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  1. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Ok... Fine... Let me revise the question.. Can romance be done on a guy in such a way that doesn't paint men as sex hungry pigs? I've tried countless times to get people to see that men want more from women than just sex.. but maybe I'm wrong.. maybe it's just me.. or maybe modern males are...
  2. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Ditto.. unless you include online dating, but getting past her defenses online before she ghosts you, is hard enough.. I've only been on two dates, and one was a blind date (literally, she was blind). I just can't do dating like job finding, with the whole dropping off 1000 resumes to get one...
  3. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    The way it should be? Yes. But due to the other things mentioned, it seems the mainstream mentality in society is that women are often treated like a sex-prize in return for meeting her expectations. Way too much of relationships revolve around sex, and that's why people put so much emphasis...
  4. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    And this is nothing but misdirection. You're not invalidating my point by explaining the history of the term 'romance'. Why should a man have to win a woman's heart, but not the other way around? I mean, sure, the driving point may be around inequality between the sexes, but the centerpiece of...
  5. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    What would she recieve that he doesn't if he's the one doing the romancing, or vice versa?
  6. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Obviously the make-up to clothing ratio was exaggerated, lol.. but as for women that cake on way more make up than what's needed, and wear clothing that needlessly shows off their cleavage, I'd say a more than valid percentage for the purpose of making a point in this convo. I mean, entire...
  7. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    This actually is a very valid question in the context of this conversation. My first thought was, umm.. at all would be nice.. But more on point, everyone likes food, take me out for a nice meal. Buy me something I like .etc. Honestly it's difficult to put the concept of romancing a man into...
  8. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Terrible dissmissive excuse for anything when someone points out how broken society is.. I mean, I'm not expecting this thread to promote nation wide change, but how hard is it to agree on something as simple as equal treatment? Comments like this are why feminists came up with the term...
  9. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    So in other words, when she doesn't tear you a new one for taking time to yourself and not making everything about her? Man relationships are one sided in terms of the effort put in.. Female 'romance' is the woman taking care of herself (hair, makeup, clothes .etc). Male romance is him...
  10. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Though I will admit, to picture it, sadly, the concept does seem out of place.. it shouldn't though.. why should the men have to do all the work; the women are perfectly capable.
  11. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    Now read back what you just said, to yourself, and tell me in the retrospect, that it doesn't seem just a tad sexist? Like saying that women should stay in the kitchen, wear dresses, be more 'lady-like'. I mean, are we really still living in the early 1900s? Cuz that's what it seems like...
  12. xephier102

    Am I married to a narcissist ?

    Man.. sounds like you fully went into your own head upon reading this.. 'having to be polite to your elders'..? Did you even read the part where all she can do is sit in a chair? It's clear from her story, that there is some much deeper issues going on here.. For starters his parents being...
  13. xephier102

    Am I married to a narcissist ?

    Or just be a better judge of character, and let the initial part of the relationship drag out a bit longer. Also, never marry anyone before you live with em. If you can't live with em, ya shouldn't be married. But boundaries can be bad as well, as they can also keep good people out.
  14. xephier102

    What romantic things are women known for?

    I was thinking to myself the other day, and it occurred to me that although women are typically seen as the emotional, romantic, empathetic caregivers, I can't even think of anything romantic that women are known for in the mainstream. I'm not just talking about one situational case (you, your...
  15. xephier102

    I hate and love my isolation

    When corona was first a thing, I just hoped to Jebus that it'd kill off all the stupid people. But that never happened.. so now it's just annoying.. how many more years does this have to last..? I just wanna see the world start up again. The shortages of everything kinda sucks.. and the...
  16. xephier102


    Lol.. They don't. Most Americans and canadians watch TV rather than read books, and the 'romance' scene on mainstream television is quite adverse to what you'd read in a romance novel. There's some good shows, and movies from the 80-90s, but for the most part TV just sexualizes the hell outta...
  17. xephier102

    Female empowerment in the mainstream media

    It wouldn't bother me as much if the message was universal, like a general form of equality, or class equality, instead of always trying to push one demographic over the other, and every demographic over the one demographic I just happen to be.. Eh.. I've seen enough tits at this point that...
  18. xephier102

    Female empowerment in the mainstream media

    One word for Craig, BOOORRRIINNGGGG... Seriosly.. I fell asleep watching casino royale.. what a boring, boring individual.. I think I'd be more thrilled if Ben Stien played Bond.. Like every Bond? That's kinda his role.. he's a Male **** spy, that screws a new girl (at least one) in every...