When was the last time..

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Hmm, I cannot recall

When was the last time you felt deprived of sleep
Oh, a long long time ago. About 23 years.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought 'Not so bad'?
last week (proper question would be, when was the last time I felt well)

When was the last time you felt enthusiastic?
I spend a the majority of the day outside. I just came in 30 mins ago.

When was the last time you gave up?
About a week ago! I <3 sleep & naps, must love them!

When was the last time you been to a doctor of any sort
Woah. I really don't know. There was christmas, or was that the year before? It's been a long time anyway. Well that's depressing but thanks for asking johnny196775. (I'm only joking johnny).

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face or had to bite your tongue so you didn't tell someone what you really thought about them?
Does my kid count? Last night. (He needs to stop getting in my bed through)

When was last time you washed a car?
Don`t remember. Last month I think.

When was the last time you argued with someone?
Probably.. Friday?

When was the last time you just said heck with it and stuffed yourself with candy/sweets?

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