Ban the person above you

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I ban 9006 for still not changing avatar on National Change Your Avatar Day*

* Day may be made up
Haha.. I told you Mike, I have a hard time multi-tasking! :p

I ban Edward for.. aww I can't ban Edward, he's been unwell and all that. *hugs*
I ban Lady for not banning Eddy, sup with you!?? Ban him already!!
I'll show you compassion: I ban Lady for the sheer hell of it! Hahahaaaaaaarrrghhhh... ah.
Haha. I ban Mike for not getting on board the good train! So many good stuff here, come on hop on!
I ban Lady for believe her train is better - everyone knows the bad things are best!
Well I can't ban Lady now can I? So I double ban Mike for having bad trains, we already have enough of those thank you.
Bad Eddy for cheating on the game, and being boring about my train.
Sweet? She's just banned me!

I ban Lady for being "too" sweet!

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