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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. SubjugatingH2O

    Why do people believe in God?

    Because many people are programmed from a young age and told not to question their faith or they will suffer(they're submissive). And other people seek the higher existence that is promised in the Holy bible(they're self-serving). Some people just need a good fairy tell to take their mind off...
  2. SubjugatingH2O


    My ex and I were like that. The sense of humor thing is a big deal to me. We would crack each other up for hours because we just clicked that way. We were actually good friends for about 6 years before we started a relationship, and it's been a year since we broke up and I still miss her like...
  3. SubjugatingH2O

    Can you still find contentment in life despite being familyless?

    I don't understand, do you mean living out your life with no family until you die? If so, I have to say no, personally. I want to marry and have kids and all that crap.
  4. SubjugatingH2O

    New Years eve

    I have the exact opposite problem. I hate the holiday because it's really just another night, but I'm expected to get drunk. I have many friends, all of them with crazy plans inviting me and expecting me to go, and all I wanna do is sleep because I worked 12 hours and it's been a rough week so...
  5. SubjugatingH2O

    i have this thing

    Don't place so much importance on socializing, it can make you socially awkward. I would say, my best guess, that you are either socially awkward, so it makes being around other people uncomfortable, even though you want it, or or the exact opposite: you need alone time, but you place an...
  6. SubjugatingH2O

    letters never mean to be read

    Dear Holly, We were friends for some time before we were a couple. Now that we broke up, I don't know if things can ever be the same, especially since I still love you just the same as I did a year ago. We broke up due to geographical complications, but there are underlying issues that we...
  7. SubjugatingH2O

    Afraid of being clingy

    I'm the same way with girlfriends. I'm a very affectionate guy, but it doesn't mean I'm being needy or clingy, but women will often perceive it that way. I have a way of making them think I'm in love with them when I'm just very affectionate. I'm talking about intimate relationships though...
  8. SubjugatingH2O

    Take heart

    The few moments or serenity I have found and lost in my life have given me hope and kept me going through the seemingly unending despair. But I will admit that years of sorrow are taking their toll on me. It seems like I'm constantly hovering in between depression and normalcy. It's a scary...
  9. SubjugatingH2O

    Even if......

    I haven't seen your picture, but I can tell you, women don't care that much about looks. I have seen some fugly guys get some hot girls and I have no idea how they do it. I'm an attractive guy, but I am horrible at getting women. Some people just have an understanding of how these things...
  10. SubjugatingH2O

    Nice forum

    Nice to see I have a place to go when I'm feeling down and just wanna get some stuff off of my chest. A little about me: I'm a 26 yrs old male, in Virginia, USA. I'm currently in the Navy, which I have mixed feelings about. I sometimes think too much, but I can't really share my thoughts...