Why do people cheat?

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Well Preuss, my unfamiliar yet familiar not old friend lol, let me tell you something. Logic is honeysuckle. You can be logical in life all you eant, it won't get you anywhere. That was the entire point of Spock in the first place and I'm surprised people didn't learn the lesson better.
We are feeling, illogical human beings. If you try to go against that, you'll never be happy. I know, I've tried. For all the scars you get from it, of you try and intellectualize everything, you'll go nowhere.

Well, he did get to be science officer aboard the Enterprise, which is no small feat, so...
Relationships are like plants. If you don't nurture them, they die. I don't care wether or not you mean romance, friendship or family or otherwise. If one person feels like their needs aren't met, it's pointless to continue.
That's funny, it is very similar to what I put on my Tinder profile.
Relationships are like plants: you have to take care of them.
Now there are some plants that don't need a lot of water, but I am not a cactus.
They won't come out and tell their wives ir husbands that, for a variety of reasons. Because they're afraid to be judged.
You don't have to be married to be cheated upon.
Even if you're just together in a new relationship, if your partner keeps on seeing others, while pretending you are in an exclusive relationship, that is cheating.
He's saying the way society constructed our views on relationships is at odds with the way human beings are emotionally built. Which I think is wrong. It's the former that's the problem, not the latter. Shrinks have nothing better to in their offices bjt coming up with new terms to explain away humanity, as if it's not things we've been wrestling with a thousand years...emot
He's saying he's mostly cur himself off from his emotions, kinda like Spock, which I think is the wrong approach. It should be yhe other way around. Because it's natural. Am I getting this right?
I do agree though that monogamy is not how nature built us, but we humans do a lot of stuff that does not follow the rules of nature.
The moment we started to put on clothes and stopped living in caves we stopped doing everything "as nature intended it".
So I don't agree with people who think we should do everything in a natural way.
And yes, in nature, few animals are monogamous.
I think people do that because they don't want to be alone.. I guess they have an option to who to go to when the other one doesn't work out? It's incredibly messed up.

My husband did that to me and his excuse was: "I wanted to break up with you that time". I was like, well why didn't you? Some people just think about themselves.
I felt tempted to cheat recently, mainly because I am recovering from surgery and I wanna feel sexy… if I put a selfie you guys would see how pitiful I look at the moment far from the daring diva… but i’d never cheat because I love Rob sooo much. Sometimes I think people cheat for themselves to just feel worth something.
I wonder why people actually cheat.
I mean, not the type where you happen to meet a seductive girl or boy, and you just get horny and have sex, once, and then regret it because you are in love with your current girlfriend/boyfriend.
I mean, the type where someone will have a boyfriend/girlfriend and at the same time have someone else on the side?
I found myself in this relationship recently, with the Tanzanian girl, but after a while the betrayal becomes obvious, when their interest starts to drop, and suddenly they have to "work weekends", or they are offline for almost a whole day, they change their whole appearence, etc.
Why do they keep both?
Are these people sex-addicted or are they cruel and like to play games with people?
Or is it a question of keeping the other one as a backup?
I wonder what makes people do that, they could simply say they met someone else and fell in love with that person, but they don't.
Usually because the man has fallen for someone else and the woman knows it so she seeks out desire that was lost from her spouses eyes and seeks out another male. Same for men likely. But it's more innate for a man don't you think. He has testosterone that's why honey traps make a lot of money, they prey on the male members reaction. When the wife is an old hag and a beautiful honey traps comes along, what man would turn that down. It's human nature. List is a powerful tool. Great for the honey trapping business though

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