28yrs old in June, still live with parents, no job, no friends, is it all to late??

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Hi Alex,

You sound like an intelligent and sensitive person. Honestly, most of the lonely people on this sight are: intelligent, sensitive, artistic, kind, gentle, caring, loving, and many of them are also very attractive!!!!

We live in a difficult age. We have so much technology but we are losing our sense of community. Families are breaking up and living far apart. People spend time on the computer and not face to face. So there is a great sense of loneliness in the modern world.

I think you should focus more on what you want from life. What you think you can do. Being a clerk or cashier is nothing to be ashamed of. YOu are working and making an honest living. That right there is more than many can say!

Please don't be so hard on yourself.
Hi Aimee,

Thanks for posting that link. I found it very interesting. Though I don't really subscribe too deeply to astrology (I used to when I was younger, of course, like many females)...I do believe in our cycles of life, we go through seasons of life. 28 years old was a period of big change for me...that was when I gave birth to my first child! (and so far only child, but I have time. :)

I guess it's time to start being a grown up. BOOOO! I hate having to be the responsible one. However, it's all I can do but try to lead my family and myself in the right way of life.
Hey all

My name is Sean I’m 25 from Newcastle, UK. I’ve read every comment on this page and its so weird how similar all of our experiences are.

I’m most definately a loner. I do like to spend a most of my time on my own, however once in a while I’d like someone to maybe go see a movie with, or go to a bar with. Again, I’m a decent guy and a few people have tried to be my friends, but I always push them away/refuse to go out with them because I don’t want to spend to much time with them. I’ve been the same way since I was about 13 (before which I had lots of friends). Its so bad I’ve never been in a relationship.

I’ve often thought the solution may lie in trying to befriend a fellow loner. Someone else who understands your need to be alone.
Just a question, I dont really know if its that important to be posted as a new thread, nor I dont really know were to post this nxt reply but does anybody suffers from social phobia, not so much at work because at work Im very outgoing but when it comes to going out in bars and night clubs, parties or other social gatherings I just lose control of the things that I say in which I start talking really loud and fast, and sometimes I stutter, I lose control of myself and what I do etc. Im not the typical clubber and I just dont know how to adjust myself inside a night club, I just dont have any confidence at all.

Im sorry for this useless wingeing and moaning of mine, Im just curious thats all cause Ive been going out for about 5 yrs now but nothing has change
Sorry I had a few typos in my last reply. Sorry about that. Keep it short and simple this time gosh im so stupid, what i really mean this time is does anybody ever suffer from embarressing and making a complete fool of themselves in basically any social situations. I really wish I can do something to fix my social intelligence, I just dont know how to connect with someone when it comes to social gatherings. Im already 25 yrs old, (sigh) when will I ever learn :(
Hi Sean and welcome. Don't worry about making typos or not expressing yourself properly here since we all make mistakes from time to time. I can relate to some of what you said. I too enjoy spending time on my own, but I realize now it's because I don't know anyone who I can relate to or feel comfortable being myself around. I wish I did. At work I'm pretty relaxed and stuff because there I know what's expected to me. I'm in a structured enviornment and don't have to worry about social graces.
When I go out to a social situation where there's people I don't know, I get so nervous and shy and worry about making an idiot of myself that I just shut down and usually don't say a word. It makes it hard to meet new people that way. I don't know if I just suffer from shyness, social phobia or Avpd or some form of them all, but that's my situation.
It seems like you're just uncomfortable in social situations. You said this has gone on for years so maybe you should think about doing something differently that you haven't done before. I don't know, maybe try a different social situation. Maybe try low key things for short periods with people you feel comfortable around until you get more relaxed. Maybe you just worry too much in these situations and maybe can find some way to relax.
Hope some of this helps.
To lost and Alone

I dont think I have social phobia anyways, your right I should try something else such as join a gym, or some other forms of clubs. Night clubs, pubs, bars their really are intimidating places to go to. How can you expect to act normal when people are shouting cause its too bloody loud, pushing you around cause its too crowded, you cant make decent conversations with another person cause their too bloody drunk.

So how can you expect to act normal, in many social situations Im pressured to talk, so I just end up shouting none sense all the time.
I like going to the cinemas instead, there you are not pressured to talk but just to sit and enjoy a movie, and eating
You're right clubs are the worst place to socialize. How can you socialize if you can't hear what the other person is saying?

Don't give up hope. Find someone who likes the same movies as you and this way there's less pressure to talk. At least afterwards you have something to talk about-the movie itself.
Yeah ur right, its funny how many people can easily fit in and adjust to such social settings. Mind you Newcastle is like the clubbing capital of the UK.
Even so I'm sure not all people there are into clubs. You just have to find someone who isn't.
I agree with Sean, clubs suck. They are not for making friends or even true socializing. They are for 'posing.' They are for going out looking your best, and looking at other people looking their best. MAYBE you could shout something vaguely charming at a person of the opposite sex and go home with a drunken person who doesn't even know or care about you to engage in some meaningless cheap sex which could leave you diseased, pregnant, and/or heartbroken.

I would say bookstores, libraries, coffee houses, pubs, cafes, museums, etc are better places to meet people. Most people in these places are approachable and you can ask a question which makes it easy to strike up a conversation. Also one of the best things to do if you are very lonely is to join a volunteering group. YOu can meet other people with whom you have something in common and it's easy to make friends that way--you are working together doing something to make the world a better place!

Have you heard of the Hash House Harriers? What do you think of them?
Sorry if I havent replied lately its just that life is just you know kind off busy especially when you leave high school. I too havent had the perfect childhood, in fact I had to experience and do things for myself like alot of 19 year olds dont have to go through. And I understand all of you and I can relate to you in some way as well.

Trying to reply to your post, I purely understand that everyone goes through life with problems, theres no such thing as a perfect life, even powerful rich celebrities of the past have decided to end their life cause they have found the going gets tough, even when you think as a fan you see them as someone with such high status , powerful, legions of fans, and all the friends that they can have.

As for me I do understand that life is impossible to be perfect, I just wished that somethings just somethings went right. At the moment I am suffering financially (in terms of paying of rent, food, electricity,) I struggle to survive by myself cause I dont live with my parents. But living with my parents was hell, all they think about is their business and getting drunk and stoned. The worst case scenarios is being verbally and physically abused, bottles thrown at you. But I feel alot safer now. But still living by yourself its like jumping from one hell to another.

Not just that I have economic problems, I am suffering in a social basis as well. I am preety much safe to say I am a pathetic loner. I really dont have any friends, well true friends that is. Only acquaintances at work and just to hang out with. Its hard to live life when you dont have any friends, you dont have anyone to share what you feel in an emotional level, you dont have any friends that will check up on you when your down, no one to tell you that your worth it, that your not that bad, that is why not just that I feel lonely, but my self esteem is really really terrible.

Right now I could go on telling you a whole list of problems, but Ill try to keep it short. ATM im just so tired to even write down my problems. I really am so lost and confused, and due to too much fear and anxiety I too am losing concentration and focus on what I should do, or what I should say. Sometimes I even think that my memory is also affected by this, its weird that something is on my mind for example, I need to pick up something in my bedroom, the moment i get in I forget what i meant to do or what to get

Loneliness doesnt help when you also get abused and harrassed online. If I cant get any real true friends in real life, how pathethic could I be if I cant even be heard, no one to listen to, or no one to talk to in this virtual world. With no internet friends at all, seriously could I be more pathetic than I already am. Right now I cant really share anything that will bring happiness and joy, cause all that I have in my mind atm is just the anxiety and the fears that I have for the last 12 months.

Ill just give u a slight dose, just dot points of my fears and why my self esteem is down.


1)Fear of the future, fear of where I will end up in 5-10 years from now, whether I will suffer both financially and socially, will I be a loner even when im 30 years old, Will I ever get married, will any woman fall in love with a loser like me

2)Fears of social situation, whether I will make a fool of myself, I hate embarrassing myself in social situations.

3)Fears of losing my job

4)Fears that I may never change, like my personality would I be able to finally come out of my shell, will I still be an introvert and a shy creature. Even when I am loud and outgoing, is there a way to get peoples attention instead of them running away or ignoring me all the time.

5)Fears that I may have this bipolar depression for a very long time and other phobia’s. So many people, in fact basically every human being will go through life having lost a love one, break ups in relationships or marriages, unemployment, financial crisis, but people go through this its just life, but for others like myself I have phobia’s social anxiety problems when Im out, I just don’t know what to say, or when I do say things it just doesn’t make any sense. 4 weeks ago I have been suffering from 6 weeks of Agorophobia, total isolation just staying at home for most of the time, without getting out of the house.

Reasons for low Self Esteem

- I feel like the worst, most worthless human being on the planet why???

1) I just feel like everyone is better than me, or doing better than me anyways, whether in terms of the number of friends they have, the lifestyle, their jobs, careers, what they have, makes me feel worthless and really pathethic.

2) As I see whether in real life or over the internet people find it so easy to fully express themselves, and they are able to win friends and get people’s attentions. Its easy for them to be outgoing because of how high their self esteem is, and some are just too damn cocky and I hate that.

3) When I hear stories of what they have done, fun things that they have done over the weekend makes you think gosh I really am missing out on so much things in my life. And I would do anything to change, but I need to change something first and that’s what I am thinking up in my head, I need to have the willpower to change

4) Well I try to go out at least once a week, or once a fortnight, but when Im at home alone by myself, haven’t done anything over the weekend makes you think gosh am I this bad that no one wants to hang around with me, is there something wrong with me. I ask that same question as well when Im out with the crew and Im being totally ignored and left out, when that happens I always ask myself what I am doing wrong.

5) Its totally unfair how all the cruel and the nasty people of this world gets all the friends and the success, and the fun. While the nice and caring people they get taken advantaged, used, they have to put up with all the misery and all the pains. Fair enough it has got to do something with confidence but It does not have to mean that they have to be so cocky and so selfish and inconsiderate.

I hope I provided you with the right answers, and hopefully I haven’t bored you at all, but most of all I am so sorry if I have depressed you. Enough about me, I see that you are 16 years old. I really feel for you and I wish I could’ve been there for you. I kinda feel like a big brother to you cause Ive never had any siblings, nor a bro or a sis. But Im here now, and Ill always be here for you whenever you need me. You don’t deserve to put up with this misery and pains in your life at all. I too want to help you, so your not alone we will both work together. I promise that I will be there for you when you need me, and I will do my best to free you out of your misery and pains.

I am somehow happy and relief that I finally can relate to someone. I haven’t smiled for a week now, and atm you have made me smile again. I am really happy that weve found each other, that I have found a new friend in you. You seem like a really nice person, I wish we can meet each other one day. Now that we have each other, I promise that we will work together

I wish I could write you more, but I don’t want to bore you as much as I have already and its nearly 4am in Australia, I think my bed is calling me already lol. But we will catch up soon, and then we can start talking about the fun stuff, and you will know more about me as the days go on.

First off....STOP putting yourself down!!! Listen, you are being WAY too hard on yourself. This harshness, while it may sort of feel good in a masochistic way, is not healthy.

I do the same thing as you. I'm 31 and one of the ways I 'torture myself' when I'm feeling down is to play what I like to call The Comparison Game. This is a game where trust me...you will lose at least 90 percent of the time. However, my mom gave me one insight when I play The Comparison Game and say "oh but so and so is a mom of THREE kids and she's thin...has a great figure...handsome husband...nice house...fancy car...etc etc etc...when I complain that I've gained weight and depressed and overwhelmed just having one kid! She says, okay well if you want to play that game where you always come in last, then you have to compare taking that person's ENTIRE LIFE. All their problems..physical problems, mental problems...their parents...their husband...their kids...their EVERYTHING. Well, one of the ladies I'm jealous of is another ethnicity--and I would not want to be that particular ethnicity---take that as you will. So, my being jealous, comparing myself, berating myself and complaining about my life...is ********. Because all I'm doing is wanting the good stuff she has without accepting the fact that she has problems and bad stuff in her life, too!

STOP PLAYING THE COMPARISON GAME! Even if some of your peers in your age group are doing well at least on the surface, they all have problems and for the majority of them their problems feel just as bad as yours do to you!

Answer to your question:

I feel like the worst, most worthless human being on the planet why???

Well either you are the serial killer/abuser worse than any other human on this planet (highly doubtful) or you are just lying to yourself. Putting yourself down harshly. It feels kind of good inside in a sick way. Sometimes I'm so mean to myself that I make myself cry...it's wrong, it helps no one and does not make the world a better place. That would take: Kindness for yourself...forgiving yourself for your mistakes and trying to learn not to repeat them.

Jason said:
I hope I provided you with the right answers, and hopefully I haven’t bored you at all, but most of all I am so sorry if I have depressed you. Enough about me, I see that you are 16 years old. I really feel for you and I wish I could’ve been there for you. I kinda feel like a big brother to you cause Ive never had any siblings, nor a bro or a sis. But Im here now, and Ill always be here for you whenever you need me. You don’t deserve to put up with this misery and pains in your life at all. I too want to help you, so your not alone we will both work together. I promise that I will be there for you when you need me, and I will do my best to free you out of your misery and pains.

I am somehow happy and relief that I finally can relate to someone. I haven’t smiled for a week now, and atm you have made me smile again. I am really happy that weve found each other, that I have found a new friend in you. You seem like a really nice person, I wish we can meet each other one day. Now that we have each other, I promise that we will work together

Sorry about that I forgot to erase that Cause it was just a copy and paste from one of the blogs I posted on the internet. So sorry about that.
I have no friends or family and never have. I don’t want to depress anyone more than they are already but I was never really able to make friends and as I have got older (in my 50’s now) it hasn’t changed.

As an atheist I have to be careful whenever I speak to people because where I live it seems every other person went to the catholic school and I have found that hostility towards atheists has grown considerably since I was young.

I feel being alone all the time – except for my dog – I am going a but nuts, I talk to myself constantly, by nature I am quite outgoing and like to talk, so as I have no-one to talk to I invent conversations with myself. I wish I could control it.

I think I used to be normal but now I suspect I look and act a bit odd so my chances of anyone wanting to hang out with me are even less than before.

If I was a man I am sure I would visit hookers as even that company would be better than nothing but there is nothing available to women so each day is an endurance test to cope with alone.
To michael

Hey bud, I’m in the same boat as is everybody is in this thread that you have made, and well done for making it. I’m 33, unemployed, with almost no social skills.

I think our society has moved into most things being “disposable”, and for the most part this has also applied to people.

We do not have long-term links with neighbors anymore, or hold lifetime jobs with co-workers we know and trust. Our lives are fragmented and broken, which means our friendships will be as well. The internet, google, etc. has also been a major cause, who needs a friend to help anymore with something you can just research yourself on the all-powerful world-wide-web?

I think the only real thing we can do is sort people on a massive scale as best we can. We must save our trust, love, empathy, etc. for those people that will go above and beyond to reciprocate.

Start with people who share your passions in life to the extent you do. IE. Go do what you want where other people also do it, and talk to each and every one of them until you find the ones who feel the same way. If they don;t accept you for who you are and how you act then move on to the next person.

Unfortunately the days of trusting people indiscriminately are over, if you disagree just try leaving your car in your driveway with the keys in it and see what happens. But this does not mean we have to be alone.
If you want to hear the bitchiest whining ever, read on.

I’m just another quarterlife loser kid out of college back home to live with parents, with no job, no friends, and no support network, aside from ol’ google. Lately I realize that my entire existence has been a downward spiral ever since I was born. Everything I tell you is the truth.

Ever since I was a little kid, I was a sore loser, and a lone wolf. For recess I walked in circles alone with my head lowered to the ground– literally. The insects were my companions then. In high school, I hung out in the library alone in the back, so I could carve bad words into a desk. Right now, I’d really like to make friends online, just any old platonic companion, but I can’t seem to even figure that out. I’ve tried yahoo chatrooms– people there just plain scare me. They are no different from normal people- they have their own world going on, and they leave outsiders in the dust. Not like I have anything in common with anybody in the entire world.

In college I made no friends. Tried the fencing team, anime clubs. No one liked me. And I was a really bad fencer anyway. I lost to a 4 foot tall fat Hawaiian girl at a novice tournament. And then I had a nervous breakdown, and completely embarrassed myself. Everyone laughed at me. Anyway, I’m not surprised no one likes me because I have a creepy stalker vibe that I can’t seem to wear off. And I’m so poor a thespian that the one time I tried acting preppy creeped people out even more.

I believe I am the way I am, because I DO in fact fear people deeply. I always think that people are out to judge me, and I don’t want to expose how big of a loser I am to anybody at all, and that’s why I barely do anything with other people. My only support network are my parents. Though I love them deeply, my parents rub in my loser status constantly and still treat me like a kid. I have to thoroughly explain what I am doing whenever I go out, they tell me when to go to bed, they make me exercise, I have to “wear a jacket when it’s cold,” a hat when it’s sunny, and they tell me when to brush my teeth still. It’s ridiculous.

Job-wise, being unemployed for nine months can really wear out your self-esteem and social skills. Just ordering a pizza ON THE PHONE makes me sweaty nervous. Despite this I always try hard at everything I do, I want the respect of other people deeply. I that’s why I studied aerospace engineering, which is a very difficult major. I went into it with not much science talent, or pure curiosity in the first place. I gave it my all just to get by with C’s, but I graduated with NO JOB PROSPECTS at all. Not even temp agencies want to interview me. In fact, the entire time I have been unemployed I haven’t even gotten ONE in-person interview. NOT EVEN ONE. And since I’ve never held any job experience or social skills of any kind I can’t even get a job at Borders. I am more useless than a pet rock.

I am in no way hedonistic at all. I adopt a life of extreme temperance. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I am a vegetarian. I barely spend money. I always try to be helpful to anyone I come across. I spend my free time perfecting my drawing skills, and piano playing, but in truth I know I’m very poor at these things. My parents and other family members share the same opinion. I just completely suck.

If you haven’t figured this out already I am also a virgin to the extreme. Never had a girl, never been kissed, never held hands with a lady. The ensuing sexual/romantic frustration has completely warped how I perceive women in a negative way that is too depressing to dwell on. I don’t look women in the eyes even. I am literally writing a manifesto- lets just say it’s the antithesis of the SCUM Manifesto. I think about my small penis size a lot, and I draw hentai of Gadget to solve my sexual problems (as my parents filter porn out of our internet).

I must be masochistic, because for every situation I must explore its negative connotations to the extreme. I constantly think of lazy yuppie Harvard communications grads with six-packs F***ing “babes” atop a high rise penthouse speaking fluent Urdu. I do this most often when I am awake, and cannot get out of bed. I usually cannot get out of bed until I need to pee which could take hours of not doing anything. Though many of you may be depressed at not having friends, at least you have a shred of respect for yourself in not being pathetic as I am- a man, perhaps less a man and more a callow toddler, with nothing but spite and this censored internet to vent.

P.S. Did I mention I don’t know how to swim, I still play with action figures, and that dairy products give me horrible gas?
Loser said:
If you want to hear the bitchiest whining ever, read on.

I’m just another quarterlife loser kid out of college back home to live with parents, with no job, no friends, and no support network, aside from ol’ google. Lately I realize that my entire existence has been a downward spiral ever since I was born. Everything I tell you is the truth.

Ever since I was a little kid, I was a sore loser, and a lone wolf. For recess I walked in circles alone with my head lowered to the ground– literally. The insects were my companions then. In high school, I hung out in the library alone in the back, so I could carve bad words into a desk. Right now, I’d really like to make friends online, just any old platonic companion, but I can’t seem to even figure that out. I’ve tried yahoo chatrooms– people there just plain scare me. They are no different from normal people- they have their own world going on, and they leave outsiders in the dust. Not like I have anything in common with anybody in the entire world.

In college I made no friends. Tried the fencing team, anime clubs. No one liked me. And I was a really bad fencer anyway. I lost to a 4 foot tall fat Hawaiian girl at a novice tournament. And then I had a nervous breakdown, and completely embarrassed myself. Everyone laughed at me. Anyway, I’m not surprised no one likes me because I have a creepy stalker vibe that I can’t seem to wear off. And I’m so poor a thespian that the one time I tried acting preppy creeped people out even more.

I believe I am the way I am, because I DO in fact fear people deeply. I always think that people are out to judge me, and I don’t want to expose how big of a loser I am to anybody at all, and that’s why I barely do anything with other people. My only support network are my parents. Though I love them deeply, my parents rub in my loser status constantly and still treat me like a kid. I have to thoroughly explain what I am doing whenever I go out, they tell me when to go to bed, they make me exercise, I have to “wear a jacket when it’s cold,” a hat when it’s sunny, and they tell me when to brush my teeth still. It’s ridiculous.

Job-wise, being unemployed for nine months can really wear out your self-esteem and social skills. Just ordering a pizza ON THE PHONE makes me sweaty nervous. Despite this I always try hard at everything I do, I want the respect of other people deeply. I that’s why I studied aerospace engineering, which is a very difficult major. I went into it with not much science talent, or pure curiosity in the first place. I gave it my all just to get by with C’s, but I graduated with NO JOB PROSPECTS at all. Not even temp agencies want to interview me. In fact, the entire time I have been unemployed I haven’t even gotten ONE in-person interview. NOT EVEN ONE. And since I’ve never held any job experience or social skills of any kind I can’t even get a job at Borders. I am more useless than a pet rock.

I am in no way hedonistic at all. I adopt a life of extreme temperance. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I am a vegetarian. I barely spend money. I always try to be helpful to anyone I come across. I spend my free time perfecting my drawing skills, and piano playing, but in truth I know I’m very poor at these things. My parents and other family members share the same opinion. I just completely suck.

If you haven’t figured this out already I am also a virgin to the extreme. Never had a girl, never been kissed, never held hands with a lady. The ensuing sexual/romantic frustration has completely warped how I perceive women in a negative way that is too depressing to dwell on. I don’t look women in the eyes even. I am literally writing a manifesto- lets just say it’s the antithesis of the SCUM Manifesto. I think about my small penis size a lot, and I draw hentai of Gadget to solve my sexual problems (as my parents filter porn out of our internet).

I must be masochistic, because for every situation I must explore its negative connotations to the extreme. I constantly think of lazy yuppie Harvard communications grads with six-packs F***ing “babes” atop a high rise penthouse speaking fluent Urdu. I do this most often when I am awake, and cannot get out of bed. I usually cannot get out of bed until I need to pee which could take hours of not doing anything. Though many of you may be depressed at not having friends, at least you have a shred of respect for yourself in not being pathetic as I am- a man, perhaps less a man and more a callow toddler, with nothing but spite and this censored internet to vent.

P.S. Did I mention I don’t know how to swim, I still play with action figures, and that dairy products give me horrible gas?

Ok "Loser" if u want a good online ass kicking here it goes...Grow up! What else can I say. You claim your parents treat you like a child, but that's only because you let them. You seem to enjoy acting like a child, so you have no right to complain. Yes, I do believe you are partly masochistic. What is easier? Wallowing in your own self pity and felling/acting helpless, or actually taking stock of yourself and doing something to change? Yes, I know the answer. I hate to break it to you but life isn't that easier. If you want to wallow in your own self pity you will truly get nowhere in life. What you have is a disorder. I don't know whether it's social phobia or what, and I'm not qualifed to venture a guess. But whatever it is it is real. You can not keep using it as an excuse or a crutch to feel sorry for yourself. you need to address it and move forward. Your parents won't be around forever. Who will take care of you then?
I tell you this only because I've been there myself, through the same thinking. All it does is keeps you from getting better. Stop whining and do something about it, no matter how hard it is!
Your a bit to harsh there guest, anyways I am not asking for sympathy at all, all Im asking is that I need alot of help and maybe some prayers.

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