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  1. Thomas]

    The 15 Most Annoying People On Every Internet Forum

    I find that article and the writer extremely hypocritical. I seriously dislike it when others categorise people (especially in a negative context) and bitch about it. The writer seems to regard those who act differently from him or herself as idiots. The writer also doesn't really express it as...
  2. Thomas]

    Why do people leave ALL?

    Here, I've seen really nice people argue with each other and say not-nice things, and I found it quite upsetting :( I like to keep checking up on here often, but it's quite rare that I post now... I feel that I can't really help anyone as when I try I don't think I usually succeed :P Everyone...
  3. Thomas]

    Do You Feel That People Don't Take Your Suffering Seriously?

    I take it all very seriously and I honestly do care about situations I read... My main issues are however that despite how I may try, I don't think what I type here really makes anyone feel any better. Also, there are some I think who don't want to listen, which makes it really difficult and...
  4. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Thank you! :shy: Some people on facebook said I "look gay".. -_-
  5. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Hey, It's been a little while since I was here, so here is an update! I am on the left :shy:
  6. Thomas]

    Hi :)

    Welcome Curious. In my experience of shopping (quite little :P), the crazy sales days are always so busy and confusing and dependant on arriving early. Too early... :<
  7. Thomas]

    Gym Progress

    Hey Soul, As far as I'm aware, it's very important to remember that too much is little in regards to working out. Someone I know who's very knowledgable about health and working out told me this: 1) You should have 2 days rest per week (i.e. take Saturdays and Sundays off). 2) Cardio...
  8. Thomas]

    i never got what i wanted in life

    Why are there so many negative comments being spread around here... We've all been through hardships... sure, we can compare and contrast and try and argue who's worse off than who. But comparing pain is irrelevant really. We're all human and we all feel it. Let's just try and help each other...
  9. Thomas]

    Went to my bro's many beautiful girls...just destroyed my self-esteem.

    On the contrary, I think you seem really smart and kind. Your writing is so introspective and thoughtful, and you've clearly really thought a lot about yourself and people around you. I don't think that can constitute "dumbness" : ) I really identified with the things you've written also.. I am...
  10. Thomas]

    Lonely In My Relationship....

    Great! :shy:
  11. Thomas]

    Social signals

    There's a girl I really like. I'm now finally starting to move on from my breakup 2 years ago. We are very good friends and have been for 3 years. She touches my arm and my tummy often when we're together, which isn't too often. I think she only does this with me. I get a strong feeling...
  12. Thomas]


    Without trying to sound too philosophical and cheesy here, you're not stuck in a deadlock; you just need to find resolve in your head. And it really isn't that hard... I know it may seem like it is, but I don't think it is... You have a choice don't you m8. You can meet one of the requirements...
  13. Thomas]


    You say you want a sex life to be happy... I think you need to be happy to get that life you want =x
  14. Thomas]

    Lonely In My Relationship....

    Hehe, go you! I'm sure he's a very lucky man : ). Try to always remember Renae that a relationship always takes two... While I think you should fight for him if you love him, don't go running into a dead-end =x I think he needs to know how you feel. Time apart may make him realise that he needs...
  15. Thomas]


    soul, i read all your original post and flipped to this page. You sound extremely similar to me in the way you think about many little things in a lot of detail and try to make conclusions. I think you seem really smart. I would say our main difference is in positivity. I can only suggest that...
  16. Thomas]

    Taken for granted?

    Hey, I wouldn't say it's fair to judge this guy and say that he's highly manipulative or whatever. It sounds like he's done some really bad things, and I agree with you and the others that you should end it. It really sounds to me that you deserve someone who isn't taking your kindness for...
  17. Thomas]

    Lonely In My Relationship....

    I agree with Lonesome Crow on your name. It's really nice. I can try and give you advice from my experiences. I had a horrific breakup with my gf of 1 year. She meant and still does mean the world to me. There came a time though when I started to take things for granted. I made her feel less...
  18. Thomas]

    dating as a highly sensitive person?

    I highly dislike two things: a) being called a liar and b) displays of supreme arrogance. If I'm having a hard time, I guess I'd be sensitive to those things. Otherwise, I'd say I'm quite calm and laid back about most things. However, being a very closed personality, losing the girlfriend I...
  19. Thomas]

    no love = lifeless

    Okonkwo I disagree with one of the things you wrote. I think shyness in men is pretty common, especially in the closed world we live in today :( I don't think you can say it's not a natural trait. It simply isn't a stereotypical trait. If it wasn't a natural trait, so many guys in this world...