Triple Bogey
Well-known member
ardour said:lostatsea said:See the previous post. Again what is the alternative? Say nothing? Pile on the pity? Agree with you and say you're hopeless?
Our problems are our own. Nobody can fix them except us. Being ungrateful for whatever support we get, no matter how little is selfish and does nothing except make us feel worse and puts off people trying to help us. I've been depressed too. I've felt the loneliness. I've had friends stop trying to help me after I sounded like a broken record again and again. Being lonely can lead to depression which can change how we think, act, talk, and live. Things completely unrelated begin being affected, like what we think about what people say.
I needed to get my head out of my ass. If you think people saying it'll be alright is a lie, then you need to get your head out of yours. People saying anything about the situation isn't going to fix the problem, nor make it worse. Whether it'll be alright is entirely up to you. Get to the basics of it. It'll be alright, or it's not that bad is simply trying to make you feel better. It's trying to give you hope. Which is exactly what you need, when you feel hopeless and are actively trying to do something. Saying this just makes it worse and blaming the person for trying to be nice is another excuse to add on to the self pity. Especially when I know they're trying to support me however they can.
The truth isn't pretty. If you're unable to have any relationship then there's a problem. Maybe you're socially awkward. Maybe you're extremely shy. Maybe you have low self esteem. Whatever the reason may be, it has nothing to do with other people and everything to do with ourselves. People want things to change, and then take no steps to change them. Do what you've always done, and you'll get what you've always got. You'll actually have less than you got, because time waits for no one and you'll be older and still just as alone. If you want to get out of a hole then throw away the shovel.
I know it's not easy. If it was easy, I would have done it already, and I would have never visited this forum. But at the same time, I know a lot of what I do is self defeating. Again I've felt just as you guys have, and I've pushed away people. That's why I'm so passionate about it. It's not fun to be around someone who's moping, a downer, and just killing the fun vibe. Nobody owes us anything. Not a hi, not a hello, not a it'll be alright. People have their own problems to deal with, so the fact they even listen to our problems and have something to say should be appreciated. Stop looking for excuses to feel worse, when people are going out of their way to even acknowledge what we say. Look to the real problem and start trying to take whatever steps you can to fix it.
But there are relationships in your past right, so how can you empathise?
If your'e socially awkward and unattractive it's not as simple as making effort ; you can easily be labeled a creep for showing interest in entirely normal non-threatening ways. (not that the OP looks unattractive by the way)
I've just been gossiped about for sending a friend request to a female co-worker whom I've worked around for 5 months - which I deleted. It's just par for the course I'm afraid.
you should have ignored the gossip and waited to see if the female co worker accepted your friends request. I presume it wasn't her gossiping. Re add it and see what happens. **** what other people think !
other 'normal' people don't understand what we go thru !
The crap I have to listen to !
Last week I got asked 'have you thought about having kids ?' - who with for god's sake ?
I get told to 'join a dating site' or to 'get out there' - all **** because these people don't understand how unattractive I am to women and how difficult it is for me !