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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Have you ever arranged to meet another forum member in real life?
I'd open presents and eat turkey because my ideal 'date' is Dec 25th. Oh, is that not what you meant? Silly me. :p

Would you be annoyed if someone ruined your question by giving a facetious answer?
Laugh if it was funny. Frown if not. :p

Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
Hmmm, sorry? I got distracted. :p Well sometimes, I try to be at least.

Do you like gossip?
Great people discuss ideas
Average people discuss things
Small people discuss other people

That's what I think of gossip.

Have you ever been kicked in the rear so hard it hurt your front too?
Yes. Stay away!!!

Do you sing in your car to the songs on the radio? (or would you if no car)
Sort of. I have this book that I use to document things I did that day in order to make my life better in the future, but it's not an actual diary.

Have you ever feigned injury in order to gain a financial advantage?
I think so; I'd like to find out who I was. Psychics freak me out, unfortunately .-.

Have you ever pulled someone's hair out of anger?
Um, I don't think so. More of a female thing, I think.

If money were no object, where would you choose to live?

If you could bring back one tv show not being shown any more which one would it be and why?
That's a hard question.

I loved Scrubs, but it reached it's natural conclusion and I saw the horror that was their attempts to give it a 9th season.

Lost was great, but it 'lost' itself somewhere during season 3 and ended up having one of the most sentimental horseshit endings ever.

Buffy rocked, but it also reached it's natural conclusion and it didn't really have anywhere to go after that - the comic books proved that much.

Most of my favourite programmes actually went on too long. TV is better when it's done for arts sake rather than for financial gain. When TV shows become too popular, they string them out far longer than they actually have content to fill.

I guess I'd probably bring back Don't Trust The ***** In Apartment 23. That probably ended too soon and I kind of enjoyed it.

Longest game answer ever...

Have you ever typed something so long and boring that you actually deleted it rather than posting?

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