Who else is loving GTA V?

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healthily as in they can be addictive and replace the real world for some people, i was just saying ive known some who play them from when they wake till they sleep 16 hours everyday and do little else and it did mess them up; thats all i meant by healthy gaming, i'm honestly not trying to be a moral authority on anything i just genuinely care about people here, not trying to tell anyone to do anything.
simhthmss said:
healthily as in they can be addictive and replace the real world for some people, i was just saying ive known some who play them from when they wake till they sleep 16 hours everyday and do little else and it did mess them up; thats all i meant by healthy gaming, i'm honestly not trying to be a moral authority on anything i just genuinely care about people here, not trying to tell anyone to do anything.

Yeah I knew what you meant, I was just joshing.
simhthmss said:
yeah, last one i played was san andreas but i think vice city will always have good memories

so gta 5 any good or just hysteria bout a new game as usual?

For me, it's just hysteria on a big brand game. The environment is great, but that's about where it stops. Some of the activities (hunting and such) are great too. But everything else is still the same old GTA ridiculousness.

9006 said:
simhthmss said:
yeah, last one i played was san andreas but i think vice city will always have good memories

so gta 5 any good or just hysteria bout a new game as usual?

I thought San Andreas was the worst one.

I just hope 5 doesn't have all the annoyances 4 had; cars turning into you, no cars at a vital moment when you need to escape, police cars/men every 5 meters (Like that happens, right?), friends and girlfriends calling you up each day, etc etc...

There are plenty of cars around (for me anyway) when you need to get away. Half the missions I've done aren't like that though. They provide you with a car already there, or you're already driving something.

simhthmss said:
can u buy food im on half energy but never seem never find restarants i can enter like other gta's o_O

Yes, you can buy food. Go into a convenience store and you're able to buy snacks. So far, I've seen three purchasable snacks from the 24/7 store. Your health also can regenerate, or you can stop by a house you own (not during missions) and pick up a health pack.
Health regeneration is so much better than messing around trying to find some stupid food place, every time I'm low on health on 4 of course the stupid hotdog stands that would be useful for this dissapear.

I hope the auto aim has improved dramatically too, it's just pathetic in 4. He aims for the guy furthest away then refuses to aim for anybody else, even if there's an idiot shooting you at point blank range. And if he does manage to kill someone, he loves to keep aiming at the dead body instead of going to others around. Additionally the manual aiming is so dodgy, I'm sure the frame rate drops to some ultra low when doing this.
thing is i like to explore and i swam sailed, hiked, water-biked, mountain biked and cable cared my way to the very edge on the full map and etc across into blane county and went to the nearest village and was on near nill health(a punch woulda killed me and i spent so much on the weapons i had i was careful to be busted etc) i know it'll regenerate to half energy but i had spent ALL my money on decent guns and well...the strippers look good in this :p

so i had to run around every food place i couldn't enter until i found a health pack outside the hospital BUT i really did prefer it when you could make money from honest work like law enforcement, fireman, taxi driver etc to get cash when you're skint, and entering a police car used to get you a free shotgun and ambulances free heath boosts and the police stations used to have armour on the roofs.

i do miss doing taxi, hospital and law enforcement missions and the malls (if they want realism fast food is everywhere as are malls) where you could get full energy from a hotdog, change your clothes and steal a prize sports car...i do miss these things and think it would be better with them, i wouldn't have thought functioning restaurants would be easy enough i mean its got a separate install disk on blu ray disks!

as even drinking 'sprunk' only works a couple times and doesn't fully heal you as you may want to be before a hard dangerous mission, you always want full energy before a mission and full armor and good guns but i'm skint and want to make some money off mission to buy could guns...does anyone have off mission money making tips? i may just cheat as they simply haven't provided ways to 'work' outside of the missions
9006 said:
Health regeneration is so much better than messing around trying to find some stupid food place, every time I'm low on health on 4 of course the stupid hotdog stands that would be useful for this dissapear.

I hope the auto aim has improved dramatically too, it's just pathetic in 4. He aims for the guy furthest away then refuses to aim for anybody else, even if there's an idiot shooting you at point blank range. And if he does manage to kill someone, he loves to keep aiming at the dead body instead of going to others around. Additionally the manual aiming is so dodgy, I'm sure the frame rate drops to some ultra low when doing this.

The auto aim is a better in this game, definitely. One things they did improve on in my opinion. The guns are way better as well than in IV.
Are most of the achievements online again? 'Cause that's stupid.
9006 said:
Are most of the achievements online again? 'Cause that's stupid.

GTA IV only had 10 online achievements out of the available 65...

A quick look at my xbox achievements shows that GTA V has 17 out of a total of 49.

I can't say I'm bothered either way. I'm not really in to achievements. They always seemed like a cynical marketing ploy that encourage glitching and cheating to me.
Cavey said:
GTA IV only had 10 online achievements out of the available 65...

A quick look at my xbox achievements shows that GTA V has 17 out of a total of 49.

I can't say I'm bothered either way. I'm not really in to achievements. They always seemed like a cynical marketing ploy that encourage glitching and cheating to me.

I think achievements you have to get online is a marketing ploy as this encourages you to buy LIVE. But I like the idea of the achievements as it gives you things to work towards, plus I'm one of those people who need to finish something you start and the idea of having missing achievements is frustrating. Probably OCD or something.
9006 said:
Are most of the achievements online again? 'Cause that's stupid.

I didn't care for any trophy/achievements, but it looks like a lot of them are online. The GTA V online is supposed to be a little different though. Not sure. Waiting, obviously, for that.
VanillaCreme said:
I didn't care for any trophy/achievements, but it looks like a lot of them are online. The GTA V online is supposed to be a little different though. Not sure. Waiting, obviously, for that.

Rant rant rant.

Looks like I'll have to get LIVE again like I did with TR to achieve them all! Damn it.
So far I've seen Trevor (meth dealing psychotic redneck), screw a bikers girlfriend, stomp his brains out, pick a piece of brain matter off his boot as a taunt to the other gang members. Franklin is a walking stereotype and his dialogue is nasty. Michael, the middle aged mobster paying off his wife's credit cards. I don't care about them, was I supposed to?

Along with that there's all these graphic references to porn throughout the game, it makes the previous outings look clean. Rockstar ruined a beautifully realised world with ugly content.
rdor said:
So far I've seen Trevor (meth dealing psychotic redneck), screw a bikers girlfriend, stomp his brains out, pick a piece of brain matter off his boot and as a taunt to the other gang members. Franklin is a walking stereotype and his dialogue is nasty. Michael, the middle aged mobster paying off his wife's credit cards. I don't care about them, was I supposed to?

Along with that there's all these graphic references to porn throughout the game, it makes the previous outings look clean. Rockstar ruined a beautifully realised world with ugly content.

Meth dealing psychotic redneck Canadian, eh... Must not forget that... Not a spoiler - you learn that in like the second mission you do as Trevor.

Also, the characters take after previous GTA characters. Michael is Vercetti. Franklin is CJ. Still a little confused as to who Trevor is though. There hasn't really been a character much like him before that you played as.
I love all the little references to previous games and running into characters from the other games. I love that they finally put a face to a certain character that's existed throughout the series.

One thing that is disappointing for me is the radio stations. There is no metal or even hard rock station. I loved that station The Journey in GTA IV and there is nothing like that this time. I find myself liking the in game music better. The music on missions and the ambient music as well. I sort of wish there was a radio station that just played that stuff.

It would be nice if we could make our own stations as well. Never understood why they don't allow for that in these games. I get that the radio stations are very heavily tied into the universe, but it gets too repetitive. Especially if you aren't particularly interested in what's there in the first place. The talk station is funny as usual, but already repetitive.
Well I'm caught up in finding the UFO's and jetpack, but you have to finish the story first so I guess I should s top hunting for mysterious messages and do some more missions!!

As a... mmm... more mature gamer the constant sex references and swearing do begin to get tiresome. But the world is so full of things to discover I have to forgive them. Everytime I play I find something new to marvel at. And the feeling sometimes driving or flying through this world is just so atmospheric.
i did still really enjoy/miss the cop missions, they get you decent money and you have to drive like a nutter to splat some guy, loved them
simhthmss said:
i did still really enjoy/miss the cop missions, they get you decent money and you have to drive like a nutter to splat some guy, loved them

Yeah, but I think Trevor has some bounty hunter missions, so I have already stolen an FIB SUV ready to tear around the countryside, sirens blazing, lights flashing!

Oh, and once I was driving along when I came up upon a shootout at a gas station, about 5 police cars and one set of crooks parked up in a muscle car. Helped the cops shoot the bad guys, grabbed thier case of money.

Cops were all like, "Thanks for the help, we'll overlook the irregularity" (or something - can't recall exactly)

However when I tried to get in the muscle car they were, "HEY! Thats evidence!" Then shot me :(
Edward W said:
simhthmss said:
i did still really enjoy/miss the cop missions, they get you decent money and you have to drive like a nutter to splat some guy, loved them

Yeah, but I think Trevor has some bounty hunter missions, so I have already stolen an FIB SUV ready to tear around the countryside, sirens blazing, lights flashing!

Oh, and once I was driving along when I came up upon a shootout at a gas station, about 5 police cars and one set of crooks parked up in a muscle car. Helped the cops shoot the bad guys, grabbed thier case of money.

Cops were all like, "Thanks for the help, we'll overlook the irregularity" (or something - can't recall exactly)

However when I tried to get in the muscle car they were, "HEY! Thats evidence!" Then shot me :(

I think I saw that, but I ignored it. Was on my way to get a bounty near the old barn.
The first time I decided to kill all those Pigeons in GTA4 just as a chilled out activity. What is it with this stupid game? I shoot one and I either get stupid random pricks pulling up and shooting at me with shotguns for no reason or police start chasing me and I spend 5 minutes and covering 50 miles getting them off my back. I can't use Carmen as I cba taking the bitch out every 5 minutes.

Rant over.

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