Restless soul said:
Somnambulist said:
It's not about having a thicker skin ... you can't magically grow thicker skin.
Try to look at it slightly differently ... her comment was just noise generated by someone's brain. Do we really need to take others' opinions that seriously ? How important is this person's comment to you ?
When a 5 yr old tells you, "You're a poopoohead !", do you take that seriously ?
Who cares what this chick thinks about your photo or about ***anything*** ?
What do they say ? Opinions are like a$$ho!!es ... everybody's got one.
BTW, I fully agree with you and DarkSelene about smiles in pictures ... I almost NEVER smile in pictures, unless it just happens automatically.
Hi som. But that is just what a thicker skin means not caring.
Letting things roll off your back. Obviously I don't or else I wouldn't post. But your example of a 5 year old vs an adult woman is a little different espeacially with someone with a fragile ego, poor self image. Because you start questioning if evryone might think negative of that photo or you when not smiling.
I have heard that same comment about my pictures. It used to bug the **** out of me, till I realized that everyone out there is just echoing, like a puppet, the "rule" that one must be smiling in a photograph, and that that doesn't mean **** to me, because I like to capture whatever emotion or state I am feeling at the time the picture is taken. If that means a long face and wrinkles, fine.
I'm a non-conformist and so, disagreeing with people is as natural to me as breathing air ... and consequently, so is being alone.
If you wanna please others and get positive feedback, then go ahead and take a different picture in which you are smiling. Problem solved, right ?
What I said about the opinion of this girl not mattering is something I learned from listening to Eckhart Tolle (a spiritual teacher), and have confirmed from 33 years of life experience. Scientists claim that, as a result of our conditioning, through schooling and media and culture, and because the brain is like a gland that constantly "secretes" thoughts, 98% of our thought activity is completely repetitive, unoriginal, and pointless. We then spit these thoughts out as spoken words or actions. It doesn't matter whether you're an adult or child. In fact, a child's thoughts are way fresher or more original than an adult's thoughts, because children aren't as conditioned yet. We are puppets of our conditioning.
Anyway, this girl who responded to your photo was likely just regurgitating the universal rule that one must smile in a photo, along with a little slap to your ego - "you look scary". To me, that means very little, if anything. If I'm satisfied with a picture I posted, then that's the best picture of me that anyone is going to see. Period. If someone doesn't like it, ok, move on to the next person.