Do you bury your emotions?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
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I had a pretty terrible day today, so I'll probably sound moody when typing this, but...urgh.

I do this all the time. Whether it's hiding my emotions for a girl (until she goes out with someone else or disappears), hiding the fact that something offends me or simply hiding the fact I feel miserable the majority of the time, it's a constant thing for me.

Never was it more obvious I do this than today, when I just felt practically explosive at one point, yet kept it shut away.

It took me half an hour to buy a sandwich for lunch today.

I spent a good five minutes picking one, because there was a vast choice and it was busy, so it was tough to browse. Then I realised it was sort of a cooked one that needed to be heated.

So, as always, I politely and quietly joined the queue.

I then watched as about 4 people quite casually shoved in front of me as if it was nothing. One was this skinny, runty guy who quite gleefully decided to stand in front of my spot, using talking to someone as an excuse. Instead of saying, I did a strange smile to myself. Perhaps a disbelieving smile? Who knows.

Then he invited his girlfriend over to stand with him - she was also buying something, so that put me two places back in the queue.

For the next 20 or so minutes I was stood there, all I could think about was how much I would love to just punch him as hard as I could. It was kind of scary really. Just a pretty intense anger and loathing. At the very least, I just wanted to shout at him.

But instead, I stayed there, patiently, until I paid for everything. I went and sat on my own for the rest of my lunch break, since I was in no mood to sit with the people I knew.

I wonder a lot if I'd be happier if I didn't do this. I'd perhaps be serving some sort of sentence for beating the **** out of someone, but when simple examples of selfishness like that are starting to grate on me with such alarming regularity...

Mm. As I said, bad day, bad mood! I'm really not a violent person, but the strength at which these things can surface from that deep place within's a little surprising.

Anyone else suppress their thoughts around others? I'd be interested in seeing if it's a common trait in lonely people :)
That's just rude when people do that, like you don't know they are cutting in front. Should have kicked him in his skinny butt. :D

Anyway, to answer your question I don't do that very well. People know when I'm burying my emotions. When I'm sad, or not in a good mood, or nervous, I'm very quiet, unusually quiet. When I'm around people I can be very talkative. My expressions show my emotion, especially if someone hits on it. Even my part timer has picked up on this. He doesn't like it when I'm "moody". I don't always open up and share though, sometimes I'd rather keep it to myself until I feel like opening up.
I bury all my anger during the week and unleash HELL upon my punching bag during the weekends.

It's very therapeutical.

Was also cut in a line for the bus some days ago. I'd missed my first bus by a hair, and had to sit in the dark, cold bus stop waiting for the next one, and this joker turns up two minutes before the bus does. We see the bus rolling towards the stop, line up- and he just walzed right up, cut in front of me. I fought the urge to visit bodily harm upon the *******. Besides, we Finns are known to take all sorts of crap from people and our guv with a smile. Only once we cast away the shackles of polite society with the freedom of alcohol does things start taking an interesting turn, like lending a helping hand to the guy so he's sure to catch that bus first the next time. Naw. That's just crazy talk. Nothing good ever came from violent impulses, and they shouldn't be followed, no matter how sweet the petty revenge might seem to the wronged mind.

Still, there's no shortage of utter gits in the world.
You yourself, know that you are the better man :shy: . We know it to.

People that act like that in life get away with it kind of often; but they won't always. He'll suffer later for being selfish.

But anyway, what happens to him or the other selfish people doesn't really matter; it's what happens to you and the other nice people!

I bury most things, but sometimes if I feel something super unjust is happening, I won't be afraid to raise my voice :shy:

This issue in the queue; I probably wouldn't have defended myself cos I'm usually patient and I know that horrible guy just royally out-pricked himself and that's punishment enough for him ;p But if I saw it happen to someone else, I'd probably do something about it.
in a way?
considr that ur lucky that u CAN evn do that
sum of us cant seem 2 LoL
@ least in a way ur method is more thought out
mine in those situations is more autom8d
it would piss me off
so i would say sumthng
i wouldnt evn thnk it ovr
it would just "happen"
(sumthng im wrkng on)
sumtimes i wish i could just handle it more the way u do

I too agree that it's a good thing you can hold back emotions in situations like that because a lot of time that's when unecessary violence breaks out. I dont think you should have smiled like it was okay, showing anger,frustration,sadness on the outside is okay that lets people know that something is wrong and they will respond to that.

I do at times also hide my emotions mostly with my family, i settle a lot for things instead of speaking up saying what i really want. With people around me i generally keep my emotions to myself but again i wear them on the outside so most people can tell when somethings bothering me by looking at my face and then i get a responce.

Bread said:
It's very therapeutical.

I'm sorry, but it's, "Therapeutic," my love. :p

I tend to bury my emotions, yes, but I've been very terrible at doing so lately. Random crying, sensitivity to everything, ranting, venting, speaking my mind, it's really getting on my nerves. There was a time when I never said anything but "Yeah I agree," "Sure, I'll do that," or "I don't know."

I wish I could go back to that time. My therapist may disagree, but the happiest and healthiest moments of my life is when I was a likeable, agreeable little doormat.
That's just my problem. I speak my mind. Sometimes out of respect, I suppress thoughts and emotions. If someone is acting like a dick and disrespecting me, they're going to hear from me. It's been my experience that when you suppress your thoughts and feelings too much, it can have a devastating effect on your health.

It's admirable to keep your cool and not shoot your mouth off in anger, but in time it will start taking it's toll on your health. Issues like this must be resolved or they will just eat away at you. If someone is disrespecting you, let them know that you won't tolerate any of that ********. You will feel better because you are expressing your displeasure and standing up to whoever is treating you that way. It's much better to do so than to walk around all damn day thinking about how much you would like to crush the source of your stress.
LoneKiller said:
That's just my problem. I speak my mind. Sometimes out of respect, I suppress thoughts and emotions. If someone is acting like a dick and disrespecting me, they're going to hear from me. It's been my experience that when you suppress your thoughts and feelings too much, it can have a devastating effect on your health.

It's admirable to keep your cool and not shoot your mouth off in anger, but in time it will start taking it's toll on your health. Issues like this must be resolved or they will just eat away at you. If someone is disrespecting you, let them know that you won't tolerate any of that ********. You will feel better because you are expressing your displeasure and standing up to whoever is treating you that way. It's much better to do so than to walk around all damn day thinking about how much you would like to crush the source of your stress.

Yeah, the health thing is what I worry about.

Right now I feel pretty much perma-stressed. Just lately I also tend to get very strong emotions when I get home and away from it all too. Either profound sadness, real irritation or a sudden surge of euphoria because things are actually going okay for a change :rolleyes:

I wonder if these mood swings are down to me just dealing with almost everything with a "stiff upper lip". But I just hate kind of confronting people over "petty" things I guess, even if it really gets on my nerves at the time.

You're correct though, I really should start bringing these things up when they happen.
Yes I do bury my emotions around most people if I'm moody because 1.) I don't want people to see me upset and 2.) I'll feel even worse later on if I snap at someone/act like a grump.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
I'm sorry, but it's, "Therapeutic," my love. :p

Hmmh. A quick look at two dictionaries has left me uncertain, as they both say different things. Guess I'll have to take your word for it, then. :)

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