Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I have no preference, but for the sake of humanity, I'll dance in the rain... less chance anyone has to witness the horror.

Would you rather type or talk?
Type. I talk too fast an unclear.

Would you rather live in China in 732 AD or Egypt in 2167 BC?
sheesh - what a choice hahahaha. I will go for China, but I would prefer to live away from Talas. ( keep my head low....and on).

Would you rather have a flu shot or the flu?
the flu!

Would you rather skate board down a hill or hang glide down a hill?
Hang glide.

Would you rather go to bed early and enjoy early morning or go to bed late and enjoy the night?
A horse - definitely lol

Would you rather eat beef or farmed bison? ( they are three large bison ranches around here with a lot of marketing).
Alien. ( preferably his name would be Paul)

Would you rather sleep under the stars or in a tent? ( no rain that night)
Always try. And then try again.

Would you rather wear wool socks (itchy) or have cold feet ?
For interest - Chinese.

Would you rather accept an invitation out when you don’t really enjoy someone’s company just to not be alone - or be alone ?
That's easy.....being alone is less worse than enduring tedious company.

Would you rather travel someplace new to you or revisit a previously visited location?
Hmm. It depends on my mood honestly. Sometimes I want to go somewhere new, but sometimes I want to go somewhere I've been, somewhere I trust.

Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible, or the ability to turn into any animal of your choosing?
You mean I'm not already invisible? I'm already covered in hair too... this is difficult. I'll be invisible!

Would you rather watch a live sporting event or a fireworks display?

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