What's your favorite ... ?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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probably my tree ornaments,I collect more and more every year,far more than I should

What is your favourite music album?
It would have to be - Blue Rodeo - Greatest Hits.

What is your favourite comfort food?
What is a day off lol? It would be having a seeing friends.

What is your favourite pet?
Don't really have a favourite one.

What's your favourite time of the day?
Very early morning....before anyone else is awake. The fog rolls in on the fields, the cranes are calling to each other, the robins are YELLING ( I mean singing), and it is when there is the most peace but also the most excitement. AND I don't have to do anything for anyone except ME before 6 am :)

What is your favourite activity?
It's either hiking in the mountains or picking things up and putting them down again... probably the latter.

What's your favourite piece of video game music?
ACK!!!!! Okay two...deviating from the rules. Jane Eyer - Bronte, and Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry

What's your favourite flavour of Potato Chip?

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