generator so we'd be ok.

What would you do if you were being stalked by someone really gorgeous but crazy enough to be a little bothered by?
Tell the police, and be frightened, doesn't matter how they look, I know if they where good looking and talking to me then they are crazy :)

What would you do if you received a letter in the post from a sibling you did not know you had.
Ask my family why they didn't tell me of yet another "surprise!" sibling I hadn't heard of before.

What would you do, if all you had to eat was liver, and to drink was coffee?
Try to muster all the creativity I could to somehow make that appetizing.

What would you do if your neighbor put up a spotlight shining at your house?
Have it so said spotlight somehow "accidentally" fell onto their house.

Just kidding, I could never do that. However, it would end up smashed. During the night. By "people's unknown" (myself). The police here are doped up and could care less about people in general. So, I'd rely on myself.

What would you do, if the town/city you were in was walled off from the rest of the world?
Hmm assume I was going to have to choose a faction real soon like and debate if I had the guts to be a leader or just follow the rest ....

What would you do if your town became a nudest colony?
It's not exactly a warm climate up here, but there are a lot of pleasant looking women, so I'm not sure if I'd be shrunken or permanently standing to attention.

What would you do if you realised you couldn't be injured, but it still hurt?
^lol. Take more pleasure risks, i.e. Motorbike.

What would you do if you woke up and realised overnight you mind had become eidetic.
I'd look it up first :D and then learn ALL the things! I'd also make a lot more effort to have good things to remember

What would you do if you couldn't think of a new question but you really wanted to respond to the last one?
Respond to the last one anyways and make up one really random.

What would you do if you saw flying toilets? (see, like that.)
Duck and then get my eyesight checked :).

What would you do if, someone turned up at your door with a child and said that the child was yours and you had to know care for them.
I'd be very confused as I don't recall having a baby before.... LOL. Then I'd get a test done. All else fails I would probably just take the kid in as my own anyways :p

What would you do if you stumbled across ancient bones of a giant, but knew they would be covered up to avoid speculations?
Keep tell as many people about it a possible.

What woulod you do if, you had the power to make people believe anything you say :).
Answer: rule the world! Or maybe just tell people to stop watching TV.

Q: what would you do if you could break the laws of physics?
Travel at the speed of light to explore the universe.

What would you do if you encountered an alien...
Tell him to get the Hell off our planet before someone dissects him? (In all honesty lol)

What would you do if you woke up, finding yourself on another (unexplored and unfound) planet, similar to ours just untouched by mankind's creations?
Ruin it as is our nature

What would you do if you found out that a seemingly inconsequential action of yours resulted in someone's death.
Be very upset, and seek counselling.

What would you do if thought you were being followed.

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