Almond said:
Cosmic Kid said:
Almond said:
Cosmic Kid said:
The post was uncalled for, immature, and rude. It was not in keeping with the spirit of this thread...nor was it appropriate to the context in which it was presented. To the extent to which anyone suffered offense at such an insentive post, I offer my humble, sincere apology. It was not my intent to offend.
I have deleted the post.
It will not happen again.
Sincerest apologies...
It's ok Cosmic Kid. Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think you meant it in a bad way at all.
Trust me, Almond...I wasn't being hard on me. Thanks though.
I would hate to see what you called being hard on yourself then.
you did not see the post. It was a
mainstream cartoon poking fun at stereotypical gender differences. It took all of 10 seconds, at 3 in the morning!, for someone to take offense. 24 hours and alot of this forum would have had something to say about my blashphemy, but, only imho. And, I'm not here for that. That type of humor was not what the op requested. In other apology was a cookie-cutter, politically motivated, apology to the one who took offence.

I made a decision that "descrection was the better part of valor". That type of humor was inappropriate, given what the op was asking for. (Please don't make me admit to not meaning the apology Almond. Because, I do not want to have to explain that I am, in fact, a sincere person, whose flawed in the fact that I
am capable of insinceretyl, in order to get what I want, which, in this case, was to stay out of trouble, and to not hurt anyone's feelings..)
good grief..after re-reading all of that?^^, it dosn't take a Sigmund Freud to figure out I've got way too much time on my hands. I want to set sail. Yeah, I don't like seeing what I call being hard on myself means either. I think I'll decide not to do that this time around. I'm cured!! It's a miracle!
No more misused perversions of my God-given instinctual drives! But, to get that well, I'd have to be God, or dead one. And, I know I'm not God... maybe I'll rethink just how well I can get. Almond...thanks, I needed that. I know you cant' tell I'm serious, but I'm about as serious as I get. uh-oh..bummed again. lol