Anyone here ever done pick up?

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Hauntyoueveryday said:
Perhaps. But everyone gets lonely.

A rather sad excuse - no matter from which gender it's coming - for a worldview based on theories which only put you in position of victimhood because the other gender is oh so powerful (sounds just like third-wave feminism now, doesn't it?). But no worries, I won't chop off ************ for this. Surprise, everyone has emotions. Some prefer to let them take the wheel and others don't. People just grow up and get less stupid.
Vanilla : Like I said there are no rules, it was a wrong choice of words on my part. But there are behaviors patterns that are very common. It's not that I won't see from the other side: I've been on the other side. I know why everyone who is against this way of this nking is. It breaks what we see the world as. But I suppose the world is whatever we think it is. I've have my thoughts (which are supported) and you have yours.

Rodent: Nope. First off everyone acts upon loneliness. That is apart of human nature and there is nothing wrong with that. Loneliness is not a bad thing either as it can alert you on certain things and teach you self reliance. The name of this board is a lonely life. To say it's victimhood shows your true lack of comprehension of the nuanced thoughts that I am trying to convey. You clearly have no comprehension on how your own mind or the opposite sex's mind works. Tell me, how is your dating life? Is it what you want? You just seem to be coming from a closed mindset. If your way is so right then you would be telling me how you've had success with women without anything.

That is the issue with discussing this topics. Most people are stuck in the matrix and are not willing to let go of their safety blankets. Hey, whatever lies that you tell yourself. It's no skin off my nose.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
Vanilla : Like I said there are no rules, it was a wrong choice of words on my part. But there are behaviors patterns that are very common. It's not that I won't see from the other side: I've been on the other side. I know why everyone who is against this way of this nking is. It breaks what we see the world as. But I suppose the world is whatever we think it is. I've have my thoughts (which are supported) and you have yours.

. . .

That is the issue with discussing this topics. Most people are stuck in the matrix and are not willing to let go of their safety blankets. Hey, whatever lies that you tell yourself. It's no skin off my nose.

Well, you could say the same for how you're thinking as well. What you've posted is your security blanket in how you see it. I'm not against it because it breaks how I see the world. I'm against it because I think it's silly. For no other reason. Because it doesn't make me any difference. It's not something I engage in.

However, could you not say that you don't see things any other way because it'll break the idea in your mind?
VanillaCreme said:
Well, you could say the same for how you're thinking as well. What you've posted is your security blanket in how you see it. I'm not against it because it breaks how I see the world. I'm against it because I think it's silly. For no other reason. Because it doesn't make me any difference. It's not something I engage in.

However, could you not say that you don't see things any other way because it'll break the idea in your mind?

Well the thing is that like I said before I got into pick up (keep in mind that I am not in that community anymore) my thinking was more along the lines of everyone else. I didn't really judge pick up though good or bad. But I was more inclined to see it as "silly."

But now after going through the other end I see that the society tells us a lot of lies. There is a lot of social conditioning in today's world. Pick up is not the answer either. But it started making me question things.

I don't think women will ever truly get what a guy goes through. And I don't think men will ever truly get what a woman goes through. A woman does not even have to think about learning how to pick up someone. But there are plenty of things that women do worry about that men don't.

Knowing what I know now things aren't like what most of the posters have replied in this forum are. Like how there is no free will, how attraction is not a choice, etc. Skafish, expendable, and amale are the only ones who really seem to have a decent understanding of it.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
First off everyone acts upon loneliness. That is apart of human nature and there is nothing wrong with that. Loneliness is not a bad thing either as it can alert you on certain things and teach you self reliance. The name of this board is a lonely life. To say it's victimhood shows your true lack of comprehension of the nuanced thoughts that I am trying to convey. You clearly have no comprehension on how your own mind or the opposite sex's mind works. Tell me, how is your dating life? Is it what you want? You just seem to be coming from a closed mindset. If your way is so right then you would be telling me how you've had success with women without anything.

That is the issue with discussing this topics. Most people are stuck in the matrix and are not willing to let go of their safety blankets. Hey, whatever lies that you tell yourself. It's no skin off my nose.

What I think is wrong is adapting a mindset that rationalizes your self-victimizing behavior with pseudoscientific explanations whose only real purpose is to elevate your own position against another gender, race or any other group. Personally I don't give rat's ass about dating, the few relationships I had weren't formed through tedious rituals and absurd game rules. Right now I'm actually out of the relationships loop as whole and it was conscious decision. I prefer to focus on different things in life but I manage to do so without selling generalizations about genders as fact or telling other people patronizingly that they are unable to be logical. Per definition you could even call me an MGTOW, just without all the misogynistic bile surrounding it.

You say I have no idea how my mind or the opposite gender's mind works, but you claim you do? I look around and it doesn't seem like it to me. I'm sorry, but throwing around red pill terminology like the "Matrix" isn't going to convince me or anyone else either. You aren't part of some enlightened minority. Like VanillaCreme said, yours could be regarded as just another security blanket...just that yours has a different impact on how people look at you. In my experience I understood women and people as a whole better by unprejudiced observation or just by talking to them. No tricks, no mind games, no nonsense. I have found acceptance and respect among the right kind of people (including women) with that mindset, so yeah...I had success.
Rodent said:
What I think is wrong is adapting a mindset that rationalizes your self-victimizing behavior with pseudoscientific explanations whose only real purpose is to elevate your own position against another gender, race or any other group. Personally I don't give rat's ass about dating, the few relationships I had weren't formed through tedious rituals and absurd game rules. Right now I'm actually out of the relationships loop as whole and it was conscious decision. I prefer to focus on different things in life but I manage to do so without selling generalizations about genders as fact or telling other people patronizingly that they are unable to be logical. Per definition you could even call me an MGTOW, just without all the misogynistic bile surrounding it.

You say I have no idea how my mind or the opposite gender's mind works, but you claim you do? I look around and it doesn't seem like it to me. I'm sorry, but throwing around red pill terminology like the "Matrix" isn't going to convince me or anyone else either. You aren't part of some enlightened minority. Like VanillaCreme said, yours could be regarded as just another security blanket...just that yours has a different impact on how people look at you. In my experience I understood women and people as a whole better by unprejudiced observation or just by talking to them. No tricks, no mind games, no nonsense. I have found acceptance and respect among the right kind of people (including women) with that mindset, so yeah...I had success.

You say this is self victimizing behavior yet you are a member to this forum? If you really did believe this then you wouldn't be here right now. And you wouldn't have posted in that thread "are you a loner or lonely." And you said that you are basically apart of mgtow (basically men who have given up on life). So basically what you are saying is b.s.

I have to say that I am not impressed with you homie. You clearly lack the dating life that you want so you tapped out. So what makes you think what you are doing is right?

I have a better understanding of reality and the mind works than you do clearly. From what I've gathered you still believe that the world should be a certain way. I accept things for what they are. And that has improved my life tenfold. When you accept this then things will get better for you.

But a lot of guys don't want to deal with reality. They still think that what they've been told through t.v shows and movies is the way. Read books, that will help you.
Not everyone is here because they don't have relationship.
Haunt, I have to admit, I'm very confused over your stance about the PUA thing.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
You say this is self victimizing behavior yet you are a member to this forum? If you really did believe this then you wouldn't be here right now. And you wouldn't have posted in that thread "are you a loner or lonely." And you said that you are basically apart of mgtow (basically men who have given up on life). So basically what you are saying is b.s.

I have to say that I am not impressed with you homie. You clearly lack the dating life that you want so you tapped out. So what makes you think what you are doing is right?

I have a better understanding of reality and the mind works than you do clearly. From what I've gathered you still believe that the world should be a certain way. I accept things for what they are. And that has improved my life tenfold. When you accept this then things will get better for you.

But a lot of guys don't want to deal with reality. They still think that what they've been told through t.v shows and movies is the way. Read books, that will help you.

Yes, I am a member of this forum for 1.5 years now and I actually changed my ways in this time. But I already came here not because I was romantically lonely, but because of disconnection from people in general. Your kind is one reason to keep my distance. I choose to be and to stay here because this place turned out to be the most balanced. Kept free of misogyny, misandry or over-the-top misanthropy. Every other place is either too edgy or too politically correct. I said you could regard me as MGTOW...literally, just a man going his own way. Cause that's what I do, but I don't need to go around telling how women are cruel and manipulative to everyone and how the game is rigged and all that ********.

You know nothing, Hauntyoueveryday, so don't tell me what you think I want out of life. I didn't dream about hot girls when I was a kid or a teenger. I didn't dream about a wife and a family either after watching happy family movies or romantic TV series...jeezus, I never had interest in that sort of entertainment in the first place. So drop your "wake up sheeple" routine. I told you, you are not enlightened just because sat through a couple of seminars that promoted a version of reality that suits your beliefs.

It's fine if it improved your life, but I still think you are deluded and completely unsympathetic. In the beginning I actually thought you were kinda balanced, but now it sounds like you swallowed these theories whole. That's fine, you'll reap what you saw and so will I.
VanillaCreme said:
Haunt, I have to admit, I'm very confused over your stance about the PUA thing.


PUA is a cult. Like all cults there are good qualities to it. Good: makes you go out and take action, forces you to look at yourself in an honest way, forces you to become more self aware, is a gateway to further and more real self development, you become more self reliant, you get into control of your emotions, you start seeing things for what they really are, you become outcome independent, you are encouraged to not be attached to one woman, makes you different from society, breaks you out of the chains of social conditioning, teaches you to build self confidence, teaches you to become more present, teaches you to become more positive, teaches you to become more fun, makes you hold yourself accountable.

The bad: You seem women as objects rather than just people, you can get brain washed if you listen to the wrong people too much, you can become an approach bot, you can start disliking interactions with women, you get told false expectations and when they don't happen leave you depressed, you are told that if you like one girl that you have a disease, too many cocky fake macho guys, you are told that you must go to bars and clubs in order to meet women, you basically have to become someone you are not and a lot of guys leave the good parts of who they are behind, you focus too much on women and it takes away from your life, there's always a next level, relationships are for whimps (everybody knows that lunch is for whimps!), if you had an issue with a woman, got flaked on, dumped, or didn't pick up a girl it's your fault no matter what.

For me there was too much bad to stick around. I didn't like the people in the community. But it helped me in a lot of ways too and it took me out of the matrix so I can't 100% hate on it either.

Pick up is mainly bad because it's been monetized. These companies have incentive to make sure that you believe that you suck with women so that you can pay thousands of dollars to help.

My biggest issue is that it's made to seem like it's the end all be. But it really isn't.

Now I am trying to figure out what I am going to do about my dating situation. I don't want to go about like I did in the pick up community. But I am 23, single, and not dead.
Okay, so you disagree with the whole PUA thing. That's a step up. So, why do you still have this notion that most women seem to have all the same mindset? Perhaps you don't, I apologize if I'm wrong. It's just that, I'm getting different sides of the fence views from you. And what is this matrix you're talking about? I can honestly say, there are quite a few people who live in a fantasy world. But you can't even tell them that because they believe in it the fairy tale so deeply. They don't want to see that they're pretending to be something or someone they're not because it doesn't fit into what they imagine they are. And instead of striving to actually get there, they continue to produce reasons why and excuses as to why they can't achieve something.

So, are women all the same to you? I'm just asking for clarity. And how many examples would you need in order to break your view if we all are the same to you?
Case said:
Furthermore, in pick-up culture, women are ranked by a 1 to 10 scale. A pick-up artist (PUA) would never ever "neg" any woman below an 8. Negging is only used for the type of woman who has men falling over her and can essentially pick and choose whomever she wants.

The reason this is supposed to work, according to PUA lore, is for the same reason that a billionaire male might seek out a dominatrix. Since the male is always in power situations, actually being a "sub" and ordered around by a dominatrix is often sexually stimulating for the super-powerful. Therefore, if a woman who has every man begging her for sex, the guy who actually disses her and does not act like the others and demands that she give the man respect, automatically shows himself to be different than all the other men she sees, theoretically making her more interested.

It makes sense, but does it actually work though? I remember I was talking to extremely attractive, intelligent women who presumably were always in the power situation and were aware of it. They had sufficient looks that they could have almost anyone they want. I on the other hand felt like I wasn't on their level of power.

One thing that I've seen a lot of is to make sure you disagree with a woman you like, when it is appropriate to do so. To call them out when you differ on something or when they are wrong. I've heard it said that women don't like a "yes" man, and I think I've definitely made that mistake. It was easy to be agreeable with them because we had things in common and because I was willing to overlook the things I disagreed with them about, in favor of the stuff that I liked about them. Calling them out didn't seem worth it.

This makes sense, since it shows that I have a spine and will stick up for myself and my values and not slavishly grovel to these women because nobody likes a groveler. I don't think it's quite the same as "negging", but perhaps it's in the same vein, like asserting yourself and your worth and refusing to compromise yourself and mindlessly going along with whatever she says because she's good-looking.

Hauntyoueveryday said:
TheSkafish: That was a very good post. Really couldn't have said it better myself. I don't think that most people that get into pick up get into it to have a lot of casual sex at first. But companies like RSD basically tell you this: do not try to get a girlfriend, get abundance by having sex with a lot of women, creating a rotation, having multiple girlfriends, not getting attached to one girlfriend, and stuff like that. So with that being pounded into your head that you have to do this and it can happen your mind naturally goes that way. My mind certainly did. I never quite got a rotation. But I was able to have casual sex here or there. It's never quite what you think it is. I remember one month I slept with just about a new girl every week. It was fun for one day. But I didn't feel better about myself. And there are a ton of cocky ******** in pick up that confuse that with confidence. Thing is cockiness has nothing to do with confidence.

I was re watching American Pie two last week. I really wish that I had paid more attention to it when I watched it just starting high school. Michelle said a few good things to Jim when helping him. One thing was that you have to able to go with the flow in any situation in the bedroom. So true. Self doubt kills attraction.

At the end of day taking action is better than taking no action. I have a cousin who hasn't had sex in seven years. He doesn't leave his house at all and never approaches. Would you rather try pick up or be like him?

At the end of the day a good place to start with attracting women is self confidence, being able to be comfortable in any situation, being fun, being positive, being your ideal self, being on your purpose, being in the present moment, reading in between the lines, good body language, good eye contact, good vocal tonality, not putting her on a pedestal, and not giving a **** what she says. That's why the bad boy is so attractive. Unlike the nice guy he is free to do all of that. A lot of bad boys do not have anything going on for them but still get laid. I am not advocating that kind of life because there is more to life than getting laid. But just being a nice guy and having a good job is simply not enough.

Thank you. But given a choice between pick-up or go on single for the rest of my life, I'd rather do neither. I was never really interested in sleeping with a lot of women and having no feelings about it. I just want one special woman to share life with.

I can definitely see how self-doubt in the bedroom would be a problem, but when I was talking about self-doubt though, I was saying it more in general. I meant self-doubt about anything, what job you want to do, what hobbies you want, who you want to be. As a guy, having self-doubt or self-pity just doesn't make us look good. Women don't seem to care much for men who are in an identity crisis. For me because I got along with those women so well I forgot that they were women I was trying to impress, not a therapist to tell all my problems to. Oversharing is a big problem when you are trying to get to know someone. It's like a job interview or an audition. You just don't want to do anything at all that could possibly make you look bad.

But I also agree that being a nice guy and having a good job are not enough. Still I'm not sure what I can do about that though. Growing up I never really had anything to rebel against. My life was pretty good. Rebellion seemed dumb to me and not worth the risk. There isn't an element of danger about me. I can deliver good conversation, common interests, and affection but I've had a hard time when it comes to cheap thrills. This is trouble because while I wanted to be with these interesting, exciting girls, I was not on their level yet. I was just a guy with a business education who isn't good at any hobbies and who doesn't know what he wants to be and spends a lot of time surfing the Internet. So, I have to find another way to be interesting and exciting. I believe it's possible, but I'm not sure yet how I can do it.

A lot of those things you said that a guy needs to do in order to project self-confidence and attraction seem to be physical though. But the only women I've been interested in dating, I've met on the Internet. How do you think I could I convey attractiveness online? I mean, people have gotten into relationships with people they met on the Internet, so there's got to be some way.

Xpendable said:
I think that's the biggest misconception about free will. The lack of free will doesn't mean you don't make your own choices; you do it consciously and in autopilot. What we argue is that all our choices come from somewhere. Every rationalization, thought and decision come from previous experiences, the environment and genetic predisposition. Doesn't matter how unpredictable you think your choices are, you're restrained by all those factors.

I don't know how much of it I'd give to genetic predisposition, but I'd agree with the idea that every choice we make comes from previous experiences and our environment. I still wouldn't say you're restrained though, just influenced. It might be hard but you could always consider choosing to go against what you think you know.

Hauntyoueveryday said:
Like Skafish said, mating is a skill. Not every guy can properly step to a woman. And if you can't do that as a man than you are ******.

Well, not necessarily. I think not being a natural with women starts you at a disadvantage, but I still think the skill can be learned.
Vanilla: Well of course everyone is unique in their own ways. But as humans we are all the same in a lot of ways. Most of the things in life that we think are personal to us have been experienced by everyone. I believe that the majority of women to respond similarly to certain types of behavior. And I do not mean consciously, but subconsciously. There are for women who will not respond to it. But I've found that those women are in the minority and not the majority.

The matrix are the lies that society tells us. Like "just be yourself" (which is true, but not the way it's told). That things will just work out (it's a good mindset to have that things will work out, you have to take action), the right person will show up (yes, but not if you stay inside), etc, etc, etc. I used to believe things like and more. But when I got into pick up and began reading I began to see things for what they really are.

So, of course women are not all the same. But there is a reason why pick up does work: the majority of women respond to the same types of behavior. There are things that anyone will do that will work on enough people.
Thank you. But given a choice between pick-up or go on single for the rest of my life, I'd rather do neither. I was never really interested in sleeping with a lot of women and having no feelings about it. I just want one special woman to share life with.

TheSkaFish said:
I can definitely see how self-doubt in the bedroom would be a problem, but when I was talking about self-doubt though, I was saying it more in general. I meant self-doubt about anything, what job you want to do, what hobbies you want, who you want to be. As a guy, having self-doubt or self-pity just doesn't make us look good. Women don't seem to care much for men who are in an identity crisis. For me because I got along with those women so well I forgot that they were women I was trying to impress, not a therapist to tell all my problems to. Oversharing is a big problem when you are trying to get to know someone. It's like a job interview or an audition. You just don't want to do anything at all that could possibly make you look bad.

But I also agree that being a nice guy and having a good job are not enough. Still I'm not sure what I can do about that though. Growing up I never really had anything to rebel against. My life was pretty good. Rebellion seemed dumb to me and not worth the risk. There isn't an element of danger about me. I can deliver good conversation, common interests, and affection but I've had a hard time when it comes to cheap thrills. This is trouble because while I wanted to be with these interesting, exciting girls, I was not on their level yet. I was just a guy with a business education who isn't good at any hobbies and who doesn't know what he wants to be and spends a lot of time surfing the Internet. So, I have to find another way to be interesting and exciting. I believe it's possible, but I'm not sure yet how I can do it.

A lot of those things you said that a guy needs to do in order to project self-confidence and attraction seem to be physical though. But the only women I've been interested in dating, I've met on the Internet. How do you think I could I convey attractiveness online? I mean, people have gotten into relationships with people they met on the Internet, so there's got to be some way.
I can't say that sleeping with a lot of win isn't fun (it is and I will probably have more casual sex in the future). But I do this in an attempt to find the love of my life (I have not met a woman that made wedding bells).

I get what you are saying and I think what Michelle said in that film covers that perfectly as if yo have self doubt in your real life, how can you erase than in your sex life? Self acceptance and self love is a big thing that a lot of guys need. It's funny that you mention oversharing, I don't think that's self doubt though. That's being too much of an open book which is not attractive.

You got to basically be on your purpose, be positive, be fun, be childlike, have good body language, good vocal tonality, and be confident and with that at the start you can work your way to getting any woman that you want. One thing that I've learned that really sticks home that what really gets someone "under your spell" is if you can bring them back to their childhood. Role play like you are the dad and she is the daughter or she is the mom and you are son (not an obvious role play), ask questions and become her therapist in a sense (Freud's female patients would come on to him all the time because of transference), allow her to relive her childhood. Just don't bring back negative memories. Actual role playing is good too, say things like "when you and I get a divorce" or "when we go to the Bahamas", things like that.

As for conveying attractiveness online, I honestly do not like online dating as I see it being very backwards. But when I've done it what worked well for me is to treat it as if I was texting the girl. And that's a whole different deal.

TheSkaFish said:
Well, not necessarily. I think not being a natural with women starts you at a disadvantage, but I still think the skill can be learned.
I wouldn't call it a disadvantage. While it would be nice to be a natural, the thing about naturals is that they do not know why they are good with women. So when they get dumped they get way, way, way depressed. When you know it's a skill and build on that you know how easy it can be.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
Vanilla: Well of course everyone is unique in their own ways. But as humans we are all the same in a lot of ways. Most of the things in life that we think are personal to us have been experienced by everyone. I believe that the majority of women to respond similarly to certain types of behavior. And I do not mean consciously, but subconsciously. There are for women who will not respond to it. But I've found that those women are in the minority and not the majority.

The matrix are the lies that society tells us. Like "just be yourself" (which is true, but not the way it's told). That things will just work out (it's a good mindset to have that things will work out, you have to take action), the right person will show up (yes, but not if you stay inside), etc, etc, etc. I used to believe things like and more. But when I got into pick up and began reading I began to see things for what they really are.

So, of course women are not all the same. But there is a reason why pick up does work: the majority of women respond to the same types of behavior. There are things that anyone will do that will work on enough people.
Thank you. But given a choice between pick-up or go on single for the rest of my life, I'd rather do neither. I was never really interested in sleeping with a lot of women and having no feelings about it. I just want one special woman to share life with.

So, if "just be yourself" is true, but not in the way it's said, how should it be said?
Vanilla: Be your ideal self. If you tell most guys to be themselves they will continue to do the same things that will make them suck at life. Most people do not realize when someone says be yourself they me to be who you want to be. Also to be authentic.
Ideal self as in pretend slightly? Because ideal isn't reality oftentimes.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
Rodent said:
What I think is wrong is adapting a mindset that rationalizes your self-victimizing behavior with pseudoscientific explanations whose only real purpose is to elevate your own position against another gender, race or any other group. Personally I don't give rat's ass about dating, the few relationships I had weren't formed through tedious rituals and absurd game rules. Right now I'm actually out of the relationships loop as whole and it was conscious decision. I prefer to focus on different things in life but I manage to do so without selling generalizations about genders as fact or telling other people patronizingly that they are unable to be logical. Per definition you could even call me an MGTOW, just without all the misogynistic bile surrounding it.

You say I have no idea how my mind or the opposite gender's mind works, but you claim you do? I look around and it doesn't seem like it to me. I'm sorry, but throwing around red pill terminology like the "Matrix" isn't going to convince me or anyone else either. You aren't part of some enlightened minority. Like VanillaCreme said, yours could be regarded as just another security blanket...just that yours has a different impact on how people look at you. In my experience I understood women and people as a whole better by unprejudiced observation or just by talking to them. No tricks, no mind games, no nonsense. I have found acceptance and respect among the right kind of people (including women) with that mindset, so yeah...I had success.

You say this is self victimizing behavior yet you are a member to this forum? If you really did believe this then you wouldn't be here right now. And you wouldn't have posted in that thread "are you a loner or lonely." And you said that you are basically apart of mgtow (basically men who have given up on life). So basically what you are saying is b.s.

I have to say that I am not impressed with you homie. You clearly lack the dating life that you want so you tapped out. So what makes you think what you are doing is right?

I have a better understanding of reality and the mind works than you do clearly. From what I've gathered you still believe that the world should be a certain way. I accept things for what they are. And that has improved my life tenfold. When you accept this then things will get better for you.

But a lot of guys don't want to deal with reality. They still think that what they've been told through t.v shows and movies is the way. Read books, that will help you.

I actually thought you would have more decency than to start on all these ridiculous assumptions you made in this post. You know nothing about anyone here yet you choose to speak as though you know everything about their lives.

Just wanted to say a few things.

Not everyone who's on this forum is lonely and not everyone on this forum has the same issues you do. Heck, I'm not lonely and I don't care to connect with society or people at this point in my life. I am perfectly content with what I have and yet I still frequent this forum almost every other day.

Also, telling Rodent to read books cos it might help, is like telling him to squeeze blood from a turnip because hey, even a regular member on the forum who's attentive would know he reads more than enough to know what he's talking about. If you're telling other people to read, well many avid readers still have skewed opinions about people and generalise them.

You can believe what you want to believe Hauntyoueveryday. We just try to help each other out here to see what's skewed reality and what's actual reality - just so we can all move on ahead in life without hating on one another and to have some respect for everyone regardless of the gender, regardless of bitter past experiences.

Right now, I'm not clear what you actually want or aim for from this discussion?
Vanilla: You are kinda getting it. By visualizing yourself as who you want to be you start taking those steps to become that person. Then it becomes reality.

Lady: These are not assumptions. Most things that I have said are just behaviors that people tend to share. If you are upset by that then that isn't my problem.

Rodent clearly is out of his field here in this discussion. He just doesn't understand what I am taking about. Which is fine as I have put some nuanced thoughts on the table.

So if you are upset at what I have said then you are upset at reality. Because I am not making any of this up. It's up to you to take the pill or not.
Hauntyoueveryday said:
Vanilla: You are kinda getting it. By visualizing yourself as who you want to be you start taking those steps to become that person. Then it becomes reality.

But it doesn't just become reality. As much as I imagine that I have 100 bucks, I won't have a 100 bucks. It's also a lot easier to said than done to just be something you're really not.
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