samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #121 Definately keys Get a bad haircut or have your hair dyed a hideous colour?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,378 Reaction score 8,614 Jun 28, 2008 #122 bad haircut [but both at the same time could be fun] Fed to sharks or dissolved in an acid vat
penny143 Well-known member Joined May 11, 2008 Messages 553 Reaction score 5 Location FaiRbanKS, AlaSKa! Jun 28, 2008 #123 Acid Die while on the toilet or die while taking a shower?
samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #124 Fed to sharks, wouldn't want to feel my skin come off me. Have a partner years younger than you or years older?
Fed to sharks, wouldn't want to feel my skin come off me. Have a partner years younger than you or years older?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,378 Reaction score 8,614 Jun 28, 2008 #125 Younger in the shower [dual post] Lose you mind or lose your soul?
samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #126 Lose my soul Have a multiple personality disorder or be a schizophrenic
penny143 Well-known member Joined May 11, 2008 Messages 553 Reaction score 5 Location FaiRbanKS, AlaSKa! Jun 28, 2008 #127 MPD. cheat or be cheated on?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,378 Reaction score 8,614 Jun 28, 2008 #128 odiaspFUJH}"SFNc ]vb ;pmf
samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #129 Cheated on Have hair growing out your nostrils or out of your ears?
penny143 Well-known member Joined May 11, 2008 Messages 553 Reaction score 5 Location FaiRbanKS, AlaSKa! Jun 28, 2008 #130 Ears.. Look like Michael Jackson or talk like Michael Jackson?
samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #131 Talk like Michael Jackson Become an orphan or be thrown out of home?
D davechaos Well-known member Joined May 24, 2008 Messages 243 Reaction score 0 Location England Jun 28, 2008 #132 Be thrown out of home... I know it is an old cliche but... love and lost...or not loved at all?
B Bluey Guest Jun 28, 2008 #133 I have loved and lost and I still am glad I got to experience that. To have 1 year of love and then die or to live for 50 years as you are now?
I have loved and lost and I still am glad I got to experience that. To have 1 year of love and then die or to live for 50 years as you are now?
samba101 Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 1,436 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, Australia Jun 28, 2008 #134 To have one year of love then die. Be born a dog or a cat?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,378 Reaction score 8,614 Jun 29, 2008 #135 cat be attacked by lions or be attacked by a pack of feral dogs?
NeverMore Well-known member Joined Oct 31, 2007 Messages 2,138 Reaction score 13 Location Maryland Jun 29, 2008 #136 lions...sounds cooler when read in an obituary, people would say o he was hanging around lions he must have been a bad ass,lol not be able to smile or not be able to frown and show anger?
lions...sounds cooler when read in an obituary, people would say o he was hanging around lions he must have been a bad ass,lol not be able to smile or not be able to frown and show anger?
Antihero Well-known member Joined Apr 22, 2008 Messages 2,229 Reaction score 10 Location Texas Jun 29, 2008 #137 Not be able to frown and show anger. In fact, at times that might be useful. With you car, have no air conditioning or a slow but steady gas leak?
Not be able to frown and show anger. In fact, at times that might be useful. With you car, have no air conditioning or a slow but steady gas leak?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,378 Reaction score 8,614 Jun 29, 2008 #138 no air conditioning [less dangerous] while traveling have a flat tire or run out of gas.
NeverMore Well-known member Joined Oct 31, 2007 Messages 2,138 Reaction score 13 Location Maryland Jun 30, 2008 #139 flat tire then maybe you could get to a station Take a pill that makes you strong instantly or take a pill that lets you breathe underwater?
flat tire then maybe you could get to a station Take a pill that makes you strong instantly or take a pill that lets you breathe underwater?
E evanescencefan91 Guest Jun 30, 2008 #140 breathe underwater that would be super cool be smothered in a pillow factory accident gone wrong or drown in a bubble bath factory accident gone wrong? ( i think i am so brilliant for thinking those up XD )
breathe underwater that would be super cool be smothered in a pillow factory accident gone wrong or drown in a bubble bath factory accident gone wrong? ( i think i am so brilliant for thinking those up XD )