Your Presidential Pick?

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Actually (I'm gonna get killed for saying this-- be gentle folks!) but they ALL suck.....including that idiot Palin! Bring back........
Ronald Reagan , I bet he could clean up all the MESS left by ALL of the past few Presidents including the big O- and I guarantee you, this Country would be better off.. (I know, I know.... about the Iran contra and trading of arms, and folks get all worked up over that... their are reasons behind every move he made.. but one thing for certain... he believed if Freedom, Unity, and Fairness.

My thing is.... you work, you eat.... if you have 10 children, you work to feed them, clothe them, and support them... why should I, a working, tax payer have to work to support children who are not even mine? Obama has more folks on the food stamp and welfare system more now than ever! why not show ppl the way, instead of feeding their stupidity.
stop having baby, after baby, if you already cant feed the one you have, why keep having another one.?

How fair is it to take money from working class folks, OR folks who have been smart, and saved their money, to just turn around and give it to the 'poor'
One of his statements was.. "lets spread around the wealth' ..... who's wealth- Mine that's who!

Don't even get me going about this new health care bologna, that is simply crap.

This country is headed for Communism.... folks can't even say Merry Christmas in public anymore.. and (I don't do it- but believe folks have the right (to pray in public if they want)

I am not trying to offend anyone here. k?
Please, this is just my opinion, and we know what they say about opinions.

Not a fight..... not a fight here, just my opinion. and I am done with this thread, as I know folks have their own opinions, and have made up their minds to believe what they want too.

The ONLY good candidate that was hopeful , who could have indeed beat O- was Herman Cain- .. too damn bad about what happened to him, he had my vote!
and don't bring up the sex thing.... and if you do, just remember Clinton and his doggone cigar!

I'll take over as the target for you NLP-

Arnold for Prez.

Yuk, yuk,yuk

(they have maids in the White House, right?)
Nolife Princess said:
Obama has more folks on the food stamp and welfare system more now than ever!

Actually, the increase in use of social programs is directly related to the housing crisis and the unemployment crisis. It wouldn't actually matter who was elected during our last election. The country was already in the crapper. :p
Nolife Princess said:
flaneur said:
Do you want Obama for another term? Do any of the other candidates seem better suited for that role? Those outside the US are free to pick their favorite.

ANYONE .... (Insert foot into mouth) would be better than what is in there right now.
Sorry folks..

just answering the Q


“The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money” - attributed to Margaret Thatcher
Nolife Princess said:
Actually (I'm gonna get killed for saying this-- be gentle folks!) but they ALL suck.....including that idiot Palin! Bring back........
Ronald Reagan , I bet he could clean up all the MESS left by ALL of the past few Presidents including the big O- and I guarantee you, this Country would be better off..

I'm sorry, but it's presidents like Reagan and his administration who led our country into this mess in the Middle East by secretly aiding the Taliban.
Look up a tiny micronation called Whangamamona.
Their 2nd and 3rd presidents were a turtle, and a goat.
The US could really learn a thing or two from places like that.

On a more serious note: I honestly think Obama is the best choice. Then again, I live in Australia. The republican party is far too ultra-conservative for most of us to stomach regardless of which candidate actually runs.
flaneur said:
Do you want Obama for another term? Do any of the other candidates seem better suited for that role? Those outside the US are free to pick their favorite.

Obama has been somewhat of a let down. After all the excitement of his victory. The country has some serious problems. Not least being the economic melt down. I just don't see any quality on the Republican side. The economy is showing some sign of improvement. Barack may just win a second term. I just hope he can do something meaningful with a second term.
Looks like Obama will once again be the lesser of two evils. I still don't know if I would vote for him again just yet. I am hoping an interesting 3rd party candidate comes along to throw away my vote on.
Does it really matter who is the engineer of the train if the train itself is busy exploding?
Just wondering but has anyone else changed their view on this topic since they originally posted in this thread? That is so weird. I guess when certain issues take top priority in your life, your position is likely to change.
I am a northern neighbor and I don't understand where everyone thinks they have to vote for the democrats or the republicans. Show both of them they have screwed things up enough and get someone else in there.

Despite her protesting and getting arrested. I say Jill Stein just because she has spunk. The biggest problem is I don't think most voters in the US realize there is more then 2 parties. When they don't like one party they vote for the other. Any that do know about the other parties get told you are throwing away your vote because 1 or those 2 parties will win. No, you are not throwing away your vote, enough people voting for the other guys will cause an upheaval of the current political race and is sorely needs it.

When I voted in Canada in 2011 I looked at the platforms researched the candidates, both locally and the party leaders. I picked the one that fit my morals and my values. The front runners barely had any information by the way yet they won. Its not a decision on who is the best to run the country its just another popularity contest. :(
No, i don't think that someone better than Mr. Obama,it could be possible that some who is really better than Obama but i'm not seen him yet,I'm big fan of Obama not only for his personaly but his working polices for the U.S.A.
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From an overseas perspective, Obama is a rock star. We love him. Better than the endless succession off rich conservative white guys claiming god is on their side. As far as I am concerned, those of you that voted him back in made the best choice.

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