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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. freedom

    Forum Friendship

    i tend to just keep to myself. i love coming on here and trying my best to help my fellow loners with their personal issues, but i really am not looking for friendship here. just looking to help others with whatever i can. i'm not really what you would call "friendship material". i'm difficult...
  2. freedom

    Life is just ********?

    hey buddy, don't stress the little things. you're still very young, and you have a lot of growing up to do. it may seem like the world is leaving you behind, but i guarantee you that everyone has felt that way at some point in their life. i used to feel that way too when i was young. most of the...
  3. freedom

    Is loyality DEAD??

    i don't think that loyalty is dead as much as it is lazy and bi-polar. i don't have a whole lot of friends, but the ones that i do count as my friends are like this sometimes. sometimes they're more than willing to help me and hear me out and the like, and other times it's like "sorry, i don't...
  4. freedom

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  5. freedom

    Here's a funny story

    damn bro, if i were you, i'd be all over her. it sounds to me like she's really into you. i wouldn't worry about her bf. you know what i think? if she's been into girls her whole life, then maybe she doesn't really know how to pick 'em. my advice is to let the dogs loose. i had a bi-sexual gf...
  6. freedom

    Boyfriends, girlfriends & single life

    i'm single right now, but i'm in love with a woman who doesn't love me. she's moving away pretty soon and i'll probably never see her again. i'm very sad right now about it, but i know that some day i'll find true love.
  7. freedom

    What's The Most Annoying Monster(s) In Any RPG You Have Played?

  8. freedom

    Things I've Learned From Talking to Suicidal People & People in Pain

    i couldn't agree with you more.
  9. freedom

    What was your first album, cd, download, etc. in regards to music?

    the first album that i bought was snoop dogg's "the last meal", which happened to be his last good album as well. HE SUCKS!
  10. freedom

    Have You Considered Using Street Drugs To Combat Your Depression?

    been thinking about it a lot lately. i tasted hard liquor for the first time the other day and it wasn't so bad, but i'm more of a hard drugs kind of guy. been thinking about ms. brown a lot.
  11. freedom

    What is going to be your first meal of 2012?

    mmm.... probably potato and eggs or steak and eggs.
  12. freedom


    i play the alto sax, the drums, the keyboard, and i also sing.
  13. freedom

    I only Love You...

    ...enough to want to spend my life with you.
  14. freedom

    What Retro Games Would You Like To See Remade And Souped Up ?

    castlevania: symphony of the night
  15. freedom

    What's in a Name? Question for Men

    it wouldn't bother me whatsoever. it's just a name. it's like asking if the fact that she was married before would bother me. not at all.
  16. freedom

    Have You Forgiven Yourself For The Wrong That You've Done In Life?

    i don't regret most of the bad things that i've done in my life. i'm just cold-blooded like that. there are a few things that i wish i could go back and change though, namely the way i used to treat my brother before i started liking him and we became best friends.
  17. freedom

    What's The Most Frustrating Video Game(s) You've Ever Played?

    f-zero gx for gamecube. that game is FRUSTRATING!!!!! i guess you have to have quick reactions to avoid crashing and burning as much as i used to.
  18. freedom

    Friends or Lovers?

    i'd rather have lovers. at least with them i'll always know the outcome. they come over, we make love, they leave, who's next? with friends it's just so much more difficult. you never know what's going to happen. great question by the way.
  19. freedom

    am i bad?

    hey, you're not a bad person. don't put this on yourself. you don't deserve to think about yourself as being a bad person. someone broke your heart, badly, so it's natural that you feel the way that you feel. we've all been there. i sympathize with you because i've been through what you're going...
  20. freedom

    Why do you love alonelylife?

    i love it here because it's the only place where i can fully express myself without having to worry about being judged or criticized. i can say what's on my mind and no one will look at me like i'm deranged.