Believe me, I know what you mean. Not to sound like a narcissist but I don't know why I have problems with this stuff either, for the same reasons. Minus the white bit - I don't think it's a factor. I don't look too great when I roll out of bed in the morning, but after I do basic grooming I think I'm at least slightly above "just okay".
I used to have lots of problems - shyness, EXTREME pessimism (if I come off as a pessimist now, I used to be way worse), not knowing myself very well, just thinking things were fixed and there was zilch I could do that mattered. I used to have a weed problem as well but haven't touched it in almost a year and a half - I've switched my focus back to my health instead. Idk. I admit fault when it comes to money but I'm working on that. The only other thing I can think of is that girls don't like me because I'm not a "bad boy" but I don't want to be, I think that's dumb. I don't need dope and a record to know I'm something real. Idk what my problem is.