Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
NOOOOOO what was said was right!. grow up!!.
Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
misswonderwall said:Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
NOOOOOO what was said was right!. grow up!!.
misswonderwall said:Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
NOOOOOO what was said was right!. grow up!!.
Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
Mediocre said:I did. I lost track of who was who.I did read your post though Loser and just wanted to say that if youre not here to just play around and your post is actually all true that there are those of us who understand and who care.
Guest said:misswonderwall said:Guest said:Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.
NOOOOOO what was said was right!. grow up!!.
and what you said is considered harassment and bullying, either you grow up, or if you dont stop this cruelty, you will be punished severely, not by me, not by the moderators, you could be in jail, you could be arrested for this, you could be arrested just for bullying someone on the internet. I hope you realised that people have committed suicide due to cyber bullying. You harass one of our members again, and you will be punished severely by the police and the magistrates. If you were in Pakistan you wouldve gotten a serious beating, your nothing but a nuisance in these forums. Leave these poor ppl alone Miss wonderall.
Or else
Ill put you behind bars myself
Michael said:Im just another quarter life loser (28 yrs old) still living with my parents in fact I always live with them, never had a job, has no friends (stopped making friends since I was 13), no support network apart from ol google, never had a girlfriend and if you havent guess by now i am still a virgin and most likely will never get married. Lately I realise that my entire existence has been a downward spiral ever since I was born. Everything i tell you is the truth.
I always tell myself I love solitude. Try to believe its better without friends, ive been hiding for just over 14 years now. I found a pot when I was 14, it was then I realised I disliked myself. I stopped going to school, never finished high school and certainly never had a college education. All I did to this day was stay at home and smoking pot was my life.
Only till I was 27 I realise that something was wrong with me as my clothes got darker and so did my mind. The only thing good this year (2007) is that I stopped smoking pot. But the depression got worse. I could only hide in the dark for so long, the year is 2007 and i still wasnt really going out of the house. But i was kinda positive and started to look at myself more, Sadly i still didnt go out much and that state of mind lasted for 6 months. I have been dead for too long. Now im bored, no confidence, no social skills and certainly my self esteem is so low. Ive never had a job, I know I have to make a change right now, but where do I start. I cant hide anymore. Im sick of being weak and alone, but i know i am the only one that can help myself. I dont know where to start.
I wanted to change and do something you know be happy and be successful one day.
My question is everything to late for me to start all over again and change things around at the old age of 27, is there any chance i will ever get a good job, be successful, get married and have children?? Is it still possible even though i never graduated from high school??
Please reply guys i really really need some help before its all too late.
lonelygirl said:Hey look at it this way: 30 is the new 20. I'm serious! People are taking a lot longer these days to grow up and to move out of their parent's house. Women and men are putting off marriage until their late 20's or even mid 30's. There's no need to panic. You have plenty of time to get your life going in the direction you'd like it to.
Number one congratulations on kicking the pot. I think daily smoking of pot would rob you of a lot of energy and desire to move forward with your life. So that explains a lot and you should not feel bad. You were caught in a bad place for a while. But you've put yourself through a hard time to get off it.
Think about what you want from life. I would suggest thinking about things you like to do or think you would like to do. If that is too much then start with things you hate. For example I hate math and science so I can rule out a lot of the current jobs in computers and the medical field. Second I hate authority so I can forget the military or police fields. Boom that's like 60 percent of jobs right there!
Come on register so we can send you PMs.![]()
nirmalya said:alex,
everbody in this world is not as happy you think from outside.
everdody is sad, depress from inside. i am also 28yrs still live with parents, no job, no friends and thought like you to kill myself or sucide, but i dont kill myself the reason behind is that i have to prove myself to this society,so i am alive but dont have any job.
if you want to give your views then my email is [email protected]