I wonder if he has any real life friends on his facebook account. I think he's listed as *...which is a fictional internet-name he created. So, there's a good probability that all the people he has on his facebook account are only people from online. Unless people call him *offline, which I doubt.
So, if something bad happened to him no one from offline would be posting on his wall saying "i hope you get better." or "RIP" ...
You know?
Not to scare anyone... :/
So...basically the only way to know if he is ok, is to get someone to CALL him that has his phone number. Otherwize, we've all reached a dead end.
Ok, well I just googled his MSN ID to see if I could find anything. Nothing came up, just one time he posted his MSN ID on ALL.
And I've noticed the last day he responded to anything on facebook was the 30th, one day BEFORE he stopped coming to ALL. Several people have posted on his wall asking where he is, no response.
I also notice a consistent response rate on his facebook profile. If someone posted something BEFORE the 30th, he would respond to it. But not after the 30th.
There are no posts from people asking him to go hang out with them & people are referring to him as punisher on facebook...so yes, my assumption that the account was made for his internet identity is correct.
I've hit a dead end.