9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK May 18, 2013 #2,941 Hmm, Not sure what that means. When was the last time you lied about something?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,942 Can't recall. When was the last time you told someone a deep dark secret?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK May 18, 2013 #2,943 Can't recall. When was the last time you rescued an animal?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,944 Can't recall. Last year I think. When was the last time you phoned a friend?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK May 18, 2013 #2,945 Hmm, I can't recall. When was the last time you waited for something that never come??
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,946 Can't recall. When was the last time you stood someone up on purpose?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK May 18, 2013 #2,947 Never. When was the last time you had time on your own all day?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,948 Can't recall. When was the last time you felt really bad for someone?
P perfanoff Guest May 18, 2013 #2,949 Like last week. When was the last time you second guessed yourself?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,950 Yesterday, I think. When was the last time someone did a nice gesture for you?
P perfanoff Guest May 18, 2013 #2,951 Every day. When was the last time you made such a nice gesture for someone?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,952 Every day too, I try. When was the last time you argued with someone?
P perfanoff Guest May 18, 2013 #2,953 Probably today, on this forum. When was the last time you didn't take action on something which you thought you should?
Probably today, on this forum. When was the last time you didn't take action on something which you thought you should?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,954 Today. When was the last time you travelled out of the country?
C Cavey Guest May 18, 2013 #2,955 A long time ago now. Years, but not sure when. When was the last time you went to a party?
P perfanoff Guest May 18, 2013 #2,956 Do I technically go to parties at my place? If not, about 5 months. When's the last time you were under the influence?
Do I technically go to parties at my place? If not, about 5 months. When's the last time you were under the influence?
C Cavey Guest May 18, 2013 #2,957 Oo, I can name this exactly, and no, I'm not a recovering alcoholic. February 2011. When was the last time you smoked a cigarette?
Oo, I can name this exactly, and no, I'm not a recovering alcoholic. February 2011. When was the last time you smoked a cigarette?
P perfanoff Guest May 18, 2013 #2,958 Must have been a night to remember. I'm envious! A couple of hours ago. So, be right back. When was the last time you had milk?
Must have been a night to remember. I'm envious! A couple of hours ago. So, be right back. When was the last time you had milk?
C Cavey Guest May 18, 2013 #2,959 On it's own, a few weeks ago when I had acid reflux. In tea, everyday. When was the last time you lied because it was easier than telling the truth?
On it's own, a few weeks ago when I had acid reflux. In tea, everyday. When was the last time you lied because it was easier than telling the truth?
ladyforsaken Well-known member Joined Jun 8, 2012 Messages 23,181 Reaction score 68 Location ALL May 18, 2013 #2,960 Can't recall. When was the last time you spoke to your boss in person?