How to change your IP address.

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Dunno, you can do some harmless things through proxy too.

For example, BBC / ITV streams can only be played from UK. My ex used to watch them through a proxy (although some would actually be detected!)
Sci-Fi said:
No honest person would have any reason to go changing their IP. Those who do probably have something to hide like, to spam/hack systems, having duplicate accounts to give themselves a bigger voice and don't want anyone to find out they are two in one in the same. I had this on a site of mine, it was done by a moderator who didn't realize I could see and track his IP on the site.

A thread like this should not exist as mainly bad could come of it.
on this site?
i fully fully agree
theres no need 4 users here 2b changing their ip addy
UNLESS 2 avoid bans
just behave
very simple

Eh, if someone got banned and came back i bet it'd be pretty easy to identify their "voice" anyways even if they got around the IP ban.
i was thinking that sophia but very few ppl understand that
which is probably a good thing :)
all the daisy chains mac spoofs flushes whtvr in the world cant hide em
sumtimes they dont even have 2 speak ;)
Just silly. Hell I can be different on one web site to the next. From one RL location to another. It just depends. People reinvient themselves all the time.

And that isn't even the issue here. Don't even try to guess my motives Chasm. You have failed too many times. If you want to know people, you have to ask. But you already blew that. It sucks because you seem interesting in many ways. I don't really think you were really straightforward. You are trying to do something, but it ends up being a mess since you don't know me at all. I have no idea at this point, don't care much either, since I tried. If you are trying to help? You don't know me well enough to be helpful. You definitly jump to certianties too quickly and then assume everyone thinks the same. Ya, you know your mind. Other people are different. I usually hang onto multiple theories on most things. I will tack on what seems most probable and change quickly if I have reason to think I was wrong. Other times I simply move on as trying to be right takes too much time.

It is annoying since I tried to say something days ago and it was removed. I don't even know what they thought was going on or were trying to do. It just ended up being rediculous.

Stop with the fear based/worry based reasoning. It is senseless to me.
Usually services like these such as proxies, vpns (VPNs are the best) just redirect your traffic through their servers. Usually how things work because almost 100% of Internet Service Providers control your IP as they are the one providing you connectivity to the outside world (Through their routers, switches and cabling services :D). ISPs have pools of IP Addresses and issue them out as clients/consumers connect up their routers to the internet and therefore giving you your own unique IP. The ISP will always know what IP is issued to who!

There are definitely ways to hide your true IP, although unless you are doing something really should not be too worried about it. If you are seriously having issues, you should call up your ISP and request some help in renewing your IP, as there may be several techniques the ISP has in doing it and usually they are pretty complacent to release the IP from your router and renew it. The simplest is to disconnect your router for a couple days if you are going away (it is ISP depended but many IP leases will last anywhere from 24 hours to 31 days, I think the most common is an average of 6-8 days). If that is not enough, a VPN service is your best hope in keeping your true IP/identity hidden.
It is so easy to appear to be coming from any decent sized city in the world. So easy to create an email account that it is rather silly. If someone wants around a ban it takes less then 5 minutes. You can serf the web with several IP's at the same time for different sites if you are into it.
SophiaGrace said:
Eh, if someone got banned and came back i bet it'd be pretty easy to identify their "voice" anyways even if they got around the IP ban.

Only if they want to be noticed. It is so easy to trick psychology types that I find it suprising. I don't understand why they can't get that people can recreate themselves, act, or do whatever they choose. It is about choice. People are not nearly as defined by a set pattern as by the choices they choose to make that create that pattern.

It is easy to decive those who believe they can't be decieved. Much harder to decieve those who believe they can be.

If you care to know. Standard care MD's and others have documented flaws in the mental health belief system going back decades. On several occasions events have been staged where MD's and staff (or other groups) have claimed mental illness and walked into mental health clinics to be treated for what they simply acted as if were true. It has been written about and documented. Mental health interested types very strongly see what they want to see. It is their achilles heel.
Nairoks said:
SophiaGrace said:
Eh, if someone got banned and came back i bet it'd be pretty easy to identify their "voice" anyways even if they got around the IP ban.

Only if they want to be noticed. It is so easy to trick psychology types that I find it suprising. I don't understand why they can't get that people can recreate themselves, act, or do whatever they choose. It is about choice. People are not nearly as defined by a set pattern as by the choices they choose to make that create that pattern.

It is easy to decive those who believe they can't be decieved. Much harder to decieve those who believe they can be.

If you care to know. Standard care MD's and others have documented flaws in the mental health belief system going back decades. On several occasions events have been staged where MD's and staff (or other groups) have claimed mental illness and walked into mental health clinics to be treated for what they simply acted as if were true. It has been written about and documented. Mental health interested types very strongly see what they want to see. It is their achilles heel.
Hmm, you plan on deceiving us?
Try harder.
I was/am being totally obvious bud. If I gave away when I wasn't then that would be rather silly, now wouldn't it? Call me whatever name you like, I take it as a compliment from some people to be insulted. Already don't care about the other account. I can easily make hundreds if I want. I already have over 10.

Anyway, I met evanescencefan91 today. She lives nearby. We had late lunch and ate some pizza.
the voice
that stupid damn ass cheap cologne/aftrshave
u still want to know how to change it?

idont think u can if u have a fixed line and intnerner account

but i can hide you ip and use a difftent proxy

like i can be here in south africa and go online and the internet will think i am in the uk or somehere other then where i am

ultra surf is a good program for that
I found I had success in getting a new IP by changing the MAC address of my router. My ISP had been setting the lease time on IP addys based on the receiving MAC for the device on the other end.
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