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I don't. For some reason, it doesn't hold my attention. It was the same way in school. I could never concentrate on what the teacher said. I'd go home and read the book, hoping it covered what the teacher talked about, which often it didn't 🙄

What is your favorite part of a chicken -- drumstick, breast, wing etc.? And what's your favorite way of having it?
Wings, there was an Asian style that I used to frequently make.

Do you have a favorite soup?
Not a big soup person, but if I have to pick one, good old-fashioned pea soup.

Is there a foreign language you would like to learn?
I've never had rice pudding, but it doesn't sound appetizing to me, to be honest.

Are you a clumsy person (bump into things a lot, drop things, etc)?
Yes, and I hate it. It's another one of those things that makes me feel incompetent/incapable/inferior, that I absolutely hate. Every time it happens it's like another little reminder and I have to consciously try to hold the swears down.

Dropping things, bumping into things, scratching things, getting things cut on sharp edges, problems with storage due to environment, I hate all that.

Every time I bump into something or drop something, like you said, it's like "death by 1,000 cuts".

Is there a movie you've been meaning to see for a long time, or heard was good,
but for some reason or another you haven't gotten around to seeing it yet?
The end monologue of the movie contact (better to see the whole film, though, if you haven't seen it.)

That's beautiful. I saw the movie when it came out but I forgot the ending.

Favorite fruit used to be black plums. Yummy : )

Have you ever had a fish as a pet?
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I haven't, but one of my dreams has always been to have a nice aquarium. It's on my bucket list! lol

If you have one, what is your absolute favourite animal in the world?
Mongoose or a cat

What was the best concert that you went to?
Mongoose or a cat
Didn't know what a mongoose was so I looked it up. They look like meerkats! So cute : )

Best concert I went to? My mom and another woman doing a two-piano concert when I was about 6 years old. I had gotten familiar with the themes from listening to my mom practice, but I'd never heard the full arrangement for the two pianos. When I went to the concert, it was so beautiful to hear all the additional harmonies and whatnot with the second piano. Pure enjoyment : )

Have you ever broken any bones?
I've never had a broken bone or anything. I guess I'm very lucky in that regard 😃

Do you know how to do a handstand?
No, I don't have any tattoos :)

I may have asked this before, I don't remember. Are you a meat eater?
Yes. I was mostly vegetarian for a short period of my life in my twenties. At that time, I had meat one day, every two weeks. I'd treat myself. I try to eat meat sparingly. I decided a while ago, on what I call, 'the scavenger diet,' as the optimal philosophy in modern living, concerning animals.

So, if it's already dead, and would go to waste otherwise, eat that meat; but, otherwise, don't buy any meat yourself: except perhaps if necessary or to be polite (like if you are attending an invite to a BBQ restaurant or something). In this fashion, if you are a guest, and are served meat, or living with, hanging out with meat eaters, you won't offend them, and you'll be sure the animal didn't die in vain, by making the most of the meat, or any left over meat (not letting it spoil). The only time this philosophy wouldn't work, is if you lived somewhere where meat eating was required, like arctic life, or something, where there is no farming, or modern food stores to shop from: where eating meat is absolutely required to survive in the conditions.

I don't really follow the philosophy anymore though; I don't think I ever did completely, really. I mostly just try to eat meat sparingly: most people consume far more meat than is necessary to get their requisite protein intake.

Do you like precious metals, ie: gold and silver?
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