My father too. He only ever hit me once (...I was 8 yrs old and he came home from work in a bad mood...) but for 40+ years he gaslighted me continuously in multiple ways, direct and indirect, trying to induce me to think I was "stupid, immature,deficient, sneaky & secretive"...his words. Eventually I told myself that I didn't believe him. Eventually I retaliated...the methods evolved as I aged....but he never stopped enjoying his sadistic attempts to sabotage my own opinions of myself. Eight years before his death I calmly and politely suggested that I deserved a bit more respect. It didn't go well. The situation escalated with the result that he quickly scuttled away from me and locked himself in his bedroom.
Subsequently his gaslighting strategies went dormant for a few weeks but then resumed in a diluted, cautious way......but the balance of power had shifted. His vicious intentions were still there, he still wanted to discredit me in order to support his own fragile ego, but the potency, the authority of his will was diminished. I was defying him and getting away with it.....but nothing was really resolved.
And now? Twenty years after I saw his coffin go into the ground? His voice is still there in my head. Every day I engage in retaliatory dialogs with him. I also desecrate his grave in the same way that dogs mark their territory. It isn't over yet. The little bastard is still getting to me.