I am having so many thoughts on this, Serenia. I thought a degree would be nice, or just send my rubbish CV out for loads of amazing jobs. Then again I could cure all the types of cancer. Or teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. Predict the next big cryptocurrency and invest in it.
Transcending the material platform/reach nirvana/enlightenment/sanctification type thoughts made me realise that I am not done with chasing waterfalls yet, or I wouldn't be if I had a wish granting genie in my pocket, hmmm.
Maybe stick with applying for Dutch nationality and passport
Doctorate level degree prepping for archaeology then dedicate the rest of my life on one site.....like some Aegean island.....with a crew whom I really like and coming to know and become part of the local population.
This makes the most sense. With these questions I always lean toward sanctification/enlightenment because I assume one cannot suffer in that state but duh, just wishing to be happy from now on is so much simpler and more certain?! I just watched the new season of Black Mirror though so I am having thoughts of how being happy could go wrong like, would you be happy in totally inappropriate circumstances? But that would happen with enlightenment too I guess; terrible things would be happening and I wouldn't care because I'd be thinking/knowing that it was all an illusion. This wish thing is complicated. Still, I think yours is the smartest.