1. Take up a new hobby and join a group or club for it or join a group for something you are already interested in. It will give you something in common with the others there from the start.
2. Try not to worry too much if everyone you meet will become a friend or not as you might come across...
Is there an Asperger's support group locally which you could join? It would help you to meet people in a non pressurised setting. I find the AS group I belong to invaluable.
I hope that you are able to sit by or near to the manager at the dinner so that you will have him to talk to. If not, you could sit as near the door as you can so that you could slip away early.
I hope that your new job works out and that you find somewhere else to live soon. Maybe you could put finding a girlfriend on hold for a while till you get your work life and home life sorted out. I really hope that things work out for you.
Please, please don't harm yourself. I often feel the way you do and it is very, very hard to keep on going, but there are many people on here who care about you and who would be devastated if you did anything to hurt yourself.
No, you're not crazy.
I have often found that while those people who pride themselves on being blunt are happy to point out anything and everything you are or do which they don't approve of, they can't take the same thing being done back to them.
The one at fault is the worker in the post office. It was his job to help you with the form. Even if the form would have seemed easy to some people, this is beside the point. All of us have difficulties with certain things which others might find simple. You were a customer and had the right to...
Happy Birthday for yesterday. As others have said, I hope that this year will be a better one for you and that by your next birthday, you won't be on your own.
Negative equity happens when you buy a place on a mortgage whose value later goes down (because of falling property prices) and you are stuck paying the original higher price which you bought the house for even though, if you sold it, you would get much less.
I would stay as well, though you could see what possible precautions you could take to best protect your possessions and property if worst come to worst. Taking action often relieves anxiety.
I agree with what everyone has replied here. None of us can help everyone. Just helping one or two people can have a ripple effect as Sofiasmami has said.
James, I am really sorry to hear that your life is still really sad and that you are so isolated.
Could I ask you why you stay in on your own all the time though? Is it because you are so depressed and don't have the energy to go out? Or is it because you feel so sure that no one could ever...