Ford,.trusty easy to repair not too flashy. Some great sporty models too. I could go to the extreme end of the scale and say Aston but I tested one out a long time ago. Not for me as beautiful as they are, part of me wanted to love it more than I did, bit still ford, always a ford.
Films, more recently I think Harlan coben? I think that's the series maker has great storylines.great casting. I try to enjoy most films, it's all I have to do.
Brands in general, yes I like the high enders, it doesn't mean I want them, I appreciate them. Think about the design, even the flaws. How did they come up with that idea and make it succeed. I am a strong believer in thought process. How am idea is evolved. Not just the final product! What thought went into it. I am more process driven than the finality. That's how I decide a good film, if I can watch it on repeat it's usually a good one for me. But, just because I didn't enjoy game of thrones or family guy, or Marley and me it doesn't mean they are crap, it just means they weren't for me. Other people love those films/series. It says more about me than the people that enjoy them. The best part about family guy is the fact the cartoon of the main person makes me laugh, I still can't watch it though.
Good question, I look forward to more from you.
Hope the sun shines for you today, it's raining here