What's wrong with you?

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There are a lot of things wrong with me, but I won't get into the majority of them.

MissGuided said:
I do not trust anyone because I know they will eventually lie to me or break important promises.

This, and when I do find myself trusting someone, I almost resent myself for it because I usually trust the wrong people so I just assume that everyone will eventually break that trust

Trent said:
MissGuided said:
I do not trust anyone because I know they will eventually lie to me or break important promises.

don't accept promises

Not always that simple. Sometimes you fool yourself into believing that they'll actually keep their promises.
What's wrong with me.. that's a pretty deep question!
Off the top of my head, it's that I may take life a bit too seriously and struggle with cynicism in the bad days.
I almost never express myself emotionally beyond basic ideas because I can't get over feeling like it makes me weak, obnoxious, stupid, repulsive, etc.
Callie said:
Sometimes you fool yourself into believing that they'll actually keep their promises.

Yep - too many in this world are way too good at coming off as believable.....either that, or I truly belong in a cottage in the woods with 7 really short dudes.... :S
I feel like sometimes I have a hard time communicating what I want to say outloud but I've always been a bit shy irl. So..communication skills, that I have been working on.

I obsess over small things sometimes, or worry about them till they are taken care of.
Or I sometimes think people have a hidden motive. Sometimes it happens though.
Thank you for all of your lovely POSITIVE responses, lol!

emptyspace said:
I'm incredibly cynical.

I basically hate the human race, well most of it anyways.

I'm done being all mature and acting like an adult, i grew up way too quickly, i DEMAND that i be childish and reckless for at least the next 10 years.

I'm extremely stubborn, if my mind's made up, it's made up. Don't even try.

To block out all the hurt i felt over the years i had to lock my emotions in and throw away the key. And now i feel pretty much nothing. Perhaps it's a good thing...

Oh god i could go on and on...

I can be like this sometimes. Especially the ones that should be bold.

Unwanted94 said:
blackdot said:
I'm an alien.

I'm also an alien.

Lol! One is Roger and one is ET? :D
Among other things, I think of myself as a rational and critical thinker, but I often fall into comfort-thinking a lot, and I tend to blame others for my isolation when it is only me who is at fault.
I WAY over analyze things.
I think the human race is a complete screw up of our potential. WE are like a plague imo.
I am very reserved in a relationship because I hold back just in case they leave I don't want to be attached.

I will never tell any one that I need them in my life, because I won't let them get to that point and having me even say that I want a person in my life is truly rare. (i'm talking family, relationships, and friends btw)

Lastly... I wish I was an alien, that would be awesome-ness in a box.
I'm very sensitive.
I have a hard time letting go of things.
I get sad out of nowhere, mood swings suck!
Anxiety and shy.
Hard time walking up to people.
Always think people will abondon me. :(
I am ashamed of my body, even though I am in decent shape. Stems from being bullied about it when I was younger.

I feel like everyone else has more friends than me. I'm not good with people.
I'm not as smart as I'd like to think I am.
I think my mother is the only person in the world that gives a damm about me. And she's got cancer.

I make a big effort with some people who don't make the same effort back. I don't make enough of an effort for the few people who actually make an effort for me.

I'm insecure, jealous, paranoid and lonely.

I lose my temper easily. I get sad easily. No-one ever tries to help me out of either mood.

I work in a place where I have no friends.

Anything nice I have I've worked hard to pay for myself. I hold on to the stupidest, smallest gifts becuase they make me feel wanted.

And then I hear about people who get amazing presents, parties etc, much more than they could ever need.

There's a song by NIN called "Why do you get all the love in the world?" that makes me think of all the people I know who get so much more love than I will ever get.
Gutted said:
Callie said:
Gutted said:
Lol! One is Roger and one is ET? :D


Nah I'm totally Alienist like that lol.

Who is ALF by the way? x]

Before your time....tv show from 86-90

Carljones90 said:
I'm impatient

^This times a thousand for me, lol.

Awkwyrd said:
I have a tendency to hold grudges for far too long.

Me too. Seems to usually be in romantic relationships moreso than friendships for me.

ladyforsaken said:
What's wrong with me is that I'm too nice sometimes so I get taken advantage of. It's not that I'm too trusting, it's just that I don't usually think people have bad intentions or negative motives.

I feel ya, sister....I have that same, 'Snow White' thing going on. It's very annoying and always ends up making me facepalm later.

perfanoff said:
Now that would just be seven times the fun :p

LMAO - that is actually a good point, Perf. At least that way, I have seven chances to find a decent one in the bunch!

Okiedokes said:
I obsess over small things sometimes, or worry about them till they are taken care of.

^Soooooo me TOO! I cannot rest unless the most minute detail has at least been examined and/or a back up plan is roughly formed.

strife said:
I am very reserved in a relationship because I hold back just in case they leave I don't want to be attached.

^Yes, same here - well, at least at FIRST. Then, inevitably I get lulled into a false sense of security and get sucker punched.

WallflowerGirl83 said:
I have a hard time letting go of things.

I have the same trouble. And, then sit and stew about it over and over in my head until I can find some way to make it hush.
I find it difficult to walk at times as my enormous penis drags cross the ground and has scrapes on it by the end of the day. There's this sort of slouch effect that happens due to the distribution of weight which causes back problems, and then I pass out from blood loss when I get a boner, as well as a concussion from the resulting launch of my body into a metal sea container simulating a sort of "pole vault" incident gone wrong.

I am also too humble an individual.
Limlim said:
I find it difficult to walk at times as my enormous penis drags cross the ground and has scrapes on it by the end of the day. There's this sort of slouch effect that happens due to the distribution of weight which causes back problems, and then I pass out from blood loss when I get a boner, as well as a concussion from the resulting launch of my body into a metal sea container simulating a sort of "pole vault" incident gone wrong.

I am also too humble an individual.

ROFLMFAO - You know, Lim, I think the Olympic committee is considering adding that as a sport for 2016. I bet you could get some sick endorsements and even be on the Wheaties box.
MissGuided said:
ladyforsaken said:
What's wrong with me is that I'm too nice sometimes so I get taken advantage of. It's not that I'm too trusting, it's just that I don't usually think people have bad intentions or negative motives.

I feel ya, sister....I have that same, 'Snow White' thing going on. It's very annoying and always ends up making me facepalm later.

Yeah, annoying indeed! Interesting way you put it as the "Snow White" thing going on.

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