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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2024
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I just wanna know the current members of the forum a bit better :) . *scratches head* Erm, maybe perhaps the country you're from, your age, hobbies or interests, or what you do in your free time. And just about anything you'd say to describe yourself :D
Hi there,

I'm actually super tired but still wanted to reply, it's 10pm in Australia right now.

This is my introduction post


I'm 46
I love exercising and keeping fit, I really enjoy personal development and seeing something (anything really) transform and beautify - I just spent the last 7 months helping renovate a worn down space and turn it into a luxury store.

But ... what I love most is real AF conversations with authentic people.

What about you?
what about starting with your own answers to those questions?
Fine then :D . I am from India, 15 years old. My interests include dabbling in philosophy and literature. I also like playing cricket and chess (although I suck at both :ROFLMAO:). I also like visiting different places and learning about different peoples and cultures. I write (admittedly embarrassing) poetry and like reading poetry too. I also like interacting with and listening to people's stories; but have recently come to love my solitude as well. And @okidoke I'm kind of a new member here, so not gone through most posts. So certainly it would be rather tedious to go through numerous posts than to just get an idea of people in a single thread 😁
I love exercising and keeping fit, I really enjoy personal development and seeing something (anything really) transform and beautify - I just spent the last 7 months helping renovate a worn down space and turn it into a luxury store.

But ... what I love most is real AF conversations with authentic people.
Good to know @AlexandraOcean
Fine then :D . I am from India, 15 years old. My interests include dabbling in philosophy and literature. I also like playing cricket and chess (although I suck at both :ROFLMAO:). I also like visiting different places and learning about different peoples and cultures. I write (admittedly embarrassing) poetry and like reading poetry too. I also like interacting with and listening to people's stories; but have recently come to love my solitude as well. And @okidoke I'm kind of a new member here, so not gone through most posts. So certainly it would be rather tedious to go through numerous posts than to just get an idea of people in a single thread 😁
That's so cool! I also really enjoy philosophy and literature but I haven't been exploring it so much in recent times. My son is the same age as you actually and we have a really close relationship which I feel super lucky to have.

speaking of literature my son home schools and last year we worked through Animal Farm and analysed The trumsn show, this year he switched to distance education so ive been less involved although I dabbled in Shakespears Macbeth - what about you what literature have you been getting into?

Also, what brings you to this site?
Fine then :D . I am from India, 15 years old. My interests include dabbling in philosophy and literature. I also like playing cricket and chess (although I suck at both :ROFLMAO:). I also like visiting different places and learning about different peoples and cultures. I write (admittedly embarrassing) poetry and like reading poetry too. I also like interacting with and listening to people's stories; but have recently come to love my solitude as well. And @okidoke I'm kind of a new member here, so not gone through most posts. So certainly it would be rather tedious to go through numerous posts than to just get an idea of people in a single thread 😁
sorry, i thought i was in enough people's faces that they knew me reasonably well lol. i'm 57. retired ill health after policing for over 20 years and a pilot prior to that. try to keep fit. love reading novels, listening to podcasts, travelling and camping specifically. i have a youtube channel where you can have a laugh at me if you like. love animals (have several around the house), various genres of music, played several instruments in the past. also into photography.

I've played cricket and chess in the past, but not very well. Poetry I can't do lol. Philosophy I struggle with. My kids are all older than you. Thx for sharing. Do you actually have a mustache?
sorry, i thought i was in enough people's faces that they knew me reasonably well lol. i'm 57. retired ill health after policing for over 20 years and a pilot prior to that. try to keep fit. love reading novels, listening to podcasts, travelling and camping specifically. i have a youtube channel where you can have a laugh at me if you like. love animals (have several around the house), various genres of music, played several instruments in the past. also into photography.

I've played cricket and chess in the past, but not very well. Poetry I can't do lol. Philosophy I struggle with. My kids are all older than you. Thx for sharing. Do you actually have a mustache?
Haha, nope, definitely not in peoples faces enough as I just learnt all this about you just now (although I already knew the nature and travel videos bit 😊)
what about you what literature have you been getting into?

Also, what brings you to this site?
My native language is Bengali, so I have read two Bengali novels by Rabindranath Tagore. He is a massive cultural icon among Bengali speakers; and while there are English translations of his works, I'm not sure you'd be familiar with him. I've also read a philosophy book by Nietzsche. Good to know even you are interested in these things :)

As for what brought me to the site, I was just browsing for such kinda forums in April this year, and decided to join this one to talk to people.
I have a rudimentary moustache and sideburns right now, but want to grow one when I grow up 😁 but some guys in my class have denser facial hair
I could barely grow any facial hair right up into my late 20;s, then I wasn't allowed to have a beard as a cop, then after I retired and grew it out it was already grey :(
Older than you. Lol
I like researching and debating. Used to sketch. Used to do photography. Used to game.
I'm a single mother, I know not of this "free time" you speak of.
Welcome! And thank you for sparking a conversation. I wouldn't have known where to begin at your age.

I am an oldie from Canada (the prairies, not the super populated areas).

I am a mother of 3, as well as have a full time job. My most consistent hobby is sending snail mail/postcards to people all over the world.
I spend a lot of my time listening to podcasts about financial responsibility or mental health, as well as all types of music. I dislike the quiet, despite having 3 kids. When those fail, I put on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, or lately, The Menu.

I will share one of my favourite poems. Simple but interesting to me.

I just wanna know the current members of the forum a bit better :) . *scratches head* Erm, maybe perhaps the country you're from, your age, hobbies or interests, or what you do in your free time. And just about anything you'd say to describe yourself :D

I'm from the USA, I was born here and lived here all my life.

I'm older than I would like to be, but I was happy I was young when I was (1990s).
I don't think I'd like to be a kid in today's world as much.
I like that a lot of the stuff that I like today, was new back then and the feeling of getting to enjoy it with those I was close to. And I liked the feel of the world back then.
I feel like the world I grew up in, was in many ways, a better one, and I miss it every day.

Hobbies, interests, what I do in my free time, anything I'd say to describe myself:

Well, my ideal self would be good at creative things like my story-writing and rock 'n roll heroes. I wish I could do the kinds of things that I used to get a buzz from.

My actual self, what I actually do, is going back over my life and trying to understand how and why my life turned out like this, and trying to think my way out of repeating the same mistakes and patterns. Trying to understand myself so I can change on a deep level. Doing myself over again.

And I guess, depression. It's hard for me to have much energy or enthusiasm for anything, and it has been for some time now. This makes it hard for me to get to know people, which I very much would like to do, but I don't often have much to say because it's hard for me to get into anything. Nothing makes me feel that great anymore as long as I'm stuck in my problems. Discouragement/self-doubt has been something I have always struggled with in all areas of my life.


Like I said, it's hard for me to really have those right now. But, I have been interested in things like Star Wars and other fandoms. I like my old toy collections. I like a lot of bands but the ones I keep returning to are Rancid (and really anything to do with Tim Armstrong) and the Smashing Pumpkins. I take pictures of insects when I can get a good shot on my camera on my phone. I like cars, my favorite being the Mustang. And animals, especially dogs - my favorite breed being the Golden Retriever. I grew up with one, and he really showed me how good life is with a dog.

Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now.
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Old enough to know better, but young enough to try anyway. 😊

Mum to our 15-year old son, happily married, living in the beautiful Maritimes, Canada in a rural, countryside setting in a circa 1866 house.

I work for a small online company that specializes in documenting and preserving family stories of people from all over the world. My working day consists of transcribing and editing audio interviews. It’s fascinating work! I’ve cried my eyes out listening to people and I’ve laughed my ass off - it can be incredbily emotional at times. Everyone has an interesting story to tell - no matter how ‘boring’ you think your life is, it’s really not to a stranger. Plus I get to cherry pick all the wonderful and thought-provoking wisdom that people want to leave their families and loved ones.

Other than that, I’m an AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO), love baking, sewing, historical clothing, flower gardening and just puttering my way through life.
Glad to know about all those who have replied!

And @ringwood that sounds like a really cool job; preserving the stories of various people, their experiences, memories, the wisdom they want to leave behind. Could you (if possible) elaborate a bit or give an example?
Glad to know about all those who have replied!

And @ringwood that sounds like a really cool job; preserving the stories of various people, their experiences, memories, the wisdom they want to leave behind. Could you (if possible) elaborate a bit or give an example?
Elaborate? Like in terms of the job/people or what they say?

In terms of the job, we have interviewers who conduct (usually) 1-hour long interviews at a time - most customers pay for at least 4 sessions, sometimes 6 or even more. The interviews are very casual, more like a friendly fireside chit-chat as opposed to strict questions and answers. We have rough guidelines and questions to prompt people, but generally the conversations flow naturally as the speaker sees fit. All those conversations are recorded and that's where I come in. I take the audio sessions that are captured by AI and then edit them into a coherent manuscript - AI often makes mistakes! Those manuscripts go back to the interviewer/writer, who then takes the information and arranges it into a book form. The family also sends in photos they wish to be included in the project. All that goes to our design team - they create a coffee-table style book for the family as a keepsake.

In terms of the people and what they say - well, that depends. We've done interviews with people from all over the world - Canada, the U.S., Australia, India, the UK, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc, etc. Also, ages vary - anywhere from their 90's on down. Of course, each person is different in terms of what they talk about. I've heard horrific stories about experiences during the World Wars, family tragedies, loss, heartache, hardships, regrets. Equally, I've listened to wonderful stories - things like new additions to the family, happy reunions, long and happy marriages, the love of family and friends, forgiveness, compassion for strangers. Same with funny stories and crazy stories!

An example - we have a set of reflective-type questions that we generally ask people at the end of their session, things like, "What do you think life is about?" or "What are you most proud of?" I'd say by far, the answer for most people revolves around things like family, kindness, love, following your dreams, treating others how you want to be treated, doing the best you can, leaving the world a better place. I think that's the common denominator with everyone - essentially, we want to be remembered. At the end of life, it's the simple things that mean the most.
My native language is Bengali, so I have read two Bengali novels by Rabindranath Tagore. He is a massive cultural icon among Bengali speakers; and while there are English translations of his works, I'm not sure you'd be familiar with him. I've also read a philosophy book by Nietzsche. Good to know even you are interested in these things :)

As for what brought me to the site, I was just browsing for such kinda forums in April this year, and decided to join this one to talk to people.
Ooh interesting! You're right I'm not familiar with the Bengal novelist you speak of, I'd be very curious to explore Nietzsche however - I love expanding my mind and feel free to send me a DM if you ever want to talk about literature or Philosophy or whatever 😊
Welcome! And thank you for sparking a conversation. I wouldn't have known where to begin at your age.

I am an oldie from Canada (the prairies, not the super populated areas).

I am a mother of 3, as well as have a full time job. My most consistent hobby is sending snail mail/postcards to people all over the world.
I spend a lot of my time listening to podcasts about financial responsibility or mental health, as well as all types of music. I dislike the quiet, despite having 3 kids. When those fail, I put on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, or lately, The Menu.

I will share one of my favourite poems. Simple but interesting to me.

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