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  1. Thomas]


    Hey Dusty, I'm so sorry. A girl of 1 year was hard enough for me, let alone 10 =x Keep your head up and believe in yourself :shy: I found the best way for me to heal was to express my sorrow as much as possible through everything I did, rather than try to hide it. Welcome to the forum, I hope...
  2. Thomas]


    Welcome Drakee :shy:
  3. Thomas]

    Just wanted to say hi...

    Welcome Kestrel, If you ever wanna talk, feel free to give me a shout :shy:
  4. Thomas]

    Do they know it's christmas?!?

    Hey everyone, It's been a while since I logged in on here; I really need to catch up with what's been going on :< I had an idea earlier, I was wondering if any of you singers out there were interested in helping me! We're closing in on Christmas :D. I've learnt to play a simple little...
  5. Thomas]


    I bought, and taught myself to play, an acoustic guitar 6 months ago... I'm not that good, but I have understanding for theory and stuff... studied it for 7 years without being able to play anything so xD
  6. Thomas]

    kamya 1 - LoneKiller 0

    I really like chess. But I suck at it ;D
  7. Thomas]

    Eye contact with girls

    Nice conclusion :) +1
  8. Thomas]

    Do you bury your emotions?

    You yourself, know that you are the better man :shy: . We know it to. People that act like that in life get away with it kind of often; but they won't always. He'll suffer later for being selfish. But anyway, what happens to him or the other selfish people doesn't really matter; it's what...
  9. Thomas]

    Do You Think That Watching Porn Makes You Less Of A Person?

    I'd much prefer you add "in my opinion" to this, but it doesn't really matter I guess. The rare times that I have, I didn't use porn... I don't think it makes anyone less or more of a person; I think it's just a choice of person :shy:
  10. Thomas]

    Are compliments hard to accept?

    I find it difficult to take compliments too :< I say "thank you! BUT >insert introspective criticisms here<" :D Maybe I should just lighten up a bit :< But try not to be embarrassed :) I'm sure you deserve them if you get them!
  11. Thomas]

    My Writing Loft

    I really liked it Equinox... (not what it conveys of course :<) but I feel like I get to know you a little bit through your writing... feels pretty emotional. You're not alone ! Everyone is 'alone' in their own way (no-one can think about things the way some-one else does exactly), but don't...
  12. Thomas]

    Why are we here?

    I think this is the answer for most people to be honest :shy:
  13. Thomas]

    Looking for people to chat with. :D

    sure! add my msn (on my profile page) or just drop me a message when you like :shy:
  14. Thomas]

    I'm afraid to admit I like girls (Long Read)

    Poet, I feel like I know exactly how you feel. Without trying to sound sexist (generalised statement from experience), I find it's very common for women and girls to say that men are typical men, are always thinking about sex, always got hidden intentions etc.etc. It simply really isn't the...
  15. Thomas]

    Why are we here?

    I couldn't agree with you more Equinox :shy: I'm here because I'd like to help and get to know genuinely nice people who understand things from my perspective a little bit =x The trouble is actually, I get the feeling people find me very boring here and don't really like me :D I should post...
  16. Thomas]

    20s, 30s in England, UK?

    hello :D close to Reading when not at uni :shy:
  17. Thomas]

    Some simple sketches

    What inspired you to make those drawings Polar ? =]
  18. Thomas]

    How to change your IP address.

    Dunno, you can do some harmless things through proxy too. For example, BBC / ITV streams can only be played from UK. My ex used to watch them through a proxy (although some would actually be detected!)
  19. Thomas]

    How to change your IP address.

    your public ip address (router gateway) is dynamic; it changes whenever you reboot your router. Servers use a static ip address which their ISPs provide, usually costing more money though. local ip addresses on local area networks can be changed from your machine, but you must make sure there...
  20. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    do [ img ] DIRECT LINK HERE [ / img ] (without any of the spaces). Then it should work!