I share the same views as both of you ladies, thanks for taking time to answer me.
My perspective does reflect a society in which most want the posh lifestyle.
In my experience, this makes it super hard to meet someome.
I live on a small holding, not far from a city and various other towns.
I find it difficult to go hang in pubs and clubs as I'm in my higher 30's and its just not my scene anymore.
Outdoors, ocean, mountains, fields and anything that makes me feel like this is another magic moment we get to spend at the grace of our Holy Creator. What can beat that?
Now, knowing my preference, view and situation. Maybe you can help me with another question.
Where would I meet someone that shares the same views.
I used to play golf, and went to the club weekly. No luck there, we are a bunch of blokes. Anyway, I digress.
What would you suggest would be a great way for me to meet new woman that might share my values and views.
Looking forward to your response.