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Oct 7, 2024
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I have this constant fear of death from 3 years due to this I a unable to sleep as I used to sleep 3 years ago there is no support of my family members to my issue still I am unemployed looking for a job In this whole world I have only 1 friend who understands me well I don't talk with my family members we have huge misunderstanding in between all these I decided to live alone through out my life I am physically mentally socially economically intellectually not enough so I can't even think about relationship. every aspect of my life I am highly inadequate now a days it becomes too difficult to manage everything by myself from 1 week no matter how much I eat I feel extreme hunger because of sleeplessness how do I mange these issues(please don't give me relationship advice because it is impossible to find someone for me I even accepted the fact that I will be alone forever so I stopped getting jealous of couples and people who are I relationship actually i accepted but still hurts me and I want to be comfortable with being lifelong single
Is it really the fear of death or the fear of not living the life you want? Both can easily be confused. Depending on what you fear you need a different approach to solve your problem.
Is it really the fear of death or the fear of not living the life you want? Both can easily be confused. Depending on what you fear you need a different approach to solve your problem.
It is actually a fear of death I visited a psychiatry hospital they diagnosed me that I have ocd fear of death there is stigma in our community for mental health issues so my parents just didn't understand wha I said since I am unemployed I can't afford further treatment so I left treatment u know what everyday I felt that death is coming towards me in every passing second I can't do anything for it now a days that anxiety reduced but when I heard the news of death and aware of passing time I feel extremely anxious that what happens after my death how much pain I will suffer when I am nearer to death this thought won't let me breathe in between all these I had huge quarrels with my parents and siblings so this is how I have been going through from past 3 years
When one has suffered plentifully in life, death is a welcome blessing. Death need not be painful. After death is just your belief. Do good deeds, think of others, the inevitability of death should be enough motivation to do the most with your life. Choose to think about life. You only waste time and energy thinking about death.
You need more control over your life. You need independence. You need to focus more on yourself, what you want and need. This won't solve the phobia/OCD issues but it will give you the strength to work towards solving them later. For now you need a foundation for your life. A job, your own room/apartment.
Well, for fears, they say you should face them, but I'm not sure that should apply to this one. You could always come to America and do a ride along with a storm chasing team. (Sorry, I'm watching coverage of the hurricane and they have storm chasers out for the tornadoes)

Have you considered joining online groups for support? I know they aren't the same, but online groups can be extremely helpful if you find the right one.
There's a show called "The Twilight Zone," an old black and white American show, and the episode: "Nothing in the Dark," is an episode I'd highly recommend watching @shubhoda , if you have the means to locate and watch it.

As for OCD, that's a tough one... I've read the book "Hope and Help for your Nerves," by Dr. Claire Weekes; and there is another book titled "Brain Lock," by Jeffrey M. Schwartz concerning OCD, if you can source those books (they are in English)

Fear can be tough... But there is also overcoming fear.

In Mexico they have a holiday called, "The Day of the Dead," where everyone dresses up like skeletons, and there are skulls and skeletons everywhere, celebrating death and the dead. I think it's quite a wise cultural tradition they have, as it forces a sort of confrontation of death, accompanied with an attitude of cheerfulness and playfulness.

It's called Dia De Los Muertos in Mexican Spanish. It's pretty cool. There's all kinds of youtube vids about it I think

I used to be much less fearful, perhaps even quite fearless, about several things, including death. Death scares me, though, lately. *shrug*

It can be difficult when no one understands our particular situation, especially when family/friends don't understand. It can make things more difficult, yes, but, remember, to do your best anyway, and keep a good attitude about you, the best you can.

There's about three ways, I can think of, to face fears. One is slowly and cautiously, step-by-step: like wading slowly into very cold or hot water, so you can get used to it. Then there is facing it all at once head on: like jumping into the pool, not knowing if it's cold or hot, and just going for it. And a third, is, to study, and research the fear: like a woman who was afraid of poisonous spiders, began to learn about them, and then gained a genuine interest in them from learning about them; such that, she knew a great deal about them, and was able to live with them, without fear, for having known more about them. Perhaps there are even more ways than that..

[picture: my cigarette case, heh. Have had it for a while now.]

-good luck


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