is it just me? do i just attractttttt selfish people or what?!!!!! is anybody else going through this ohhhh give me a clue cuz im so sick and tired
NewBirth said:is it just me? do i just attractttttt selfish people or what?!!!!! is anybody else going through this ohhhh give me a clue cuz im so sick and tired
y was my post modified did i say something wrongNewBirth said:is it just me? do i just attractttttt selfish people or what?!!!!! is anybody else going through this ohhhh give me a clue cuz im so sick and tired
thanx this really does help alot i mean sometimes i just cant think so clear i guess they just do it cuz it feels good ur rightKrossknife said:U know? It really is hard not to be selfish these days, we all are in many ways. But I do know what u mean. I think it has to do with standards in all catagories (family, friends, and good ole society, them bastards, etc.) It sucks for the shafted and is great at the moment usually until thought about later.
uhhhhh maybe if everybody wasnt so busy looking out for themselves theyd have time look out for each otherdiamond-dancer said:NewBirth said:is it just me? do i just attractttttt selfish people or what?!!!!! is anybody else going through this ohhhh give me a clue cuz im so sick and tired
Everyone's looking out for #1. If you don't, no one else is going to. What exactly do you mean by 'selfish' anyhow?
we?? how many rabbits u got over there dude LoLSadRabbit said:Hummm...Newbirth, define selfish. I got to admit it, we do make use of people occasionally.
NewBirth said:we?? how many rabbits u got over there dude LoLSadRabbit said:Hummm...Newbirth, define selfish. I got to admit it, we do make use of people occasionally.
Yah ok maybe selfish moments but it seems like the peeps i meet they have never ending selfish moments. i mean its really bad. i get stabbed in the back & betrayed all the time too because of the same reason. i just cant change though.Lost in the Oilfield said:NewBirth said:we?? how many rabbits u got over there dude LoLSadRabbit said:Hummm...Newbirth, define selfish. I got to admit it, we do make use of people occasionally.
Lmao that was funny
I think everybody has, and even needs, selfish moments. As long as you're not stabbing someone in the back or betraying their trust in the process then it's understandable. That being said I get stabbed in the back and betrayed on a regular basis because I am honest and trusting... if you cross me though I'll tell you straight to your face exactly what you did wrong and, while I'll forgive you then and there if you own up to it, you don't get the trust back without a helluva lot more work than keeping my trust would have been in the first place. I haven't run into many people that were so self-absorbed and heartless that didn't care about what they had done and didn't have a conscience that bothered them afterward. Those very few that were like that lost more than just my trust... they lost me as a friend. I still forgave them eventually cause I saw as life went on how miserable they made themselves and how many people they drove off... in the end they either changed their lives around enough to become my friend again, or they faded away into oblivion driving everyone from their lives. So if you betray me you better be prepared to go without my support for awhile... I'll still be there as a friend but whatever I trusted you with you will not get again for awhile because I know it's a weakness that I shouldn't temp you with till you change... I'll give that trust to those that can handle and appreciate it.
i woulda told that chick exactly what she could do with that container LoLoLjales said:I seem to sometimes attact selfish people as well...if you are really easy going and seem easy to take advantage of this is more likely to happen to you...
that's the thing...I always say..hopefully when lots of bad stuff has happened to me I'll become a bitch and then I wouldnt attact these people...
I mean newbirth I can begin to tell you...I just five seconds ago saw this girl...lol..last semester..she's in med-sci and she was studying for exams..so she calls me and askes me to go get something for her to eat as she's studying..i'M STUDYing too...but she used to always call me for nonsense so if I could help her out I would..anyway I was sort of hungry and needed a break...or maybe I was being nice..so I got something for us to eat...went and gave her..when I got there she comments about me taking long so I got upset...but I dont express anger well in real life..so I was like okay bye I have work to do...
you will not believe the rest of this story ...you know after the girl ate..she called me and ask me to come and get the container she was eating from because she outside the library and didn't know what to do with it
lolololololol ...this is one of the many stories that plague my life
anyway I told her I'd come soon then didnt answer any of her calls..I know I'm a bastard but sheez...I mean who the hell would I have to be...how hard could it be to find a dustbin
this happens to me often cause I seem nice! So I know how you feel...I'm just waiting till I can become a bitch...I think if enough bad stuff happens ...but I don't know...cause I'm still the way I am..ah well
we all take advantage of each other when given the chance though.... like they said we seek self before others
oh no i cant change. ive tried.Lost in the Oilfield said:NewBirth I don't think you should change, that wouldn't be 'true to you', or to avoid the cliches: In your mind and heart you know that being trusting and honest are good traits and are strong fundamentals that you want to build your life on (that's how it is with me at least) and are fundamentals that you believe other people should want in their own lives as well. Personally, I think every time somebody burns me... for a little bit... like a day or two I am pretty bitter, but it becomes less and less each day... I realize every time that it's not me, but the person that burned me that needs to really take a look at their lives and do the changing. I also realize that my being around them, until they've changed or are making an effort to change, is probably not a good idea (depending on the severity of their betrayal and if less contact is avoidable). That doesn't mean I break all contact... I'll still check up on them, but I won't be around like I used to be.
If they got a problem with your method than they must not see what's wrong with their own ways, and aren't trying to change cause they think people are there to serve them and their own selfish needs. They probably abuse others, and expect others to abuse them in return... I know a couple people like this and it baffles me how they want change, but can't stop abusing and taking the abuse... almost seems like a sick addiction.
That's just specific cases though, not the rule. I haven't met those people in your life personally, so I can't give my input into what the hell is wrong with them to be abusing you when you're being good to them. Also trust comes in degrees... while there's some people I'd trust to have fun with if we hang out, I would not trust them with taking care of my plants once a month while I'm away. While someone like my big brother I would trust with absolutely everything. One of my best friends I can trust with everything except money. He just forgets about borrowing or owing money... eventually he does remember, but I've waited up to two years to get the money back before. I actually think it's kind of funny (though I didn't at the time), but I just know now that I don't lend him more than $100 bucks now, and I have to keep track of what he pays back cause he always does it a little at a time... 5 here, 20 there... by the end of it we can never remember how much it was he still had owing unless I wrote down what I gave and what he paid back.
And yes, it is very sad when trust is not appreciated. Everyone wants to be trusted... some people just don't realize that trust is not free or one-way. While at the start you may offer it up free as a sample of what a relationship with you would be like, in the end they gotta repay with trust in kind if they want that relationship to last and be good for both of you.
Sorry New I get really wordy sometimes... hmm, that's a not right... most times if the topic interest me. Actually I cut out about three paragraphs of examples lol![]()
i think its their problem. what kinda low life would take advantage of a door mate type of person not me 4 sure so c its not u its themJ.J said:From having low self esteem I am afraid to upset people around me eg. I have a problem with saying no. In the end I get treated like a door-mat. I wouldnt say that they are selfish or anything because its my problem, I have taught them to treat me this way.
NewBirth said:we?? how many rabbits u got over there dude LoLSadRabbit said:Hummm...Newbirth, define selfish. I got to admit it, we do make use of people occasionally.
y r u so down on yourself dude?SadRabbit said:NewBirth said:we?? how many rabbits u got over there dude LoLSadRabbit said:Hummm...Newbirth, define selfish. I got to admit it, we do make use of people occasionally.
Yeah, I only got me and only me, the sad ugly stupid rabbit. No rabbits of the same kind as me...no one...its so lonely...sometimes i wish i can die, but yet this furry rabbit has no courage to kill himself, maybe he is just a loser, even god has forsaken him and has looked down on him.