Sailor Moon said:I almost dated a lawyer but he said I didn't give him enough attention that he desires...but he wanted a pic every five seconds and he said I'm really touchy and feely type and if you cant meet my needs then I dont want you especially if I'm not getting laid after buying you a meal...I felt degraded and horrible...we like the same games...shows...everything
Like the shoes fits almost everywhere...and he wants to settle down but his ADD I think he told me..he told me I had to entertain him all the time in the relationship and send pics smiling or doing whatever every five secs..i felt like I was on a tabloid
He sounds like a dick, and trust me, you are better off without him. He'd probably blame you for his failures to achieve an erection down the road.
If he wants a woman who'll give it up every time he whips out his wallet, he ought to stick to prostitutes.
Like other posters before me, I think that the notion of the 3rd date rule is ridiculous. You have sex with someone when you both feel comfortable end of story. Relationships which are wholly sex-driven never last, because sex drives will change throughout a person's life. There has to be a stronger attraction and commitment than simply sex.