When was the last time..

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Oh honey, that’s my signature move.

When was the last time you laughed at a really bad joke because someone you adored told it?
About an hour ago, bless him

When was the last time you pretended you couldn't hear someone talking to avoid conversation?
Couple of years ago. 911 chicken wings of La Cage Au Sport. You can't feel your mouth after 10 and after 24, it's like you kissed a phoenix ;-)

When was the last time you changed a diaper?
Never! Thank god, best part about not having a kid!

When was the last time you smoked a bag of weed?..
Several years ago. Not a bad, three blunts, supposed to be good stock according to one of my friends back then.
Smoked all three in a row. Did ZILCH, and I mean not even a craving. Figured it wasn't for me.

When was the last time you went hiking?
Never. A dude attempted it once, I don't think he enjoyed it very much.

When was the last time you feared for your life?
Richard_39 said:
Never. A dude attempted it once, I don't think he enjoyed it very much.

When was the last time you feared for your life?

Lol that's funny :)

Pillion on a motorbike doing a wheelie

When was the last time you made homemade apple pie
WAY too long. Though my speciality was strawberry ;-)

When was the last tiem you took a road trip?
About 25 years ago. Never had one since I started taking zinc supplements which are supposed to boost your immune system :)

When was the last time you saw a rat?
^^^ hmmmmmm - off to the pharmacy I go!! :D

Last year - but my rats are different than city rats. They are called a pack rat. They live in the brush piles and try to come and nest in areas of the porch and barn....and steal shiny things lol Very stinky vermin.

When was the last time you saw a mouse?