would you or wouldn't you

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Of course I would. I'm actually only 25, you know. 🤣🤣 No. Probably not. I wouldn't have to lie to get in bars or get into dances or anything anymore so I'd really have nothing to gain from it.

Same question.
Yes. And cookies. But there are a couple of people I would share them with just so I wouldn't eat the whole thing so I guess it wouldn't be just for myself.

Would you order a pizza just for yourself?
No, though I might be tempted to stick someone else's hand down there and then try to make my escape.

Would you ever try to mime whilst doing karaoke and then try to blame it on a faulty mic/soundsystem?
No. I did call 911 and ask them to send someone to change a flat for me. She said that wasn't an emergency and I said what if I'm raped and murdered out here on the highway all by myself. She sent someone which blew my mind because I was only talking **** and had already called a servicer provided by my insurance. Im like why am I paying for this **** if the cops will do it at no cost.

Would you put out a fire if the fire chief threatened to give you a citation and bring the engine over to put out the fire that was smoking too much and interfering with the Christmas parade?
Yes, because government will send over as much support needed to force you to do whatever they want you to do. So, it's easier just to pretend to be cooperative and put out the fire. Then later slash the tires on the fire truck. ;)

Would you exercise outside even if it was really cold?
No! I would just have to exercise inside since I hate the cold and the future isn't looking too bright for the whole country in that respect. Super cold coming!

Same question!
Yeah, I kind of want to go ride my bicycle. But, it's too cold. I've been forcing myself to atleast accomplish something outside everyday. But, it's definitely not fun. :(

Would you live in Hawaii if you could afford it?
Oh heavens no! I don't like reptiles and could never get near one.

Would you ever consider going python hunting in the Everglades? It's seasonal and a lot of people actually do it.

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