Why Do Administrators Start Forums But Never Take Part?

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Hmmmm..I never thought of it that way. It is generous of him to keep this site going. My apologies if you are reading this Bjarne.
My friends and I had a forum that we paid maybe 100 bucks a year to maintain. There were 100's of people using it in our heyday, (just a local forum complaining about the drudgery of unskilled telephone contact Center work which became a forum for discussing KOL, other gaming, entertainment and more. Most of us had known each other IRL, but we also had people who surfed in and became members.

Once a year we had to groan and cough up some cash, and we originals had mod status to handle any issues, but it was pretty easy/cheap. We never made any money off it, tho. :(
I think one also has to consider the, 'celebrity', status I will call it of being an admin. You can only be so involved in certain projects, depending on their nature, and I think this would be one of them. It's kind of like an actor. You may be a big fan of "so and so gorgeous face good actor" who happened to act in a roll that you took a great liking to, but when the slate stops slapping, and she goes home for the night. She wants to be herself and probably left alone. If you ever met her, it would be nearly impossible to actually know her, because there would always be this, "idea", of who she is based off her acting, rather than what she really is. Just another person striving to satisfy her goals and dreams in life and get by, perhaps get lucky in the process and be blessed with more cash than she needs.

Sure, a thank-you for a donation would be nice, but really, is that needed? When you think about the fact that 95% (I'm guessing, it may be more like 99% I don't know) of the users of this site use it for free, some of them have even gotten married and fulfilled their dreams together. I mean, that's probably enough, don't you think?

I doubt very much ass kissing is required either. If you want to feel appreciated, make a post and people may respond. If you want to show some appreciation, make a donation, or abide by the rules and get along with everyone as best you can.
A lot of admins have other projects. So, they start something, and then tend to other places. Also, some just start something and never intend on coming back. I know of quite a few places and/or admins like that. They aren't seen but once, and that's only to set it up, but they remain in the DB as a titled admin.
EveWasFramed said:
The site still being here after all this time is thanks enough IMO.

Hey Eve, would members be notified if there was an issue with cost, you think?
ucxb said:
EveWasFramed said:
The site still being here after all this time is thanks enough IMO.

Hey Eve, would members be notified if there was an issue with cost, you think?

Im sorry, ucxb - I don't know Bjarne well enough to be able to answer that. It's possible he might make a thread if it came to that, but I can't be sure.
Its a sense of power & massaging their ego.  = Look at me I run a forum for lonely sad sacks....Youll usually find these type of middle class "Im alright jack" do-gooders in charity shops.  or volunteering for so called good causes As they don't need to work for an income. But need something to do to boast about and alley any feelings of guilt. For not really giving a ****...

But then again I have been known to be wrong....
I remember all these people. Bit depressing that other than staff members it's banned, banned, banned, MIA, passed away, unregistered , unregistered, banned... then LadyF saving us from total misery.

I hope they're all doing well.
Cavey said:
I remember all these people. Bit depressing that other than staff members it's banned, banned, banned, MIA, passed away, unregistered , unregistered, banned... then LadyF saving us from total misery.

I hope they're all doing well.

I hope they are too, and same goes for you.

Misery, has been much more of a companion to me than I'd like it to be as of late. Though I think you've done your part in saving people from it as well. :)

I'd thank bjarne for this forum, whether he's active / responsive or not. Even if I don't frequent it as much as I used to before, it has given me more than I could ask for really.
Cavey said:
I remember all these people. Bit depressing that other than staff members it's banned, banned, banned, MIA, passed away, unregistered , unregistered, banned... then LadyF saving us from total misery.

I hope they're all doing well.

Agreed. Kinda makes me wonder if it was really necessary or right for all these people to be banned forever. I mean, are all these people really permanently irredeemable? Also makes me feel like we're only getting one perspective on who deserves to be here and who doesn't. It feels like personal dislike, more than anything else.

Kinda feel like there is overpolicing, or the wrong people are being policed - people that actually need this place, and who of course are going to have harder times keeping their emotions in check than your average person who doesn't have loneliness issues. Especially people who have a history of being bullied. It's kind of cruel to demand that they turn the other cheek. Taking a "shoot first, ask questions never" approach suggests that those in power don't really care about the people. But that's just my opinion.

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