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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
It's me, venting -

I'm on the Board of my homeowner's association. So is my downstairs neighbor. She's retired. We have an operating budget and cash reserves which are required by law.

Neighbor for some reason has decided to take it upon herself to decide what needs to be repaired around the community right away. Every week it's something different. First it was the numbering on our parking spaces (she thought they should be numbered a certain way). Then it was a few mature trees that provided plenty of shade but she didn't like the liquid amber thingies that fell off onto her car, making it dirty. This week, it's the grading next to the buildings that have new siding. The dirt needs to be graded low enough not to cause dry rot on the siding when it rains.

So. She found a company to chop down the mature trees. They provided a bid and she came upstairs and asked me to sign off. I did, thinking that they were being cut to get rid of the roots that are starting to impinge on the building foundation. Nope! Turns out she purely wanted them gone to keep her car clean (she didn't tell me that, though). How do I know this? The roots growing under the building are still there and could be still growing. I was hot when I figured this out.

Mind you, all this is going on outside of board meetings. None of these issues are brought up by neighbor with the entire board and our association manager; it's all on the side.

Today neighbor said she got two bids for getting the grading done. She said "all you have to do is pick one". I told her that I want to know what our cash reserves are and make sure there aren't any other pressing issues before we do the grading. She doesn't know what the cash reserves are, she's just assuming that we have the money.

Well you would have thought I told her I like to eat babies for breakfast. "Well, I walk around this property every day and I see what needs to be done". "I only want what's best for the community". "This really needs to get done".

So I went home and trying to relax after dinner and working overtime today at work. Guess who knocks on my door, in an piffle that I won't just agree to what she wants to do? Ay, I can't take it. She wanted me to come out right away to walk around the property with her to look at the grading. I don't need to! I know what it looks like! I live here!
I also told her that I want to take the grading issue to the Board meeting and I want to review our cash reserves. Our next meeting is in 4 weeks. She said "you want to wait that long?"

Yes. I do. Now get over it. Bah.

I'm calling the association manager tomorrow. This is pure nonsense.

Wow some people eh?
She must think the sun shines outta her ass or something so next time you're with her outside on a clear day point out the sun her and tell her where it really is.

Some people, i actually laughed at how stupid, selfish and stuck up she seems.
I hope she gets kicked off or whatever, if they hear this there's no way she's getting taken seriously, hopefully.
I wish you luck.
SO glad I don't have a HOA to deal with. That nonsense would drive me up a tree. You have my sympathies.
SophiaGrace said:
condemnedsoul666 said:
tangerinedream said:
SO glad I don't have a HOA to deal with. That nonsense would drive me up a tree. You have my sympathies.

Then they'd probably cut it down ;)

And forget the root-system. :p

LOL! :)
I called the association manager today. Turns out one of the units has a balconey that's starting to separate from the building & has been shored up. We're getting an engineer out next week to tell us what needs to be done. Also turns out my neighbor knew about this when she was hassling me yesterday about the grading! And, I forgot to mention, she was hassling me yesterday about hiring someone to clean the dirt and sticks off the top of the carports...but "forgot" to mention the balconey that is way more urgent. I really want to tell her to stick it but I don't want any bad blood with my neighbors. It's hard to be vaguely friendly when we're talking these days.
we have a very small Board - I should recruit another owner to get on the Board and "ahem" :)


ooooh, jeeeezus, minty - thanks for nothing for that article! :D
My favorite part: "HOAs are organizations that have become somewhat infamous for imposing arbitrary fines and liens on unpopular or "rogue" homeowners, making honeysuckle up as they go along, treating people unfairly, enforcing strict adherence to their rules, collecting fees, and acting irrationally or illegally. The people who sit on their boards are often petty, vindictive, utterly incompetent, and/or control-freakish." The last part describes my neighbor to a "T"!
I'm 99% sure I'm going to quit my tenure after our next meeting next month. The only scary part about that is the idea that I won't be around to put a stop to my bat-honeysuckle crazy neighbor. I'll have to help recruit some new board members to keep the peace and who don't mind getting into pissing contests once in awhile :p Now I see why people are reluctant to be on HOA boards!
And while I'm at it, our community has a pool with an inadequate fence. People who don't even live here reach right over the fence to pull up the latch and get right in. I've brought up getting the fence replaced but apparently this isn't on Crazy Neighbor's agenda and she leads the way in dismissing my concerns whenever I bring this up. She wants to get the dirt cleaned off the top of the ******* carports but doesn't give a rip about making sure kids can't get into the pool area! I'm worried about a catastrophic accident involving a child and the inevitable lawsuit that the whole community would then have to pay for.
I quit!!! :)


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