@OP - LeanIntoTheMuse
I know a few girls that are really, really into 'shy' guys, and they are quite attractive, and would love to make these shy men very, very happy (yes, in that, and other, ways).
In this way shy people are a desired demographic. They are appreciated - in one of the girl's cases, actively lusted after!
(Personal problem is, they are good 'non-sexual' friends of mine - and not ones *I* want to endanger friend-wise through trying to dating.

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
This is unhelpful, Vanilla.
I would be thankful for any assistance, LeaningIntoTheMuse; Vanilla is honestly trying to help you, as we all are.
grainofrice24 said:
Shy people are quite simply BAD people...
Wow, that seems like a very up-front and serious declaration of the unsuitability of shy people in the modern social world.
Also, you paint an interesting, 'Darwinian' picture for shy people to be discarded from the dating minds of people everywhere.
"Brutal, but very true to life."
(1000 Points if you get the quote!)
Seriously though, shyness is developed, as you say, and in the same way, outgoing strength can also be 'developed'.
You may feel that you have a 'disease' that will crush you for the rest of your life, but that is not true; not if you have the balls to work towards something better.
Just look at cancer and other fatal illness patients.
They fight their life threatening illnesses for years, sometimes decades, carving out a better life for themselves through shear effort and force of will.
You can, and will do the same.
Okonkwo said:
... Keep in mind, however, that being shy is a disadvantage equivalent to having a missing limb or being a registered sex offender in today's world...
I wouldn't put being shy on the same level as a missing limb, but I would agree that it can be very debilitating to the inflicted.
And as far as I know, liquor is one of the only treatments(half-kidding).
Pezza said:
The only way that you could ever be swimming in pussy is if you visited a cat sanctuary after a Tsunami...
SeiToSai said:
Ak5 said:
Shy would be considered "cute" by girls, but not "cute" as in "I'll have sex with you" type of cute.
Not true. I recently met a very shy and incredibly inexperienced guy with asperger's I thought he was adorable and I wanted to be his girlfriend. But he only wanted sex...
I'm sorry that the gentleman in question was only interested in sex.
At least you can be assured that you are lusted after

Also, you have proved that women do appreciate and want to be girlfriends to shy guys!
Thank you, and OP, please take note!
You don't have to public speak in-front of the whole world, just one, single, little, tiny person.
That's it.
A) Approach that guy and comment on his cool shirt.
B) Walk up to that girl, and tell her how nice her hair looks.
Strike out?
Don't strike out?
Do it again, with someone else, sometime else.
After a few times, it'll get old-hat.
You have beaten back the shyness 'disease' a bit!
You have talked to cute people!
YOU ARE THE 1%!!!!!