After some observations...

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Mary Mary said:
Oh, come on guys, I think he's got a point. If I was such a sexually frustrated social retard who can't get along with vast sections of the world's population, I'd just blame it on them, too.

The_Iblis_Trigger said:
Why be nothing more than surplus merchandise in one place where you can go to another place and be a valuable commodity? Think of this as a business decision....

OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! What are we gonna do, Ladies?! He's removing himself from our dating pool!

Jesus Christ.

and just for the record, those Middle Eastern or Far Eastern country girls that you're talking about, don't exist, most of the girls from there don't look for an american guy to "love" they just want to get the hell out of their countries were they have terrible life conditions...
Lonesome Crow said:
To each his own . Every man as to find his own place in the world. Make his claim and take a stand. Where he can be happy furrish N prosper....

will..did u do theesome with young hawt white chicks yet?

Have u ever had a couple white chick have a cat fight over u before?
Its harraliouse as ****.

Im asian BTW..I understand all the ********..but I love americain women.

my current GF...
Franisc is all that u mentioned..shes not perfect ..she such a **** up sometimes...see the thing of it is she went an ****** with me..N ****** me.
I make her blood biol...Im can be such a prick somtimes :p

You're Asian! Get out!! My mom's Asian.

You don't mind American women because you have social skills.

American women
Jamaica has more women than men? Where did you hear this?

If so that is interesting. Jamaican men are the worst though, I dont know one who can be faithful.

Sci-Fi said:
Really!?! Wow Spectacles that's interesting, never knew South America had so many gays...guess it shouldn't be surprising really, but it is. That sounds like Jamaica, more women than men.

The reason you should remain open is because NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME.

Every guy I dated before my husband cheated on me, does that mean all men cheat??? NO!!

You can not block all americans/western-women because the one's you met werent what you wanted. The girl of your dreams could very well be american/western and you will miss your chance with her if you keep your prejudices.


The_Iblis_Trigger said:
If I decide to open up to Western women again, you're gonna have to provide me with an insanely spectacular reason why I should, and not some lame (cliched) excuse. Otherwise, you can just forget it. Western women have had their chance with me, and they blew it something fierce.

jales said:
Jamaica has more women than men? Where did you hear this?

If so that is interesting. Jamaican men are the worst though, I dont know one who can be faithful.

I was there a few years ago. The men come over here (north america) to work in the fields, some even stay all year round. They'll work and save up as much money as they can then go back to build their homes, which can take years to complete. They leave Jamaica because job competition is fierce there, we saw a bunch of guys just sitting around waiting for someone to come along for workers. Contractors will come looking for guys who can do certain skills and pick out who they want. It's like going to a market. Some guys will sit there all day and not get work, it was really eye opening. They don't even get paid much.

Yep, they are unfaithful because they can easily just move on to the next one, so if woman wants to keep her man she has to let him run around. Kind of messed up. Some people were quizzing one of our male tour guides and he said he is faithful to his wife, he's not like the other men. It was pretty funny, one lady was really digging to get him to admit if he cheats. It was all in fun though, they are great people and have a really good sense of humour.
I noticed a few of the responses to my thread and I sensed more hostility towards myself than in my original post. Everyone has a right to their own opinion; however, I must ask this question: To anyone and everyone who has and will make a hostile response to my thread, if my removing myself from the dating pool is of so little consequence, then why are your responses to my post so hostile and rude? I mean, all you had to say was something like "Oh well, have a good time". Instead, I get responses calling me ugly names such as "social retard" among other things. I just said that American women can be very hostile towards men (among other things) and not only did I obviously strike a nerve (regardless of how much you all may deny it-- if the shoe fits, wear it...) these responses only proved my point. I know you may claim not to care, but if you truly do not care, then there is no need for all of the rudeness and hostility. Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention something: If a woman is just not interested in you, then all of the "social skills" in the universe will not help you. All that hostility just shows that, DEEP DOWN, you care because a lot of the men here in America can be just as bad (or worse) as I said American women are and you know a good man when you see one (and here, good men are rare), and you would hate to see him get away. I do not expect support nor encouragement for my decision, but the hostility and rudeness is highly unnecessary. This reply, I could have responded in kind with hostility, rudeness, juvenile insults, and sarcasm, but I am too mature for that. All I was doing is trying to make a statement. With that said, if I myself sounded hostile in my original post, I'm sorry. However, I will NOT apologize for my words.
You insulted millions of women in one post by generalizing that we American women are basically little better than maggots on ****.

You came to this forum to troll the American women and get them riled up because you knew it would work. Culturally speaking, American women tend to be a passionate lot. Perhaps that's why you've had so much difficulty with them? Perhaps you're just jealous because the women you've known may have had more passion in their pinky finger than you have all together.

And then you get upset because you got hostility for it? Waah! Shall I break out the violins next? Go troll another forum. You are way too obvious. I personally found you amusing because I could see right through you. But if you don't want hostility, don't troll.

Have a nice day!

No, I did not come here to generalize anyone or "troll" here.I merely came here to speak my mind. However, one of the reasons you or any woman would be offended by what I said in my post is because deep down, you know what I say to be either true or you know that it applies to you personally. If it did not apply to you, then yes, some anger is justified, but not the level of hostility that was shown to me. It's just like a quote from my favorite TV show "Law & Order": The innocent will not run away. That means that, if you or any other woman who was hostile with me, truly were innocent of the charges I have brought against most Western women, then NOTHING that I said would justify the level of Hostility and rudeness that I was shown.

For instance, I am an African-American male, and if a white man came up to me and called me "n****r" (that word basically means lazy-no-good-piece-of-trash), I would look at him crazy, get a little miffed, then walk away. Why? Because I know that IT'S NOT TRUE!!! However; if it were true that I were a n****r, I would be hoppin' mad and ready to fight. That's all.

I wasn't offended. As I said, it amused me. You generalized millions of women and insulted them. Sure, there are women that your generalizations apply to. But not to all of us. That's what pisses people off. EVERYONE is different. Deep down, I know your post doesn't apply to me. But that doesn't give you the right to insult millions of people in one fell swoop because you got your feelings hurt. You also did not take responsibility for your share of the blame for whatever happened to your relationships. You just blamed American women for whatever went wrong because we're apparently so damn self-centered and materialistic and blah blah ******* blah. It takes two to make or break a relationship and no one is innocent in them.

This forum is an easy target for someone wanting to get a rise out of the emotionally vulnerable. And there are a lot of people here licking their wounds and looking for solace and understanding. You come along and make your post insulting millions of women. That's trolling. Call it whatever you want but it's still trolling. You still did it. So don't get butthurt if you get hostility back for it.

We are all entitled to our opinions; but when those opinions are designed to rile a group of people, that crosses the line into trolling. Hate American women all you want. I don't give a **** whether you do or not. But preying on the emotionally vulnerable? That's messed up and that's why I'm calling you out for it.
Granted, if that was the reason for this post, then yes, I deserved to be called out. However, if you really did not "give a ****" if I hated American women, then why the sarcastic comments from earlier, not your recent posts? If you really did not care, then why do you feel the need to put it out there for everyone to know? If you really did not care, then why did you imply that I have no social skills? It's like I said: if a woman is not interested in you, then all of the social skills in the galaxy will not help you.
Hate and dislike whoever you want, I don't care. Just don't do it here. Take your nasty generalizations elsewhere. Maybe that librarian didn't like you because you were mean and nasty to her. Think about how you treat people, and stop worrying about what others do.
One more thing for right now: I shall provide some statistics and numbers that may shed some light on things at a later date so this will not be the ideological equivalent of mud-slinging.

VanillaCreme said:
Hate and dislike whoever you want, I don't care. Just don't do it here. Take your nasty generalizations elsewhere. Maybe that librarian didn't like you because you were mean and nasty to her. Think about how you treat people, and stop worrying about what others do.

With all due respect, you are just absolutely wrong on that account. I, in no way, was ever mean to that woman. Also, how can you tell me to not assume things about people yet you're making the assumption that, just because of my actions here, I was just so mean and nasty to the library lady? I generally treat women with kindness and respect, and it's not always reciprocated. I also do not worry about what others do, unless it affects me personally. So, as a matter of clarification, I do not hate American women and I never said I hated American women. I just hate that princess mentality that most of them have, another assumption you made. If you're going to tell me to not make assumptions and generalizations then, with all due respect, you need to practice what you preach and not make assumptions about me, even if I generalized a whole group and you're just assuming things about me personally. Two wrongs does not make a right. That's all.
I love love loveeeeeeeeeeee Jamaican people. They are my favorite people in the world.

I lived there for five years and oh how I miss it now.

The men cheat like crazy though. But I always assumed it was just cultural though.

Some women find men more attractive when they have more than one woman, they think it makes them more manly.. well I have had classmates of mine say that at least.

And it's just in their culture that men think you are being weak or so if you decide to be faithful to one girl.

But there are men who don't think like that, the truly religious and those who just dont follow the crowd.

I always ended up with the messed up guys who were cheating but that is because those were the only ones who chased after me long enough to catch me.

I think I lied when I said never met a faithful Jamaican guy though, I think one of my classmates.. he would have been faithful if he had a girl. I THINK so... but he was always high.. his girlfriend would have to be very odd.

Most of them cheat though.

Sci-Fi said:
jales said:
Jamaica has more women than men? Where did you hear this?

If so that is interesting. Jamaican men are the worst though, I dont know one who can be faithful.

I was there a few years ago. The men come over here (north america) to work in the fields, some even stay all year round. They'll work and save up as much money as they can then go back to build their homes, which can take years to complete. They leave Jamaica because job competition is fierce there, we saw a bunch of guys just sitting around waiting for someone to come along for workers. Contractors will come looking for guys who can do certain skills and pick out who they want. It's like going to a market. Some guys will sit there all day and not get work, it was really eye opening. They don't even get paid much.

Yep, they are unfaithful because they can easily just move on to the next one, so if woman wants to keep her man she has to let him run around. Kind of messed up. Some people were quizzing one of our male tour guides and he said he is faithful to his wife, he's not like the other men. It was pretty funny, one lady was really digging to get him to admit if he cheats. It was all in fun though, they are great people and have a really good sense of humour.

You should totally talk to Socrates, cuz this post is about as ****** up as something he would post.

OMFG, who the hell are you to judge women this way? Sorry honey, but you don't know jack **** about women, so please stop assuming you do. Did you ever think for one tiny little second that YOU may be the cause of the way women treat you????
Oh but I do believe we've had this conversation before and you of course are 100% innocent in everything.

Seriously, get the **** off your high horse.
What Callie said.

And for your poorly informed information, I am American and I'm a woman, and I don't act like a princess.

While you're getting off your high horse, step off that pedestal too.
I always thought princesses were supposed to be noble, empathetic and hard-working women trying to make the world a better place.

I always think of Princess Diana when I think of a princess. She had her emotional problems, of course, but she did try to make the world a better place. The words 'spoiled rich bitch' do not occur to me when I think of a princess the way it did to the troll. Spoiled rich bitch and princess are two entirely different types of women in my book. I am neither.

Yet I'm still an American. Imagine that! LOL
Errr....Did I mentioned that Francis can be very fiesty like the american women on this board...She makes my bloode boil...
Im such s **** up..I went N ****** up N with her :p
I really don't think that EVERY american woman is rude and mean to you. Maybe you are the one who is looking over the good women, maybe you come off as creepy, or weird. You also can't say that ALL american women are like this, due to the fact that you do not know every single american woman. You said that you would need a good reason to date american women, but really....why should we try to convince you to date us? If you don't like us in the first place, what woman would want to convince you otherwise? What makes you so wonderful that every woman would want you?

Go ahead and go to your other countries and get some young girl who wants to get out of her country and will end up leaving you once she gets into the states. I think the main reason men bitch about american ladies is that we will not be your little maids and do anything and everything to please you, unlike some other cultures which were taught to "serve men" or the ladies that fake this behavior to get out of their countries.

Anyways, if you don't like us, fine...but why do you have to complain about it to everyone?
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