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lose one hand or one foot?

Lunch on frogs or snails?
lol, Well I have never had any, Want to try both.

But I well say Frogs lol

Live in England or Australia?

get run over by a camel or a donkey?
Donkey, seems like they'd weight less.

Have no friends or have no music?
no music

Fall out of a tree or fall down a flight of stairs?
That's a difficult one. How big is the tree? lol

OK am going with a tree.

Pizza or chines?

burrito or taco?
Snow, because I do not get to see it often.

go out in 100F weather or 32F weather?
32F that isn't nearly as bad when in winter it's ussally 10F or below

dance dance revolution or guitar hero?
ooh thats hard, um if it's just a subtle mess up then i would pick that, but if it's tottally noticable then bogger on live tv,

play DDR or Guitar hero?
DDR [like i have any idea what i'm picking]

Math class or English class?
Dance with snakes

Attacked by a horde of spiders or a swarm of bees?
swarm of bees, i hate spidars they are so freaky, it's unnatural to have that many legs

get caught in the middle of a hurrican or get caught in the middle of a tornado?
I have to agree on the spiders

Tornado, possible faster wind but smaller and shorter lasting.

A week in Poland or a week in Belgium?

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