Who here is unemployed?

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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How do you feel about it?

I hate the fact that I'm unemployed, but at the moment I'm really not sure I could function too well in a job even if I had one.
I havent had a job in about 4-5 months, but I really need to find one soon. A break from work was nice, but now I'm kind of starting to get bored without one, and I'll be needing some spending money as I go off to a new University.
I've been unemployed since the recession ate my job last February. But I'm currently on the "Worker Retraining" program through unemployment while I go college. It's the one thing Obama's done that I like!
CAS said:
How do you feel about it?

I hate the fact that I'm unemployed, but at the moment I'm really not sure I could function too well in a job even if I had one.
I fully understand your feelings about not sure if you can function very well even if you got some job.
Uh..maybe not cuz of the same reason but I was really reluctant to take that step out to attend the internship in the current company just 2 days after I broke up with my ex..(mind you I had cried like 10.5days before the weird 2 days came before the relationship ended) And plus, I had an awful experience at another company. I was so sick of the co-workers there and I was waaaaay too nervous and the internship before was waaaaaay too great so I just couldnt handle the sharp contrast..yeah I was really weak at that moment..and I fled.lol)
But I went like, whatever I d just give it an attempt and see what the heck would happen there soooo...I ended up with the 3 months internship there. And tbh,Its really awesome or I was just being lucky after a whole while of ****** luck.
so,in regard of this job issue, the last thing you should do is to take the shed from the internal anxiety and uncertainty that keeps eating you. Take your step out and no matter how it turns out to be, at least you won't suffer from the goddamned regrets that you could have done better and blah blah you know the rest. :)
i don't know how long you have been unemployed for but i went through bouts of unemployment for years.. or maybe just holding down a part-time job.. lots of PT jobs actually..

i didn't mind it really. the downside was the lack of cash, and the stigma of being unemployed.. so i learnt how to live cheap and how to not give a **** about what the society at large thought of the unemployed.. so i got something out of that time that i would consider 'productive'

you live in the uk? so you have job network places? if you guys do then they will make sure you get 'some kind of job' don't worry about that.. they will ride your ass until you are employed..

as for 'being able to handle it'.. don't worry about it.. its just a job, you do your best to do the work that is expected of you and if you mess up, then you mess up.. no problem, we all make mistakes and it's unlikely that you will ever be fired unless you really are a BAD employee (turning up late, slacking off etc..), if it's a matter of dealing with people that is scary to you.. you don't HAVE to socialize at work if you don't want to.. you can be quiet and moody if you want :)

don't stress out too much.. just one tiny step at a time and if you lose a job for whatever reason the system will poke you with a stick into another :)
Yay! I'm unemployed, but I have at least half of an excuse (student). I do all sorts of oddjobs and little things for money, though...so I'm not starvin'.

I'm employed today. I'm greatful I have my job. ****...I had to do another 12 hours shift today.
I work for my friend..so I didn't have to do the stupid interview song and dance.
However..I can't slack off either just becuase he's my friend. I'm probably getting the over-time
becuase my friend wants me to have same level of income I had.

I don't make as much as i used too...then again, I don't have all the fucken bills like I used to either:p
I actaully have more spending money for me.....

The unemployment rate where I live is fucken through the roof.

I worked pretty much all my life starting from grade school doing paper routes and mowing other people's yard for money.
I had the same job for 16 years. I was a manager. I had all kinds of people working for me or helping (my friend used to work for me.lol)
A couple of years ago the economy went to **** and it effected a lot of people.
I was one out of hundreds of people that got laid off. Being unemployed sucked in a way..becuase I've always been
self supporting. On top of that I had children I had to feed, I had to take care of my family.

I was probably unemployed for a total of 3 months. I never collected unemployment.
Howerver it also showed me people's true colure.
My ex-gf bascailly left me for dead after 12 years of me taking care of her and her kid.
Well **** me with a screw driver...about all that " I love you".

Then I went back to my old job...another laid off...becuase the economy is still in the fucken hole...even today.

After I got laid off again the second time. I bascailly stop looking.
I was actaully testing people...to see if they truely really care/ love me or is it about the fucken money.
I bascailly tell people straight up that I was unemployed and see how people treat me.

I know who truley loves and care about me, today. I love her very much.

hahahaaa...I was just driving down the road oneday, then I saw my freind.
He just so happened to be starting a new bussiness. He didn't know if it was going to take off.
For a while there...we worked very long hours...both of us wasn't getting paid.
Well...I couldn't complain...my friend wasn't getting paid either.lmao
He lost his other bussiness and everything too becuase of the economy. He used to be very rich.
Now he's trying again...bussiness is going good. I hope it gets better for all of us.
He hasn't given up. I not giving up. We just stay positive. Do our best and hope for the best.

My friend knew about my ex-gf...When i was separate from her, I was living with him in his massion.
He wasn't too happy that I kept going back to her. He gave me fresh start and was trying to help me.
He knew i was in a very toxic relationship. I'm greatful I have him as a freind.
Ya I'm probably soon to be after january, i might be able to get another one

but oh well some extra free time will be quite nice


though i will miss the makings of monnees ohh monees how i heart thee soo
I am unemployed as well :/ but I've been trying to get a job.I think that I make all my interviews awkward as well.

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